It's US capital that still does not have McDonald's

The absence became the appeal card of the state.

WithMore than 39,000 restaurants in 100 countries, McDonald's is one of the largest fast food franchises in the world. It is also one of the busiest.68 million people a day-About 1% of the world's population. You could say that Mickey D is the unofficial cafeteria of the world. So, how is it possible that there is still a capital of American state that does not have a single restaurant McDonald's?

The channel currently operates restaurants in every US state capitalExcept in Montpellier, VT., which is incredible when we think about it. This means that you can get a big Mac as far as Honolulu - evenJune. But if you are looking for gold arcades in the Capital of the Green Mountain State, you will need to continue on the trucking.

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Do not deceive yourself: McDonald's is doing business in Vermont. From 2016, the franchise had 30 Vermont rentals - not the strongest presence, but at least better than the North Dakota, whichAt only 29 years old. So, what could McDonald's absence of Montpelier-culturally and politically explained one of Vermont's most visible cities? Vermons onReddit have their theories. Some believe that it comes from the fact that there is already a McDonald's in the neighboring town town. Another speculated that Montpelier is simply striving to boast rights.

McDonald's tried to set up a shop in Montpelier before. In 1996, an owner of Montpelier, Jeff Jacobs, requested a license to convert a building from the historic bank to a McDonald restaurant. The request of Jacobs has been refused, on the grounds that a McDonald's is at the proposed location (a busy intersection) would create traffic problems. Jacobs called the decision to the Supreme Court of Vermont andinitiated a trial of $ 8 million, but no cases did it in court.

Jacobs's story is in line with bigger trends in Montpellier. AsInternal business community Notted in an article in 2017 on the subject, Montpelier is better disposed to local businesses than in large national channels. The absence of the Fast Food Giant of the Capital is, in some respects, without surprise. One case to the next: the largest number of competitors of McDonald - Burger King andWendy's-The restaurants in Montpelier.

In the end, being the only state without McDonald's in its capital remains one of Vermont's call cards. Bernie Sanders, one of Vermont's most famous residents, certainly has no problemChange the Fast Food String. It's not personal, however. Just a Vermont thing.

For more, discoverThere are new legal drama on McDonald's soft service machinesAnd do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly to your inbox.

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