These two states can delay an indoor dining room indefinitely

Peaks in some states affect restaurants throughout the country.

Two states of the east coast have declined in cases of coronaviruses for a few weeks and are rhythmic to start the next reopening phase. But because the cases aresoar in the southern states and westThis can delay others.

Texas, Florida and California closes recently closing bars after the number of coronavirus cases have hit senior recorded one day.This has the governors of New Jersey and New York worried about having delayed indoor dinner. In fact, we already have.

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In New Jersey, restaurants will not be able to serve customers inside until new review.

"We have seen peaks in other states pushed in part by the return of customers to interior catering establishments, where they sit and without facial coatings for periodically periods of time," says Gov. Murphy. "We do not want to see new Jersey experience a similar point."

For New York, phase 3 of the reopening is as follows. This means that restaurants can open dining rooms with limited capacity. However, Gov. Cuomo said Monday, June 29th that he can delay inner restoration on the basis of what happened in Texas, Florida, California and other states that allowed guests to dine inside restaurants, according toNew York Times.

But it's not just the place inside the state of thinking in terms of reopening, he says. "... you already have problems with people clearly violating social distance and you now have an additional viral propagation factor throughout the nation and a high probability that these people will come to New York. It is this combination of precarious facts . "

Texas has clogged reopening phases and a reduced restoration capacity of 75% to 50%. Florida bars have been closed and can only be used by alcohol. GOV. Newsom Bars closed in seven counties ofCalifornia, including L.A. County After the number of new cases in this county Frappa 2,500.

New Jersey, New York, Texas, Florida and California, are not the only states to put an end to the reopening. North Carolina, Louisiana, and others follow the pursuit. here is7 states where the reopinitions of restaurants have paused or reversed indefinitely.

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