This beloved Fast Food Channel launches a fleet of food trucks

It brings its most popular menu items in more communities.

National restaurant reports have clearly indicated: the tasks that have returned the best during theCOVID-19 [Feminine The pandemic is the ones that could offerDrive-thru service. Chick-wire has been a starfast food chain With regard to its activity of Drive-Thru, and now, the beloved chicken stitch takes this commitment even further.

Chick-a deploys a fleet of food trucks to bring its most popular menu items in more communities, according toA local information station in Wane, Indiana. Some franchise operators with Chick-Thin-has locations in the commercial center restoration courts, which were particularly Hit-Hit-are serving new food trucks outside to facilitate the task of the customers to "eat Mor ChiKin "without heading inside.

RELATED:7 new fast food chicken sandwiches Everyone speaks

A spokesman for the company told IndianaWashington Times Herald Whether the Mobile Chick-Fil-A service is also an adventurous path for the company to test new markets and take the temperature of potential customers in areas where Pick-wire locations do not already exist. The trucks made the towers of more than 30 cities of Indiana and Kentucky ... and with the rain and cold hovering above the midwest this week, it seems that crowds are not too much chicken for L 'wait for gray time.

In fact, earliest this week, Washington customers, Indiana were waiting for one of the food trucks for more than an hour and said that their chick-wire lunch was worthwhile to wait, according to theHerald times.

If you are in Indiana and Kentucky, there are two things to know before pursuing hunting for the nearest food trolley. The mobile service menu is limited to items that are the biggest demand, including regular and spicy chicken sandwiches,nuggets, fries of waffles and signature sauces. But, there is a chick-wire sauce-a sauce you may want to think twice before ordering, because it's our list ofThe worst fast food sauces.

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