CDC says now that you can catch Covid this way

It can hang in the air, says the CDC. For hours.

Disease control and prevention centers (CDC) comes fromupdateIt takes on the transmission ofCOVID-19 [Feminine "To reflect current knowledge on SARS-COV-2 transmission. SARS-COV-2 transmission modes are now classified as inhalation of viruses, virus deposition on exposed mucous membranes and touching mucous membranes with contaminated soiled hands. the virus." What does this mean in clear English? Read 7 takeaway tasks on new CDC guidelines that can save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSign that you had Covid and you did not know it.


This is the main way people get COVID, the CDC says

Waiter coughing into elbow while serving customers in a restaurant.

"The main mode by which people are infected with SARS-COV-2 (the Virus Cause Covid-19) is exposure to respiratory fluids with an infectious virus," says the CDC. So, how could it happen? "The exhibition occurs in three main ways", say, "(1) inhalation of very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles, (2) deposition of respiratory droplets and particles on the mucous membranes exposed in the mouth, The nose or eye by direct splashing and spraying and (3) touching mucous membranes with hands that have been steered directly by respiratory fluids containing a virus or indirectly by touching surfaces with a virus. "Keep reading for See where the virus can get you.


The virus escapes from someone else and can stay hanging in the air for hours

Coffee Shop Bar Counter

"People release respiratory fluids when expiring (for example, silent, speaking, singing, exercise, coughing, sneezing) in the form of droplets on a spectrum of sizes. These droplets wear a virus and transmit an infection", declares the CDC. "The biggest droplets quickly deposit air, in minutes a few minutes away. The smallest very thin droplets and aerosol particles formed when these fine droplets dry quickly, are small enough that they can remain in suspension. in the air for minutes. "


You can get inhaled Covid

coworking space,office kitchen, business people, young people, latin people,

"Inhalation of air carrying very small fine droplets and aerosol particles containing an infectious virus. The risk of transmission is more important in three to six feet from an infectious source where the concentration of these droplets and very particles very Fine is the largest, "says the CDC.


You can get Covid splashing

Woman sneezing.

"Deposit of viruses transported in droplets and exhaled particles on exposed mucous membranes (ie" splashes and spray ", such as cough coughing). The risk of transmission is also closer to the source Infectious where the concentration of these droplets and exhaleted particles is the largest, "says the CDC.


You can get Covid by pressing

Close-up of consumer's women hand signing on a touch screen of credit card sale transaction receipt machine at supper market

"Touching mucous membranes with tiled hands with exhaled respiratory fluids containing virus or touching inanimate surfaces contaminated with the virus", explains the CDC.

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The virus can be removed from more than six feet

frustrated and stressed businessman sitting at the office front a computer and holding head

"With a growing distance from the source, the role of inhalation is also increasing," says the CDC. "Although inhalation infections at distances greater than six feet from an infectious source are less likely than closer distances, the phenomenon has been documented several times in certain preventable circumstances. These transmission events involved the presence of an infectious person exhaling the virus inside for prolonged time (more than 15 minutes and at times of hours) leading to virus concentrations in sufficient airspace to transmit infections to persons more 6 meters away, and in some cases to people who have crossed this space shortly after the left infectious person. The published reports, factors that increase the risk of SARS-COV-2 infection in these circumstances include:

  • Closed spaces with inadequate ventilation or air handling in which the concentration of exhaled respiratory fluids, in particular very fine droplets and aerosol particles, can accumulate in the airspace.
  • Increased disposal of respiratory fluids If the infectious person is engaged in physical effort or raises voice (for example, exercising, screaming, singing).
  • Prolonged exposure to these conditions, usually more than 15 minutes. "


How to stay safe considering this new news

Young man wearing two face masks.

"Although we understand the transmission occurs, the means to prevent infection with this virus do not,", declares the CDC. "All preventive measures that CDC recommends to remain effective for these forms of transmission." Follow the fundamental principles of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live. vaccinated As soon as possible, wear a facial mask perfectly suits and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid big crowds, practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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