The best and worst energy bars

This will make you think twice by grabbing a random bar at the grocery checkout.

By choosing abar At the grocery store, it would be logical to look at the amount of protein because that's what will give you this energy to cross your day. There is usually just there on the front of the packaging, so it is not difficult to find and it is certainly a crucial factor. But some energy bars could hide massivequantities of sugar behind their high number of proteins. So, it's important to know the grams of sugar in each bar, before choosing this snack bar at Pick-Me-Up.

How we ranked the energy bars

We used a simple system to classify energy bars. Looking at thesugar Content in grams per bar, we have classified the bars with the most sugar the worst and the bars with the least amount of sugar the best. For those who had the same amount of sugar per serving, which only occurred twice, we compared the added sugar into grams and the bar with moreadded sugar Per servant is listed as the worst bar compared to the bar with less added sugar. So, with this list, the sugar content will no longer be hidden behind a lot ofprotein.

Here are the best and the worst energy bars purchased in store.

First, the best energy bars

RXBAR, chocolate sea salt

rx bar chocolate sea salt graded

By 1 bar: 210 calories, 9 g of grease (2 g of saturated grease), 240 mg of sodium, 24 g carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 12 g protein

Known to have only a few realIngredientsThe Rxbar wears with it a good amount of sugar inside its envelope. At 13 grams of sugar, the bar actually contains more sugar than the protein. It's not because you can recognize the ingredients, it does not mean it's healthy.

Bar Luna, Coconut Chocolate Diving

Luna Bar chocolate coconut graded

By 1 bar: 200 calories, 7 g of grease (4 g of saturated grease), 170 mg of sodium, 26 g carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 9 g sugar), 8 g protein

Bar Luna has only 9 grams of sugar, making it one of thelower sugar Options for energy bars. Although compaining some other bars of the list, it has fewer protein, with 8 grams, it's a good good option to cross your day.

Protein Energy Bar Crunch Power Crunch, Triple Chocolate

power crunch protein bar graded

By 1 bar: 220 calories, 13 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 100 mg sodium, 11 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, sugar of 5 g), 13 g protein

With significantly less sugar and more protein than most other energy bar options, the power bar of Crunch power proteins is in the first three for a reason. In its triple chocolate flavor, it contains only 5 grams of sugar, while having 13 grams of protein per bar.

Friendly energy bar, dark chocolate nuts and sea salt

Kind energy bar dark chocolate graded

By 1 bar: 180 calories, 15 g of fat (3 g saturated grease), 140 mg of sodium, 16 g of carbohydrates (7 g of fiber, 5 g of sugar), 6 g protein

The kind energy bar is not just the lowest energy bar in this list incalories, with only 180 per bar, it is also the second lowest sugar with 5 grams. Although he had the same number of sugar in the grams as the power crunch protein energy bar, she had only 4 grams of added sugar than 5 grams in the power barrel bar.

Quest bar, chocolate chip cookie paste

Quest chocolate chip cookie dough bar graded

By 1 bar: 200 calories, 9 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 200 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates (14 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 21 g protein

Among all the energy bars, the chocolate chip cookie feed bar has the lowest quantity of sugar, with a single gram per bar, which is the best on our list. It also contains the largest protein with 21 grams, so there is no reason not to go with thisenergy Bar for you annoying any difficulty.

And now, the worst energy bars

Stitched bar real energy bar, ah, fudge!

picky energy bars graded

By 1 bar: 190 calories, 8 g of fat (2 g saturated grease), 100 mg of sodium, 24 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 7 g protein

With the same amount of sugar as the RXBAR bar, the actual energy bar of the actual bar has more sugar with 5 grams, which makes it worse. So even if the calories are weak on it, thesugar countAnd added the sugar is what to pay attention.

Larabar gluten free energy bar, peanut chocolate chip

Larabar peanut butter chocolate graded

By 1 bar: 210 calories, 12 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 65 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 17 g of sugar), 5 g protein

The larabar not only 17 grams of sugar but does not even contain a lot of protein with 5 grams per bar, then choosing it asrenewed energy is definitely not the best option. It also has a lot of fat with 12 grams, which also adds.

CLIF bar bar, chocolate chip

Clif bar chocolate chip graded

By 1 bar: 250 calories, 5 g of grease (1.5 g of saturated grease), 140 mg of sodium, 45 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 21 g sugar), 9 g protein

The CLIF bars are heavy, so it is not surprising that they contain 21 grams of sugar. Compared to other bars, they seem to be almost double in size, so that they are not the ideal choice with regard to energy bars. They could fill you temporarily, but they will probably not give you what you need.

PowerBar Performance Energy Bar, Peanut Butter

Powerbar performance energy graded

By 1 bar: 230 calories, 4 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease), 200 mg of sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 26 g), 10 g of protein

With 26 grams of sugar, the power bar PowerBar Performance, is absolutely responsible forunnecessary sugar. The name definitely seems to appear as if all this with power,performanceAnd Energy All name, but this bar is definitely worth sugar for only 10 grams of protein.

Energy Bar of Fuel Sports Gatorade Prime, Chocolate Chip

Gatorade fuel bar graded

By 1 bar: 350 calories, 13 g of grease (10 g of saturated grease), 160 mg sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 29 g of sugar), 20 g protein

The worst energy bar in our list is the energy bar of fuel sports gatorade premium. With 29 grams of sugar, it's certainly not a healthy way to get your protein. In addition to the amount of tas sugar, this bar also contains 350 calories, which exceeds 100 calories of more than 100 calories.McDonalds French Fries.

Categories: Groceries
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