McDonald's is in partnership with this Celeb to reach new Fast Food fans

The rapper has several successful Uber brands under his belt.

McDonald's plans to plan a big star star marketing push according toInternal business communityAnd they have just announced their first CEEP collaboration.

According to a memo from the American Chief Marketing Officer of Morgan Flatley,Travis Scott signed an agreement with the Fast Food icon for coming collaboration, whose details are still under the wraps.

Not only is Scott is a huge fan of McDonald's, but the channel emphasized the status of rapper as a cultural icon that can help the brand to reach a new audience. "It's impossible to get Nike Sneaker Line, a cereal collaboration with general factories that were sold in 30 seconds, a series of virtual concerts inside Fortnite, Travis Scott is the definition of great in cultivation ", Flatley wrote in the memo obtained by the Business Initiate.

McDonald's has taken recent steps towards a new marketing strategy. Flatley has beencited as saying The objective of society is to reconnect with their multicultural and African-American consumers and will take steps to do so. They also increased their social media game, adopting a Wittier voice with more personality on Twitter.

While we do not yet know what about the collaboration with Travis Scott, the rumors turn about itbe a line of clothes. So stay tuned for more updates!

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Categories: Restaurants
Tags: McDonald's / News
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