Restaurants can always do it when an employee gets coronavirus

While catering institutions have a fairly clear reading about the precautions to follow, there is still a gray area.

Bars and restaurants that reopen As long as two months ago two months ago start closing their doors once again as employees test positive for the virus. However, if restaurants must actually get their doors if an employee falls ill is surprisingly difficult.

According toRestaurant BusinessMany restaurants across the United States admit that they lack clear health agencies on what needs to be done when a coronavirus contract staff.The CDC indicates that, in most cases, restaurants and other companies do not need to close entirely when aTests of positive workers for COVID-19.

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On the contrary, what happens if this employee unconsciously spread the virus to some of their colleagues? Then it's only a few days before all the staff tests positive, potentially. Nevertheless, if the establishment must be completely stopped ultimately depends on various factors, say experts.

For example, an expert saidRestaurant Business Whether preventive measures have been taken seriously before the individual positive tests, the rest of the staff, in theory, should be better than those who work in an institution in which the restrictions were applied in a vague way. Why? Because staff would have already maintained their distance from each other and customers.

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"Does it mean that you have to close the entire restaurant? In some cases, perhaps" Dr. Peter Orris, Professor of Environmental Health and Professional Health at the University of Illinois in Chicago and Director of The Institute of Occupational Health Services has told the magazine."But if it's a dishwasher running the dishwasher machine, interacting only with people who give them dishes, it's a situation easier to control."

If an employee has spent about 15 minutes (consecutively) with an infected colleague and was standing or sitting at less than six feet of them, the CDC recommendsThis person should then stay at home And quarantine for 14 days from the last day they were exposed. Restaurants and bars should also make a deep cleaning of the installation after someone test positive. The key is to take action immediately rather than drop it, even if it just means closing store for a day.

"The sooner you act, probably faster, you can go back to normal operation," said OrrisRestaurant Business.

Essentially, whether it is a restaurant or any business for this case-decides to close, it is largely at the discretion of the restaurant. To make sure you stay safe while in restaurants, consider reading7 precautions you need to take when you dine with friends.

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