This popular burger channel opens 35 new places this year

The high-end high-end BURGERFI brand plans a large expansion in 2021.

For the majorityRestaurant chains 2020 was an abyssant year, but not for the high-end fast food chainBURGERFI. The brand has seen a major increase in delivery sales and has been able to close the year with a small income boost, according to the preliminary of society.Fourth quarter results released this week.

"While this year was difficult for the entire restaurant industry, it was a huge year of growth for Burgerfi because they have become public," said the Executive Chairman of Burgerfi, Ophir Sternberg in adeclaration. (In touch:McDonald's makes these 8 major upgrades.)

The brand, which opened itsfirst location 10 years ago, he invested heavily in digital platforms and strengthened their delivery capabilities by performing third-party delivery services. The restaurant has partnerships with GrubHub, Doordash, Pyports, Uber Eats and even uses its own app to coordinate food deliveries withThird party delivery drivers, thus giving them means of the myriad to effectively execute remote controls.

Strengthen their wave of success and recent transition to a company exchanged burgrics, the best Burger Burger concept now plans to open between 30 and 35 operational restaurants and exploited by franchise in 2021 and 40 to 45 locations in 2022, according to thereport. This is a significant increase in the chain that currently has 125 locations in the United States and abroad.

The company currently has locations from top to bottom of the east coast, many in the Midwest and Texas, and a location as far as Arizona. In a few weeks, they plan to add a Las Vegas restaurant as part of theirexpansion.

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