A shocking number of restaurants closed this fall, new investigation reports

Ten thousand other restaurants are closed across the country in the last three months.

Ten thousand other restaurants are closed across the country in the last three months, according to a new survey conducted by the National Restaurant Association. In total, more than 17% of all American restaurants are now closed permanently or temporarily, more than 110,000 companies.

The dark figures have been included in a letter exhorting a Congress to adopt a new Coronavirus Relief package as a reel of the restaurant industry. Sean Kennedy, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs at the National Restaurant Association,Warned in a letter to Congress leadership That more than 500,000 restaurants face an uncertain future in the midst of "an economic free fall".

"And for every month that passes without solution of the congress, thousands of other restaurants will close their doors for good," wrote Kennedy. (In touch:McDonald's makes these 8 major upgrades.)

The association has gathered restaurant closure data by monitoring 6,000 operators and data revealed that 87% of full-service restaurants had a medium drop in revenue by 36%. This decline decline has generated widespread bankruptcies and closures.

Most companies expected that sales are "even worse" over the next three months. Thirty-seven percent said it was unlikely that they would always be in business six months from now without additional federal relief, while 36% said they were considering temporarily closing operations until the End of the pandemic.

The vast majority of newly closed restaurants were long-standing luminaires in their communities, which were on average 16 years. No restaurant model has been left unscathed: the list included all independent restaurants for fast food chains and franchises.

Here is some of theMost of the emblematic restaurants that have closed in each state, plus a list ofFast food chains that have deposited bankruptcy this year. do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletter To get the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly to your inbox.

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