The best thing to eat # 1 to sleep better

It's time to say goodbye to sleepless nights with these easy ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry.

If you have tried everything to get a good night's rest, but I'm still throwing and turning every night, do not worry - the solution to your lack of eye can be found in the kitchen. Eating before your body uses food as fuel instead of your meager muscle shops, but all midnight snacks are not created equal.

The secret to sleep better is (drum roll, please ...) A choice of popular breakfast: rice cereals with skim milk and a banana. This may seem like a meal for the Am. But you pour a bowl at night has totally different effects. Every part of this meal with three ingredients, presented on our list ofThe 30 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping, plays a role in helping you hit the hay. Here's why.


Skimmed milk

Glass of Milk and Pitcher

The emphasis on the skim. The higher milk in fat will take your body longer to digest and the last thing you want by trying to sleep is that your body works overtime. You really want your body to focus on using tryptophan found in the milk. This amino acid is a precursor of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that can help induce sleep and regulate sleep cycles. It looks like your mother was right to drink milk before bed!


Rice cereal

Who does not like breakfast for dinner? Eating blood glucose blood glucose like rice (or rice cereals), four hours before the bed can not cut the amount of time it takes to fall asleephalf Compared to the consumption of another weak food GI, according to a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. High blood glucose carbohydrates help to increase the relationship between tryptophan allowing your blood by sipping other amino acids to your muscles. With more tryptophan in your brain, your body will get clearer signals that it is time to lie down and go to sleep.

An option for rice cereals is Kellogg rice krispies, which cling to only 130 calories, 0 grams of fat, 29 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of sugar for 1 ¼-cuping. Another option is General Mills Rice Chex, which are 100 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 23 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of sugar per 1-cup portion.




Remember the tryptophane found in skim milk and assisted by rice cereals? It's also in bananas. But the amino acid inducing sleep is not the only way this fruit helps to prepare for the bed. Bananas also contain potassium andmagnesium, which both benefit your sleep cycle by helping muscle relaxation.

In addition to helping you knock out, eat a banana before the bed can also improve the quality of your sleep. A study in theJournal of Research and Medical Sciences I found that older adults suffering from insomnia slept better when they had magnesium in their system. Instead of lying awake, they spent more time sleeping and waking up more easily. Better sleep is only one of the21 amazing things happening to your body when you eat bananas.

So try to save this delicious combo of cereals and bananas to sleep. Maybe you will finally get deep sleep that you dream of.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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