COVID can survive for 28 days on these surfaces: study

Coronavirus can survive on some surfaces longer than expected.

If you take coronaviruses seriously, chances are concerned about getting it things that you touch them-iphones, door handles, automatic window buttons - with your hand disinfectant bottle or soap bar. This is smart. "The Virus responsible for Covid-19 can remain infectious on surfaces such as banknotes, telephone screens and stainless steel for 28 days,researchersSay now, "reports the BBC." The conclusions of the National Australian National Science Agency suggest that SARS-COV-2 can survive for much longer than thought. "Read it and to ensure your health and health of others, do not lack theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

What areas can Covid transport on them for 28 days?

"Australian polymer banknotes, banknoted paper banknotes and common surfaces including brushed stainless steel, glass, vinyl and cotton fabric were used as substrates in this study," report the authors. "Polymer and paper tickets were included in the study to gather information on the possible roles of the currency based on the rating generally for the transmission potential of the Fomite. Stainless steel is used in Kitchen areas and public facilities and is the substrate used in some disinfectant tests. Standards. The glass has been chosen due to its prevalence in public spaces, including hospital waiting rooms, windows of public transport and commercial centers and high contact surfaces such as mobile telephony screens, ATMs and check-service machines. Vinyl is a common substrate. Used in social settings, tables, coverings of Soil, transit handles for public transport, as well as the protector material of the mobile phone screen. The cotton has been chosen as a porous substrate, often found in the S clothing, bedding and household fabrics. "

In the end, the proof was itself: "at 20 ° C, the Infectious SARS-COV-2 virus was always detectable after 28 days after inoculation, for all non-porous surfaces tested (glass, polymer Note , Stainless steel, vinyl and paper Notes). "

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Could my phone have Covid?

In a word: yes. In addition to words: it's very possible. "Persistence on glass is an important discovery, since tactile devices such as mobile phones, ATMs of bank, supermarket self-care controls and recording kiosks at the airport are High tactile surfaces that may not be cleaned regularly and therefore pose a risk of transmission of SARS-COV-2, "report the authors. "It has been shown that mobile phones can accommodate pathogens responsible for nosocomial transmission and unlike hands, are not cleaned regularly."

Just a capture on the data: "The experience was conducted in the dark. UV light has already been shown to kill the virus, "reports the BBC. "Some experts also cast doubt on the actual threat posed by surface transmission in real life."

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What does the CDC on COVID broadcast on surfaces?

"Covid-19 is less generally spreading with contaminated surfaces", explains theCDC, comparing it to airborne transmission or presonne to anyone.

  • Respiratory droplets can also land on surfaces and objects. It is possible that a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or an object that has the virus on it, then touching his own mouth, their nose or eyes.
  • Spreading touching surfaces is not considered a common way that Covid-19 propagates

As for yourself, do not attempt destiny: to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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