This McDonald hack will save you money on McNuggets

In addition, it's even the healthier option!

Naturally, you would think that ordering a bulk product would mean a reduced cost per article. Places likeCostco The pride of offering bulk items at a reduced rate. However, if you closely look at some of your favorite menu items - likeMcDonalds McNuggets - You will not find that this is the case. In fact, if you order the room smaller, it will make you make money! Here is our McNuggets hacking.

First, take a look at the prices. The prices of each element may vary depending on your location. However, when looking for prices in the Greater New York area, we have made fast mathematics to determine what the nugget cost would be by each package you would order.Wyrk News Recently made a similar calculation, so we decided to try it ourselves. This is the hacking of McNuggets that you have always wanted!

  • 4 pieces McNuggets: $ 2.09 (approximately $ 0.52 per nugget)
  • 6 pieces McNuggets: $ 3.89 (approximately $ 0.65 per nugget)
  • 10 pieces MGNUGGETS: $ 6.19 (about $ 0.62 per nugget)

That's right! If you buy a 10-room MCNUGGET, it will actually cost you more money by nugget, then it would be necessary to buy a simple 4 pieces. So, if you even purchase three 4 pieces McNuggets (to make a total of 12 nuggets), it would cost you only $ 0.08 more than one room.

Are not McNuggets unhealthy?

Although it is not wise to eat fast food on the regular, surprising, McNuggets is not so bad when you compare them to the nutritional value of other McDonald items on the menu.

Let's take a look at the 4 piece McNugget because it is clear that it is the best bang-for-your-buck option. According toMcDonald Nutrition CalculatorA 4-piece McNugget is only 170 calories, 10 grams of fat (1.5 saturated grams), 10 grams of carbohydrates, 9 grams of protein and get this, zero gram of sugar. This does not include any added saucer

The nutrition of a McNugget seems very different from the McCHicken sandwich, which has 400 calories, 21 grams of fat (3.5 saturated grams), 39 grams of carbohydrates, 14 grams of protein and 5 grams of sugar.

Now we all know that a 4-room McNugget is not a whole lot in terms of meals. Nevertheless, because we did the mathematics and that we know that a 4-room McNugget is the best deal, why not double it? This would make a meal of 8 pieces McNugget and will always be the healthier option than that of McCHicken. This would be equivalent to 340 calories, 20 grams of fat (3 saturated grams), 20 grams of carbohydrates, 18 grams of protein (more than the mcchicken!), And again, zero grams of sugar.

So, if you are mood for a cheating meal and if you want a fried chicken meal at McDonald's, commander two McNuggets 4 pieces is not just the best deal on themenu But also a healthier meal to that. And of course, if you even need more to complete, we have someHealthy fast food controls you can try.

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