The best and the worst ice cream with cold stone

Nobody goes to any institution called a "creamer" expecting to lose weight. (If you do, hook after that because we have to talk.)

But without nutritional info - neither the perspective of scooper in a pint yourself - it can be easy to underestimate the number of calories you really take. By the same token, you do not necessarily need to suffer nobly in the Sorbet section; The cold stone offers a senselessly indulgent ice cream to counteract its food catastrophes. We calculated the two ends of this range in love that! (average size. These are the flavors who go and will not love you:

Eating this!

Ice cream with skinny vanilla, likes that!




11 g

Saturated fat

8 g

Trans fat

0 g


63 g


17 g


12 g

Not that!

Ice cream with chocolate peanut butter, likes it!




45 g

Saturated fat

21 g

Trans fat

0.5 g


58 g


49 g


16 g

With as many calories as an average gabburger with cheese, peanut chocolate butter can crush your caloric goals with a cold stone. Although at the top of the calorie range, this classic scoop has about 20% more calories than the average flavor of cold stone. This means that if you look at your weight, you may want to consider most of the menu a no-ess zone. (Seasonal flavors - such as the Orée Cream and Orange Dreams - are about the same caloric range.) Fortunately, the cold stone offers a variety of lean vanilla, with a quarter of the grease and a third of sugar of his chocolate cousin. If you find that the prospective is a little too bland, you can mix raspberries, strawberries or burning blueberries for only 10 to 15 additional calories.

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Picture:Susan Montgomery /

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