7 worst breakfast sandwiches on fast food menus, according to RDS
The Breakfast Sandwich category is a healthy mine field.
Breakfast Can you prepare for success with the good set of nutrients or can prepare you for failure. Eating an unhealthy breakfast can cause a mid-morning fall thanks to excess sugar, sodium and carbohydrates packed in your first meal. And the fast breakfast sandwiches are particularly delicate to be right.
You do not just get a lot of carbohydrates, sodium and bread calories, but the garnishes also tend to be fattened. These sandwiches are loaded with hardened or transformed meats, cheeses, butter and mysterious sauces that are not as friendly.
While we understand that you want to deliver from time to time, our dietitians recommend staying away from these worst offenders on fast breakfast menus. And for more, check the9 best time limited restaurants on the menus right now.
WENDY sausage egg and Crescent Switzerland
A croissant is notoriously high in fat alone, let alone when it is used to sandwich a sausage galette, eggs and a Swiss cheese sauce. "With 600 calories and 41 grams of total fat, you'd better eat almost anything else for breakfast. It also has about half the quantity of sodium recommended daily", saysBeth Stark, RDN, LDN, a Consultant in Nutrition Communication based on Pennsylvania and the recipe developer.
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Burrito brown brown chick-wire-a
Chicken nuggets for breakfast? This is what the Burrito of Chick-Fil-Fil-Brown Brown debate. Not ideal. "A combination of nuggets of high calories and heavy fats, chopped browns, eggs and cheese rolled all rolled in a tortilla of the flour [Are you getting here]," says Stark. With more than half of the recommended daily sodium amount, it's definitely not the champions breakfast.
Burger King Double Saudioube SOURDOUGH Breakfast King
The king of breakfast with leaven can be one of the most popular breakfasts on the Burger King menu, but that does not mean you should deliver it frequently. "With a name that includes" Double Sausage ", you can guess calories, fats and sodium will be across the roof," says Stark. And they are, even without side or drink, that you probably get. Jump the one. Ci, for sure!
Bacon, egg and cheese bagel of McDonald
You can not go wrong with a classic bagel sandwich for breakfast. Where can you? Apparently yes! "Although it's lower in calories and fats that other fast breakfast sandwiches, it still contains an excessive amount of sodium," says Stark. In addition, Bagel has a lot of carbohydrates and is refined, which means there is no fiber. You will better eat a full or grilled English muffin with your sandwich.
McDonald Egg Egg Saucissus and McGriddle Cheese
"This sandwich is loaded with sugar added because bread is a sweet crepe. And 15 grams of added sugar exceeds 25% of the recommended amount of sugar added a day, according to 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans," says Diana Gariglio -Cleland, Rd, Certified Dietitians and Certified Specialist in Diabetes Care and Education withLuxury. In addition, it contains nearly 70% of the amount of saturated fat recommended daily. Yikes!
Burger King's Double Croissan'Wich with Sausage
"With 20 grams of saturated fouling grease from the artery, this sandwich contains a whole day on the part of things," saysTammy Lakatos Shams, RDN, CDN, CFT. It also brings nearly 1,500 milligrams of sodium, which is the maximum amount that the American Heart Association recommends that adults should consume daily, especially if they have high blood pressure. Ignore this bomb salt!
Wendy sausage, egg and cheese
Do not think that a biscuit is healthier than a croissant, either. "With 610 calories and 410 from them coming from fat, you will not have room for more fat saturated in the day, because you will get 17 grams of your 16-22 grams limit," says Lakatos. And in a 610 calorie packaging flour, you hope to get a healthy cardiac fiber, but it has a measured gram.
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