10 ways coronavirus attacks your body parts
From your head to your toes, the virus shocks things

You have heard how coronaviruses can make you feel feverish, short of breath, with a dry cough, for example. But do you know perfectly what it can do to your body? According to the latest research, the highly infectious and potentially fatal virus can wreak havoc in a few surprising ways, providing a potential overview of some of the most mysterious symptoms in patients, including a stroke, blood coagulation and blood coagulation. headache. Read on to discover the 10 parts of the most affected body.
Your brain

The traits, modified consciousness and other neurological problems have all been reported symptoms of people with coronavirus. A study published inJama NeurologyDiscovered that on 214 patients in Wuhan, China with severe cases of coronavirus, neurological symptoms were observed in more than 36%. Unfortunately, experts still do not understand the relationship. However, some believe that this could be due to direct brain infection, result of a reduced oxygen to the brain and other organs, or an inflammatory or immune response to the virus.
Your kidneys

Another research team at the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Center in Germany carried out autopsies on 27 CVIV-19 patients, publishing their findings in a letter from theNew England Journal of Medicine.While they have detected the virus in several organs - including lungs, pharynx, heart, liver and brain, they noted that the virus has really flourished in the kidneys. "More coexisting conditions were associated with the SARS-COV-2 tropics for kidneys, even in patients without historical chronic renal disease," he wrote in the letter, explaining that "renal tropism "May explain some of the mysterious symptoms of kidney injury Covid-19 in patients - even with those who are not seriously ill.
Your lungs

It's not a secret that theThe lungs are at the zero land for COVID-19 infection. The virus is extended by tiny droplets, entering the body through the nose and mouth and still propagated in the airways. In many cases, the lungs suffer from inflammation. These inflammatory cells infiltrate the lung and cause fluid buildup, which causes one of the most common symptoms, shortness of breath.
Your heart

The new coronavirus is famous for causing inflammation throughout the body, including the heart. That's why theCDCwarns that seniors with heart disease are at high risk of infection and serious illness. "Covid-19, like other viral diseases such as influenza, can damage the respiratory system and make it harder the march of your heart," he explains. "For people with heart failure and other serious heart conditions, this can lead to aggravation of CVIV-19 symptoms."
Your liver

The CDC also warns that people with liver disease are higher for COVID-19. "Covid-19 serious disease and drugs used to deal with some serious CVIV-19 consequences can cause liver tensions, particularly for people with underlying liver problems," Explain."People living with serious liver disease can have an weakened immune system, leaving the body less able to fight Covid-19."
Your throat

The CDC has recently added "sore throat" to the list of potential symptoms Covid-19. On aFebruary with the permission of the World Health Organization, out of 55,924 cases confirmed by COVID-19 laboratory in China, about 13.9% have undergone inflammation or infection in the throat region.
Your toes

"The toes of Covid" are one of the most curious coronavirus symptoms. These lesions, found on the toes of children and young adults, could possibly be due to blood clots or blood flow, or a reaction of the immune system.
Your eyes

Conjunctivitis, the pink eye, is another symptom of coronavirus. "Several reports suggest that SARS-COV-2 can cause alight follicular conjunctivitisotherwise indistinguishable other viral causes, and possibly be transmitted by the contact of the aerosol with the conjunctiva, "the American Academy of Ophthalmology recently said in adeclaration.
Your skin

According to expertise, Covid can manifest themselves in the skin. Skin rashes following the virus have been reported, some like small bulbs, morbillriforms ("measles type") exanthemums (symmetrical and red roses that can reach), as well as hives (red redheads on the skin).
Your intestines

Only one report with Jie Zhou's courtesy and colleagues at Hong Kong University published inMedicine of natureFound the virus in the fecal matter of patients, warning that it could be spread by fecal matter. Interested in how the virus could survive and prosper in the intestines, the researchers have developed the version of the laboratory dish of the intestines, the two bats and people - noting that Covid-19 does not just live in the organs he reproduced.
"The human intestinal tract could be a transmission path of SARS-COV-2", reads the report. They presented a proof of 68-year-old stool specimen with the virus.
"Here, we demonstrate an active replication of SARS-COV-2 in human intestinal organoids and the isolation of the infectious virus of the specimen of a patient's stool with COVID-19 diarrhea," they explained.
And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

If you notice it in your kitchen, clean it with a mask and gloves