7 things without a mistrust you touch in a restaurant that can transmit coronavirus

The CDC has new guidelines on food security. Here are some items you should be careful.

The disease control centers confirmed in aSet of updated directives It is very unlikely to contract Covid-19 through the food, but during the restoration, there are other potential hazards to consider.

The updated advisory, published on June 19, entitled "Food and Coronavirus Sickness 2019 (COVID-19)" and serves largely to demystify extensive concerns about the risk of contracting the potentially fatal virus of food. "Currently, no cases of COVID-19 has been identified when the infection has been deemed to affect food, food packaging or shopping bags",STATES CDC as a key and a takeaway workshop. "Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the manipulation of food or food consumption is associated with COVID-19."

Guiding linesto do Note, however, that the propagation of COVID-19 spreads mainlyperson Through respiratory droplets when someone touches, sneezes or talking. The CDC continues to warn that "it is possible that a person can obtain Covid-19 by touching a surface or an object, including food orFood packaging, it has the virus on it and then touch his own mouth, their nose or possibly their eyes. So, if someone is sick, it is imperative to clean up regularly and disinfect "to the height" surfaces.

At home, you can closely monitor a household member who can be sick and disinfect everything and all they may have affected. But, in a public place like a restaurant, it is almost impossible to know who touched what. Therefore, likeThe catering establishments near you continue to reopenHere are some surprising "touching" surroundings in a restaurant that you may want to avoid touching (or at least,disinfect your hands After entering into contact). And, to keep you informed, make sureSubscribe to our newsletter For the News News Coronavirus Food and Restaurant News.


Your chair

Worker standing next to bar of closed restaurant

Food security experts advise prudence when you touch the most common element in a restoration facility: your seat. Take, for example, Benjamin Chapman, Professor at the State University of North Carolina, whoSaid MarketWatchIt just touches a chair that was not properly disinfected could get someone to get coronavirus. (In touch:7 precautions you need to take when you dine with friends.)



Salt shaker

Yes, salty shakers, pepper mills and virtually any kind of shared condiment bottle that can sit in the middle of your favorite burger seal table can potentially propagate CVID-19. If the person who touched this article before being ill and that the article in question was not properly disinfected? Well, you risk contracting coronavirus from this pedestrian action of seasoning your meal. That is whyRestaurants take good steps reduce the risks when they reopen.


Shared utensils

"If someone was sick and entered a store and coughing on self-serve buffet utensil handles and you then touched your face, you could have coronavirus," said Professor Chapman in Marketwatch. If you need more convincing in the way germs can spread in a buffet, thenWatch this terrifying video. Bottom Line: buffets should not be in service for the moment, but even, beware of any shared utensils.



Counters and tables, of course, must be regularly disinfected. The restaurants have long eliminated tables and countertops between seats, but at the age of coronavirus, the cleaning solution must be of a much more powerful and germinous killer variety, suggests the CDC. For reference, here isHow long does the Covid-19 contagion can live on a variety of surfaces.



fingers under hot water out of a faucet of a sink

Public bathrooms can be a real cesspool of all kinds of germs, especially with the threat of Covid-19, largely due to the dangers presented by the aerosolized nature of this particular virus. That's why you should be particularly careful in how you wash your hands in the toilet of a restaurant. Or better yet, do your best to avoid using the toilet until you are back home. (In touch:The worst thing you do in restaurants that exist to other guests.)



Asian female right hand is turning on or off on grey light switch

A light switch is the very definition of a "high touch" surface. Even if you haveonly You have washed your hands in the restaurant toilets, it may be wise as you leave the light on the next user instead of doing so. (In touch:Expect these major changes in restaurants in the coming days.)


Handle handle

hand opening the public doorknob with tissue paper

The door and door handles are absolutely frequently affected from the surfaces of many people in a restaurant. If possible, wait until the host or server opens the door for you or spray the disinfecting on your hands after touching the door handle or the button. For more, discover These popular restaurants have been linked to coronavirus epidemics .

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