What you will not see at the farmer's market now

The big changes are held in the farmers markets this season.

The farmer season is on us and you may wonder what types of changes you can expect to see because of coronavirus restrictions. Farmers' markets have been considered essential companies during the pandemic and will continue to operate this year, but with stricter health precautions in place.

Buyers expressedThey are currently feeling safer purchases of farmers' markets than in grocery stores, And there may be some truth about that. Due to their outdoor nature, and the fact that the products of the products exchanged less hands to visit you, farmers' markets can indeed be your best choice for a safe shopping trip. So, go out a sunny day and support your local farmers at a safe distance.

Here are some things you will probably not see the farmers market this season, so prepare accordingly.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest foods delivered directly to your inbox.


Multiple entries

farmers market

You can usually walk to a farmers market of all directions to enter the shopping crowd at any time. But this summer, the entrances to open markets will probably be limited to one entry in an attempt to better control the number of buyers who browse the market at a time. ReadSimilar changes take place in Walmart.


Families Shopping together

families farmers market

Farmers' markets across the country advise buyers present in smaller groups possible and ideally only. If you buy your weekly load of products used to be a fun family activity for you and your loved ones, you may not be able to enjoy the social aspect of farmers' markets this season. However, here are someFun recipes to do with family.


Buyers affecting products

without mask

One of the best rooms on the purchases of a farmers market is an opportunity to choose your own fruits and vegetables based on the touch and smell. However, most farmers' markets have implemented strict contact policies when it comes to producing, and only those authorized to manage these are suppliers (which usually wear gloves). Get ready to content yourself at the head of lettuce or tomato you want remotely. here isHow can you infect others without knowing it.


Shoppers without masks

browsing farmers market

Most farmers markets will become strict with the implementation of mask policies inside the market. Some may even not allow you to enter the premises without facial coating. All suppliers must also wear facial masks. Make sure you areProperly wear your face mask with these tips.


The same person pack your products and acceptance of payment

farmers market paying

Some market vendors divide their staff in stations where a person will handle your products, while another will only manage payments. This is a change that will contribute to the speed and efficiency of the operation, but also prevents cross-contamination of your food. That's someChanges you will see in your local restaurants.


Eat or drink on premises

farmers market samples

You will not see free food samples offered by various sellers this season. In fact, all food and beverage services prepared will be suspended at the moment. You will probably not be allowed to bring food or beverages on the market either. That's someFree popular food samples you can never come back.



farmers market pets

Unfortunately, Fido will have to sit down. Just like the rest of your family, your puppy probably benefits from a beautiful social exit to the farmer market, but this season you will not be allowed to bring it there. here's howKeep your dog healthy for quarantine.


Live music

live music

Sorry, but right now, you should use the local farmers market as an essential service to buy food, rather than an opportunity to socialize. All entertainment, including live music, will be prohibited in farmers' markets this season. Here are some similarChanges take place at state fairs this season.


Public toilets and seating area

seating area

In order to reduce crowds and with them, the potential for infection, farmers' markets will eliminate all communal bathrooms and all bathrooms. It goes hand in hand with the changes that discourage socialization or persistence too long on the market. Here is a list ofPlaces you are most likely to catch coronavirus.


Cash transactions

cash transaction

Although money is usually the preferred method of payment between market providers, many of them will go to a contactless payment via a credit card of telephone applications this season. You will be able to simply analyze your credit card or phone when you are willing to pay. To further discourage navigation and cash transactions, some markets have activated online orders that can be placed in advance. Visit the website of your local market to find out if this option is available and find a list of participating vendors. here isA list of chain restaurants that go without money during the pandemic.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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