25 daily habits The rich people swear by

You will slap another zero on your savings account in no time.

"The percent" is a term that has been launched for a while. He launched political tirades, social movements and Hollywood blockbusters. (Rememberthe wolf of Wall Street? What would you sayThe big short?) But there is another something other than the term can turbocharge: your savings account.

By leading the habits of the financial elite, you can also join their noble pole and send your bank account numbers in the stratosphere. All you need is to adopt some daily habits - some are financial, but many are only wickets, hacks everyday. So read and live in wisdom. And for more ways to slap another zero on your bank account, try one of the20 lateral shovels that will send your savings in the stratosphere.

They get up early

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"The early lift gets the worm" is the last thing you want to hear when some upbat so much, so open the curtains and you zapne with the sunlight. Nevertheless, the simple fact of getting your day started early is a simple rule of many percentages live. The first rising ratings includeSir Richard Branson of the Virgin Group, CEO of DisneyRobert IGER and,Marissa Mayer (from Yahoo! and Google Pedigree).HAL ELROD, author ofMiracle morning, suggests writing your projects for the next day. The first task should make you excited to get out of bed. And if that does not cut, learnThe best single trick to wake up earlier every day.

They save as they think

Saving money.

If you want to be in the 1% - and if you want to stay within 1%, you will have to save money like a boss. We are talking about 20% of your income. This may seem like a piece of rude, especially if you live a payroll check at the moment. But do not be afraid! By making important bites of your monthly walnut (see next tip), it's easier than you think.

They know their expenses

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Business guruH. James Harrington said: "The measure is the first step that leads to control and possibly to improve. If you can not measure something, you can not understand it. If you can not understand it, you can not control it . If you can. If you can 't the control, you can not improve it. "Simply put it, you will never reset in unnecessary expenses if you do not take a sustained and flawless look on what flies all the pockets each month. Fortunately, there are applications for that. An excellent is mint by intuit. It allows you to connect all your bank accounts, credit cards, loans, mortgages, investments and, once you have budgeted your monthly expenses, it will show you on earth with your money every month. For more excellent download ideas, learn the10 best budgeting applications you can get on your smartphone.

They budget all

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Although EBB monthly expenses and month-to-month flow, get specific on the quantity you want to spend on housing, grocery store, outdoors and gas, as well as quantity that you Want to save. At the end of each month, see if you can improve the previous one. And for more ways to save money, learn the40 ways to seriously stimulate your savings after 40.

They practise

Man and woman running

Here is another old man saying that the 1% lived by: healthy body, healthy mind. Exercise keeps your brain in good health, minimizes stress and improves memory. These are all useful attributes if you want to make smart money movements. In addition: studies show that exercise can increase two-hour creativity and productivity. It makes you as intelligent too.

They send debts to history

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The 1% mocks the idea of ​​having debt. If you want to count between them, pay and pay the things off priority should be an absolute priority. If you work but you are not in green every month, it's time to solve the problem and neutralize it. Instead of thinking about ways to accumulate more debt, make a payment plan. Let's first focus on your credit cards and the highest loans, then go to the second higher, until your debt is erased.

They ignore invoices

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Be reminded how much you need to piss. We have a natural tendency to ignore invoices in the vain hope that they may be disappearing. They will not do it. In fact, this strategy will only compose the misery that will be visited at a given moment and in a form. Be brave and add up the reference head of your creditors.

They check their expenses

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Keeping a broken eye on your expenses will almost certainly save a ton of money over time. We are talking about double accusation, fraudulent charges, service charges for dynamic research and recurring fees for a product or service you no longer need. You will be surprised at how the amount of pork is hiding in these numbers.

They take an interest in the interest


The 1% are able to live in the interest that their investments bring, but if they were not born with money, they did not start like that. They built things slowly over time. Now that you save 20% of your income, it is important that you put this money somewhere wise. Diversify your investments and follow them on a monthly basis. Study where your money is and how good it goes.

They invest at home

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Depending on where you live, how much space you need and how many people you live with, own your own home can be a very wise choice. In fact, if you do not have your own home, you can break an important rule of the 1%. If you already have a home, be sure to invest. Upgrades to kitchens and bathrooms will pay long-term dividends.

They take a stake

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Nine out of 10 a percentage say that taking a position of equity is necessary to become rich dirt. But one in ten people in the middle class has a position of equity of any kind and the vast majority (70%) say they did not even try to have one.

They find the edge and take it

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Making small benefits in a series of offers can have a cumulative effect on your wealth over time. However, investigations show that most people do not seek them, so they are likely to be on the losing side of each agreement. So play for the upper part, even if it's modest.

They act like hedgehogs

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The Hérisson Strategy draws its name from the thorny creature that has only one strategy at its disposal: it slips into a bullet. Point being, doing one thing well worth better than doing a lot of new things. As a general rule, only one percent took an ordinary idea and executed it exceptionally well, perfecting their skills along the way.

They hire for their weaknesses

Shaking hands

If you are able to put a team together, do not fall into the trap of hiring people who have a context or skill similar to yours. Do what you do best and hire other people to support you where you are weaker. Build teams with complementary capabilities. The surveys show that most people prefer to learn how to do tasks that are bad than getting others doing. People at the top often take the opposite view.

They resist bias cound-cost

Meetings follow up

You have heard that the old aphorism "throwing money well after hurting." The one percent have - and they live through it. An investigation showed that 71% of the ultra-rich had no problem to reduce their losses and continue if a perspective is not directed in the right direction, while only one-fifth of the middle class says the same thing. The Hoi Polloi falls on the fact of the coas-bias: people want to continue pumping money in a non-starter because they have already invested. If an agreement does not seem true, it is almost always less risky to walk or run, because the song goes.

They fail

Man leaving office

On average, only one of the percentages have more failures under their Gucci belts than middle class members. They used the failure to help them succeed their next big swing. But an investigation revealed only 17% of the middle class indicates that they learn from their failures. Remember: all that is worth trying contains a risk element.

They do not believe the hype

Rolls Royce

All your life, you have seen advertisements for luxurious goods that make you think, "one day ...". If that day is now, detach yourself with the desires you had when you had no pot to piss it. Ask yourself: "What will a Mercedes do for me that a BMW will not do it?" Then "a BMW will change any more meaning than an audi?" Boom! You yourself have a strong German automobile - and an ability to display some of your hard earned money.

They know when splashing

woman taking coffee to go stress stressed out

There is a "the more you know" PSA on television that says how much you could save for a year if you prepare your coffee at home instead of doing a Starbucks race every time you need a Pick-me-up. They have mathematics, but they do not look at the biggest picture. More specifically, how to have your favorite drink makes you feel. Above, we talked about budgeting and reining in unnecessary expenses. It is important! But if you order a $ 4 latte renders your day better, do it.

They do not follow the Dow Joneses

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Unless you have a finance job, you can not exercise a lot of influence on the markets. So, why waste your time on the clues or watching Jim Cramer jumps from top to bottom like a hoggoblin to the methamphere? Instead, focus on what you can control: put money in a widely diverse and inexpensive portfolio - and do not soak in this money.

They spend education while they are young

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The winner Nobel price economistJames HeckmanI found that expenditures on high quality education for high quality childhood offer children the biggest shot for money in their adult years. Why? Between three and eight years, children develop consciousness, perseverance, sociability and curiosity. All these qualities are more important to succeed than the traditional markers of academic success.

They eat less

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Recent research has shown that percentications spend 30% less money on restaurants in restaurants and saved 30% more for retirement. Kit of your kitchen with these25 foods that keep you young forever.

They read

woman cozy reading in her bed stay sharp

Another habit of the rich is from plant their nose in a book.Bill Gates Bed for an hour as part of his routine at bedtime and science suggests that there is a good reason why. A recent study from the University of Toronto has shown that the subjects that read a short history have been labeled below a test to determine the "need for cognitive closure" than those who have read a test. The researchers concluded that fictional readers were inclined to be more "open-minded", "creative" and rational ". These are important attributes if you want to make a long room.

They keep information

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Although reading novels can have interesting effects on how you think, reading non-fiction can have a marked effect on how you operate. The key is to remember quotes, ideas and ideas you have just absorbed. If you want to keep information quickly, read theUltimate guide for reading a book.

They do not confuse to be sensitive to being productive

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No doubt you heard aboutTim Ferris' delivered4 hours work week. In this, Ferris says that reading and email response hinder productivity. To minimize distractions, Ferris recommends checking the email twice a day: at 11am and 4pm, or after completing at least one critical item from your list to do, then again before the end of your day. job.

They know their team

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If you expect your wagon to other talented employees, you'd better know what motivates them and inspire them. It is the belief of about 70% of people in a Louis Schiff survey made for his bookBrilliant company: surprising courses of the largest self-manufactured business icons. Schiff found that less than 20% of the middle class felt in the same way. His investigation suggests that a willingness and willingness to know and understand your associates is a safe marker for success. And for more ways to join a percent, learn theBest way to win $ 500,000 during your free time .

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