3 Chipotle Healthy Secret Menu Elements

I tried all the best choices on the Chipotle menu? Reflect again!

If you have already ordered ourNutritionist-approved chipotle meal And looking for healthier choices in the fast chain, you're lucky! Chipotle offers a wide variety of fresh and healthy ingredients and also has a policy of whipping all that a customer requests. This means that your meal choices are essentially unlimited. But it is difficult to know what to ask when some of the best (reads: the most healthy) options are not even listed in the menu.

To help you, we share three hidden ways for you to save calories andlosing weight While taking advantage of the delicious food you like. The next time you find Jonesing for some Chipotle, try one of the secret menu items below. These hidden gems are safe to take your healthy Tex-Mex game at the next level.


Here is what happens: Chipotle uses fresh cilantro in theirFamous guacamole, so they always have it on the hand, just ask it. The grass is essentially free of calories and filled with nutrients and flavonoids well for you. A particular flavonoid, quercetin, increases the blood flow and activates a protein in the body that stored torches stored fat and prevent new adipose cells from forming. It can therefore actually help weight loss efforts.

Customize your order: Axis of high layers add-ins such as vinaigrette, sour cream and cheese; Instead, mix the lounted leaves with salsa of tomatoes and black beans for a better meal levy.


Here is what happens: You will not see the quesadillas listed in the adult menu; But as they have all the ingredients, they will make one for you if you ask.

Customize your order: By default, Chipotle will make your meal with a tortilla burrito of 300 calories folded in half. Do not let them do that. Instead, let them ask yours with two 70 calorie corn tortillas. Add to the chicken and vegetables of Fajita to create a meal of 370 calories filled with muscle protein.

Single taco

Here is what happens: Children have always been able to order a single taco at the occasional rapid articulation; But if you ask your waiter for that, they will have no problem whipping one for you too.

Customize your order: A single tortilla of crisp corn filled with steak, black beans and fresh salsa will cost you only 170 calories and 5 grams of fat instead of calories of 540 calories and 15 fat of fouling grease from the artery that you get an order of three. Associate your unique TaCo with an Orange menu (another men's menu "for a healthy and healthy mini-meal.

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