Restaurants are turning to training cinema cinemas during stopping

And they serve food for people in their cars. Engineering!

A new enterprising trend seems to emerge:Closed Restaurants Neighborhood almost at the national level to slaughter the coronavirus epidemic turn their parking lots in training cinemas. And we are here for that.

A number of restaurants in the country began showing movies on big temporary screens so that guests can enjoy the comfort of their own cars. And, what is even better: they can also order food and drinks from establishments that are literally putting a show.

Take for example the owner of the BJ restaurant in Mingus, Texas, who promoted him in a recentFacebook Post:

When the world stops, we have to go back to our roots for entertainment. Here is a favorite of our mobile movie theater. Looking for something to do Friday and Saturday night (March 27th to March 28th)? Go toBj's Restaurant & Bar in Mingus, Texas. We will play the Sandlot at 20:30. We will have a hop waitress car then come on yourself in your car and turn your radio to 90.3 FM to hear the movie and go out. Go to our page and I like and share.

Ajo Al is is a Mexican food chain in Arizona which has also been in the law according toFood and wine in "configuring inflatable screens in the car park of each place and showing the film Pixarcoconut In guests, with all cars parked at six feet away. "Restaurants around the country do the same, but all have not been able to keep it. Take for example V pizza to Cary, North Carolina who announcedFacebook, that they had to close it:

It is with a heavy heart that we inform everyone, who start immediately, we can no longer make the movie screenings in our car park. After many conversations with the two members of the Cary Police Service and the District Counsel, we stop these procedures and that we do not have the necessary resources to try to challenge it.

Depending on the state, the application of local law and public health resources can be taxed and managing a contextual connection film is an unnecessary burden. Another challenge? Customers who order food and drinks need to find a place for, well, relieving. And some car parks are not yet equipped with laptops.

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The restaurant industry absolutely has the crucible as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, as industry experts believe that many small restaurant businesses can not survive. Even national fast food chains are not immune from the coronavirus judgment, as a recent report indicated on how only four national channelsTourning a profit in the first quarter.

Good on these restaurants resolving a number of problems in a very creative way.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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