20 places you are most likely to catch Covid

Know your risk of exposure to coronavirus in these hot spots.

Withcase of coronavirus andhospitalizations Hitting recording numbers, many statistics are considering more robust restrictions, but your favorite sushi joint, carbsthop or watering can still be open for business. Some places are more risky than others in potential coronavirus infection, and it is incredibly important to be educated on all aspects of the exhibition. Here are 20 places where you are more likely to catch the coronavirus. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Family events or gatherings

Middle Aged Couple Meeting Friends Around Table In Coffee Shop
"Major events and mass gatherings can contribute to the propagation of COVID-19 in the United States via travelers attending these events and present the virus to new communities", warns theCDC. Examples include conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings and other types of assemblies, "planned not only by organizations and communities, but also by individuals." Moreover. , small family gatherings also cause major propagation. Do not hold them. "You get an asymptomatic and infected person, then suddenly, four or five people in this gathering are infected"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the best infectious doctor of the nation, said. "For me, it's the exact scenario you're going to see on Thanksgiving."

Religious services

Church People Believe Faith Religious Praying

Whether you walked in a mosque, a temple, a sanctuary or a church, most religious services involve a lot of discussions, singing, trembling by hand and even sometimes drink the same cup. And, there are generally high concentrations of people - many seniors in a closed space. In fact, religious services have beenlinkeda number of community epidemics around the world. "More important gatherings (for example, more than 250 people) offer more opportunities for personalized contact to anyone and therefore pose a greater risk of CVIV-19", explains theCDC, who officially issuedadvicefor community and faithful gatherings. Until it is safe to practice religion with your peers in person, your safest option attends a virtual service.


Hair and nail salons

Woman in protective medical mask and manicurist.

When you get your hair, your nails or any other living room service, it is physically impossible for the social distance, making salons a potential hot spot for Covid-19.According toThe Governor of California Gavin Newsom, the first community dissemination of coronavirus in the state started in a nail lounge.


Cruise boats

Cruise ship at the beach on Grand Turk island

As we have all witnessed the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, cruise ships are definitely hot spots for the virus. "CDC recommends that all travelersDate all trips from cruise ships around the world. The recent COVID-19 reports on cruise ships highlight the risk of passenger infection and crew of cruise ships. Like many other viruses, Covid-19 seems to spread more easily between people in close quarters on board ships, "warns of health organization.


The doctor's office / hospital

elderly man sitting at the doctor's office in a hospital with respirator and using his smart phone

Call your health care professional at the minute you think you need a COVID-19 test, but remember the mere fact that sick people visit the doctor and hospital, so your chances of infection with COVID-19 (or any other virus on this subject "are higher in any kind of medical framework.

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Restaurants and bars

Couple having lunch at rustic gourmet restaurant

Other risky places, according toErin S. Bromage, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology at theUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth, are restaurants and bars. While the chances of catching Covid-19 via food of food are thin at none, restoration or drink in an interior space is dangerous because of the airflow. It explains that because of the fact that air droplets can travel more than six feet by the air, depending on where the ca is blowing, where you sit and how long you spend there. You could be a sitting target.


Theaters, sports events, concert halls

People in cinema with protection mask keeping distance away to avoid physical contact

Large groups gathering in small fenced spaces mixed with potentially contaminated surfaces and a lot of eating and drinking, make theaters, sporting events and concert halls you want to stay away from the pandemic, which is not difficult because they are all closed. If you are desperate to go to the cinema, find a training theater near you instead.


Public transport

Woman wearing surgical protective mask pushing the button in a public transportation.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic has started, public transport has been used less and less. Despite preventive agencies, cleaning vessels and requesting riders to wear masks, a number of victims of transit workers have had a number of transit victims. There are several reasons why public transport can be a hot spot for the virus, but the two main problems concern the flow of air in small closed spaces and the fact that it is not possible to disinfect the Contaminated surfaces between riders. If you can, avoid taking public transport at all costs during the pandemic.



white restroom doors

In a viral blog post, bromage reveals that the bathrooms are a hotspot for Covid-19 and not only because of the hypothetical transmission via fecal materials. "The bathrooms have a lot of high tactile surfaces, door handles, faucets, stall doors. The risk of Fomite transfer in this environment can be high," he writes. Then there is the fact that "the rinse of aerosolve toilets of many droplets", he says. It exhorts you to "treat public bathrooms with additional caution (surface and air), until we follow more on the risk" but you must also be careful to use the bathroom during the visit Friendly houses and family.


Your office

people with face masks back at work in office after lockdown, talking

There is a reason why most countries have been working from home for a few months. Small closed spaces filled with many people - probably speaking, laughing and working with common surfaces, such as kitchens and workspaces, are a potential breeding ground for coronavirus. TheCDCFaith exhort workplaces to take into account a variety of factors before inviting workers in. Obviously, if it is an option, you should continue to work from home as long as possible.

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Schools and camps and daycare centers

Boy throwing balls up by using rainbow parachute

Because children are often asymptomatic carriers of coronaviruses, schools and daycares can be risky environments for the spread of the community. "Informations aboutCOVID-19 in childrenIt is somewhat limited, but the information available suggest that children who confirmed Covid-19 generally have light symptoms. It is believed that the person-to-person spreads from or to children, it is believed that respiratory droplets produced when an infected person counted, sneezing or talks. Recent studies indicate that infected persons but do not have symptoms probably play a role in the propagation of COVID-19, "CDCExplain.



Young chinese woman standing in elevator in medical mask. Doors are closing. Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic concept.

A small space attached and poorly ventilated containing several people at a time, with hundreds, or even thousands of people in the daily circulation, is a recipe for the disaster when it comes to germs. But, according to experts, the most risky part of a CVIV-19 elevator is the buttons that are affected by so many different fingers without cleaning between the two. If you touch them, be sure to wash your hands or clean up as soon as possible, but especially before touching your eyes, the nose or mouth, warns theCDC.


Your gymnasium

woman doing lunges at the gym wearing n95 face mask

He should come so zero surprising asGymnasiums are generally germinal. When you take a pile of people, pack them in a small space and add a tough touched equipment bouquet to clean between each use, it makes it incredibly difficult to avoid transmission. If you decide to go back to a common practice context, you should be incredibly diligent on social distance in space and clean up each equipment you use and practicing hands hygiene.


Your grocery store

woman grocery shopping with mask

Although the grocery workers are at high risk of coronavirus infection because of the time they spend in the store, Dr. Bromage argues that buyers are facing a much lower risk. During purchases, be sure to wear a mask to prevent propagation, use a disinfected shopping cart and be sure to practice hand hygiene diligently during and after your shopping trip, making sure you avoid touching your face during the store.



A young woman wearing face mask is traveling on airplane , New normal travel after covid-19 pandemic

Surprisingly, enter a plane is much safer than many other activities. According toCDCDue to air circulation and is filtered on aircraft, most viruses and other germs do not propagate easily. "Although the risk of infection on a plane is low, try to avoid contact with sick passengers, avoid touching your eyes, the nose or mouth with unwashed hands and washing hands often with soap and Water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand disinfectant that contains at least 60% alcohol, "they exhort.


Hotels or rental properties

Opened door of hotel room with key in the lock

The CDC discourages non-essential trips, which includes staying in hotels. "Staying in temporary accommodation (hotels, motels and rental properties) can expose you to the virus via personal contacts to the person and possibly contact with surfaces and contaminated objects," they warned theirwebsite. If you decide to take the risk, they suggest taking the same thingnotYou would do it in other public places - that include avoiding close contact with others, to wash your hands often and wearing a face in cloth covering.




Even go to the campsite can be dangerous, warns theCDC, "If you are in close contact with others or share public facilities in campsites or along the trails."

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Public pools

Close up image of a beautiful female swimmer in a swimming pool getting ready to train.

While there is "no evidence that the virus that causes Covid-19 can be extended to people through water in swimming pools, spas, spas or water play areas,"CDCIt is difficult to maintain social distancing in these kinds of situations. That's why many public and community pools have chosen to stay closed this summer.


The beach

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The beaches began to reopen around the country. However, many people are worried about the risk of infection. Research is always on whether Covid-19 can survive in salty waters. However, theSurfrider FoundationStresses that, while similar coronaviruses can "remain viable and infectious, at least temporarily in natural freshwater environments, including lakes and streams", it is not clear how it responds to the ocean. Your biggest concern at the beach should, however, be social distancing.


Outdoor exercise spots

Active Senior Woman Exercise At Outdoor Gym

The march, the race and the hike are the safest ways to exercise in public, mainly due to the outside and the fact that you are constantly moving. Just make sure to stay six feet from other exercisers. "Although joggers can release more viruses due to deep breathing, remember that the exposure time is also less because of their speed," says Dr. Bromage. "Please maintain physical distance, but the risk of infection in these scenarios is weak."And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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