The head of the CDC says that Covid Deaths will fall next week
However, he added that there were even more daily cases than to love.

With the cases of coronavirus lighting a large part of the country, scientists have had their eyes on many figures, but it is distinguished in particular: the mortality rate. The director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, spoke yesterday withDr. Howard BauchnerofAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL About this number - and why he feels that he will finally start going in the right direction after walking weeks.
The mortality rate should fall next week
"You and I will see the cases continue to fall. And then, hopefully this week and next week, you will start to see that the mortality rate is really starting to fall again." he said. "I think we will start seeing a drop in mortality across the country now next week, while we continue to get control of these cases." He added that it takes time for mitigation measures, such as wearing face masks, social distancing and closing of certain places, as has been done in hotspots like Florida, Arizona and the Texas - to show their real impact. "It is important to understand that these interventions will have a gap, that the delay is going to be three to four weeks," said Redfield. "Let's hope this week and next week, you will start to see that the mortality rate really starts to fall." His thoughts arrive at a time when many CVIV-19 patients know lasting symptoms even after the virus has passed - see theseWithout signs that you had coronavirus.
Nearly 175,000 Americans died of Covid-19
A drop in the mortality rate reverse the recent trend. "So far, more than 5.5 million Americans have been infected and at least 174 255 are dead, according to Johns Hopkins University", "ReportsCnn. "The seven-day average of the country for daily deaths overcome 1,000 for at least 24 days in a row." Although Redfield predicts that the number decreases, he added that there were even more cases daily than he would like. "I like seeing us in 10,000 cases and obviously see less jurisdictions and fewer jurisdictions than we consider in the red zone."
The CDC provides for deaths rising in a single colorado state
TheCDChas just released its weekly death forecasts increase. Over the previous weeks, the list has included up to 10 states. This week, she only has one. "The forecast of the national set of this week expects that 4,200 to 10,600 new deaths of COVID-19 will be reported during the week ending September 5 and that 180,000 to 200,000 CIVID-19 total deaths will be reported on that date, "reports the agency. "The forecasts of the entire state and the territory predict that the number of new deaths announced per week can increase over the next four weeks of Colorado and may decline in Arizona, the Northern Mariana Islands, Vermont and Wyoming."
Redfield, for its part, strongly encourages the use of the face mask and avoiding crowds so that the numbers flourish, especially in Central America, which could go anyway.
"Average America right now has remained blocked," he said. "That's why it's so important for Average America to recognize the mitigation we talked about ... It's for Average America too, Nebraskas, Oklahomas."
"We do not need to have a third wave in the Heartland right now," he said. "We have to prevent it."
How can you avoid Covid-19
"We do not have to close the retail business, you do not have to lock," said Redfield. "We really need to wear face coatings when we can not keep the social distance, wash your hands and be smart on the crowds. Perfect obvious overcrowding that occurs in bars and interior restaurants, and we can Get this epidemic under control. " And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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