5 worst fears that people have about to return to bars

An investigation revealed what people are afraid of most reopened bars - and some may surprise you.

Going to a bar to watch a game, go out with friends or get out a fun evening is, of course, extremely different now than before this year. Pandemic and Covid-19 security changes have rocked therestaurant andgrocery store The worlds, taverns, cocktail lounges and other bars see it too. If you negotiate in transport or delivery of alcohol forDrink at your favorite adYou can share some of the same fears of coming back than others have. We have listed some of the main ones.

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To be in confined spaces.

crowded bar

TheCDC says All restaurants and bars should encourage social distance by limiting the size of entering parties and decreasing the occupation. However, a survey of more than 250 people led bySscience found that people are worried about narrow and confined spaces. To mitigate their concerns, people want bars and restaurants to limit the number of people they allow to use and use outdoor seats more often. Good news is that theseChanges are already in place.

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Drink and relax their own safety and cleanliness.

Group of friends at rooftop party

Even before the pandemic, the CDC suggestsA glass a day for women and two for men. This limits the effects of alcohol on your body and can reduce the risk of what they call "short-term prejudice" as injuries. These can happen because of a more relaxed state because alcohol is asedative. So, if the fears of the bar of your choice include what you can do after a few glasses, you limit yourself is an ideal place to start.

You do not want to drink at all? here is13 best non-alcoholic beers for zero alcohol consumption.


Reduced inhibitions.

sitting in bar

Yet the investigation reveals that people are not just worried about themselves - they are worried about what other people from the bar could do after a few beers, cocktails or wine glasses. Thus, in addition to holding tables and evenings from each other,You will not be able to sit at the bar, where bar stools are close. Another way restaurants and bars can help keep people away from each other? Continue reading below!


To be around people who might not be the social distance.

large group bar

The bar fears that others do not follow the restoration policies and are too close to customers. But bars already attack this - and many places you will only be able tomingle with people with whom you came. Since the CDC saysHuman contact with man is the simplest way for the virus to spread, keeping those close to you, it's a one-hour key to the bar.

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People do not wash their hands.

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Do not expect to get lemon or lime quarters at the bars soon.A study Found 25 different microbial species on lemon slices in a restaurant and a reason for this is due to the number of people touching them.Extrapolated? You're not alone.

Some fears of bars include other clients, barmans and employees do not wash their hands. No need to worry too much because many places have added frequenthand washing to a security listPrecautions Employees must follow.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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