This McDonald article sells for $ 500 on eBay

If you bought a good meal this year, you could be in possession of a valuable collectible.

If you had the chance to hang some of these communitiesPokemon cards as part of the lastMecdonald Merry MealsYou could sit on a pile of money.

As soon as the Pokémon Collaboration has been launched in February, professional collectors and scalpers have come down onMcDonalds Restaurants to pick them up - causingShortages of new toys just a day later. Soon, the reminder cards and even individual cards started to resale on eBay, and some were sold at hundreds of dollars.

Since toys have a limited managed at McDonald's, Pokémon fanatics are willing to discover serious money for toys that are normally offered for free with a good meal. According to reports, only one Pikachu card from one McDonaldRecently sold for $ 500 on eBay, while integer cases of these cards can be purchasedFor more than $ 1,000.

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Some have blamed the toys too quickly exhausted on individual McDonald locations that were willing to sell them without happy meals, charged them as side objects. This allowed buyers to clean McDonald restaurants from these coveted collection objects without having to manage a hundred peskyHappy meal burgers.

McDonald's finally released a statement on the issue, asking their restaurants to define limits on happy meal purchases.

"We like to see the passion of fans for our limited time meal promotion celebrating 25 years of Pokémon," said the company in a statement. "With such a significant demand for our promotional Pokémon Pokémon cards, and see some fans go to extreme lengths to get them, we work quickly to fight the shortages and also encourage restaurants to define a reasonable limit on happy meals sold by customer. "

WhileGamer Predicts the prices of these Pokémon cards on eBay will eventually fall as the perceived shortage disappears, some of the rare items will certainly keep their monetary value. Here are some examples of7 happy toys of McDonald's Happy Toys worth today.

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