10 reasons why men quickly lose interest

Here are some things that can be responsible for losing interest in you.

Not even the men themselves can tell you why the interest has disappeared suddenly. Was it just a little house? Had a chance to last? Psychologists spend years studying relationships with all their knowledge, so now, they have more than just a few ideas about why a man can be suddenly cold. We, women, also have our assumptions, but it's still hard to say for sure. Men get bored or is it something that women say (or do not say, for example, when a conversation does not seem to be going anywhere)? Here are some things that can be responsible for losing interest in you.

You can not keep a conversation.
Relationships are not only built on physical attraction. You have to have something in common, otherwise you will soon get tired of each other. If you like rock and roll and he is a devotee fan of country music, your travels can turn into hell on the ground because you will want to get out of the car as soon as possible. And if he voted for Trump and you're totally against him, it will also be difficult for you to build something good together. If you are in a dead end with a guy, try some questions to break the ice, about your favorite team (if you hope for some) or about his hobbies. But if you lock on this subject - just relax and let it go. It was not to be.

He has other priorities
There is something really seductive about ambitious guys who know what they want in life and how to get it. Unfortunately, this means that most of your time will be spent on work and studies. Building successful relationships is not on your list of tasks to do now, and you will not be long. Men can be available for a night or two, but they do not expect them to sacrifice their goals for love and affection.

He found a more beautiful girl
As a banal as it may seem, sometimes men only found someone's best-looking. If what he wants from a relationship, however fleeting it is, it is mainly passion and freshness, so he will not stay with you for a long time. Men thus jump from an attractive woman to another in order to never get bored. If something thus happen to you, just accept this experience and try to better understand this kind of face to avoid it in the future.

Something serious happened
Life is full of surprises, and not all are pleasant. Whether it's health problems, the death of a relative or the need to live in another city, a man can suddenly decide to solve their problems and not want to date for a while. There are times when people need to be alone - to redefine and think about what to do next. If your relationships ended suddenly like this, talk to him honestly to know what foot you are. If it's over, then you'd better move on with your life.

The physical chemistry was a bit outside
You may not feel it, but it certainly feels. If the chemistry is there, it's there and you can not confuse it with anything else. But if he has his doubts and he does not feel as passionate as he should, then his relationship is in trouble. It is always a great insult for women, for they think something is wrong with them, but it is not anyone's fault. You two simply are not compatible, that's all. And while the physical appearance is not the only one that helps build successful relationships, you certainly can not ignore this part. After finding a guy with which you have a perfect chemistry, you will be happy to have spent some time looking for "the one that was made for you".

He underestimated you
Balance is important in relationships and if you feel that you are giving much more than you are getting back - then it's time to rethink the whole concept. If a guy gets all he wants with little or no effort, he can get very comfortable. It is good to take care of a person you love, but it is also important to be affection at times. If he cares especially with himself and hopes you do all the hard work, you will be better without it. Relationships are a game played by two, and if one side is indifferent, underestimating good things, this is a game that will end soon.

He did not overcome the ex
There is one more reason why your relationships are not going as well as you want - it is still thinking of your ex. If a guy often talks about his ex (even with you!) And keeps in touch with her friends and family, is a definite sign that he has not left for another and there are chances of them to get together. It is best to talk to him on this subject, and maybe also give a call to the other girl! In this way, you will avoid unnecessary drama in your life.

You're being putting on the friendzone
You can cross the sky and hell with it and you are still no more than friends. Why does it happen? Being friends is not a bad thing, in fact, friendships often last longer than any other kind of people relationships. It is also comfortable having a girl who is also friend and nothing more. You can talk about anything! But if you like to spend time together and occasionally end up in a bed, then it's something else complemiously different. "Friends with benefits" seems to be a very popular trend these days and it is especially useful for those people who do not want to compromise with something more serious. But be careful because it is easy to get hurt in this type of relationships.

He already got what he wanted from you.
For some, a single stay is enough. They just want to spend a night (maybe two) with a woman, no commitments. If you are looking for something more serious than that, it would be wise to avoid getting intimate too early with someone. Get to know yourself a little better and if you feel that all he wants is to go to bed with you - then look for someone else. Unless, of course, you do not mind, but then be prepared to let you go soon.

He's a womanizer
For some men - the more women they take to bed, the better. This is especially true for young people in college in their 20s who still enjoy experiencing and do not want to commit to long-term relationships (or any relationships, in fact). No matter how cool, intelligent or beautiful you are, it will still look for something better, just because he is a defender of freedom that does not want to settle, nor in the near future. Men are generally quite direct about their relationship goals (or rather, the total goals lack), so if a guy tells him he does not want a relationship, do not think it will be easy to change his idea. You will probably spend time fighting, but in the end you will still follow each one your way.

Categories: Relationships
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