11 Controversial Secrets on McDonald Menu Items

Who knew all of this was going on to Mickey d?

Everybody hasSecrets and fast food chains AsMcDonalds are no exception. In fact, it seems that the world's most popular Fast Food has as many secrets as Regina George's hair.

Fortunately for us, a lot of current and oldMcDonald employees are more than happy to overturn tea (literally) onReddit. Why you should avoidApple pie How to ensure you get the coolest fries and burgers, here are 12 secrets on McDonald menu items. And for more, check these15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Sweet tea has a massive amount of sugar.

mcdonalds sweet tea

When a client observed that McDonald's sweet tea "tasted like a pure splenda",McDonald employee confirmed that there is a good reason for that.

"The recipe, at least in the states, calls a five-pound sugar bag for a five gallon bucket," they shared.

So yes, there isA complete sugar book In a single gallon of McDonald sweet tea.


There is a turn to get fresh fries.

mcdonalds fries
Alexander Shcherbak / Tass / Getty Images

Many McDonald customerslove fries. But it has been said that the command of the menu item can be a success or a manating, as sometimes they have tastes as if they are sitting too long.

ACASHER AND COOK OF MCDONALD Said you can specifically ask for a new batch of fries. If you do not believe that you will get them, there is an infallible way to make sure your fries are fresh. "[J] Ust ask for fries, no salt, then they will have to make them fresh fries because the rest of the fries is salty", shared the employee. Then you can simply add the salt yourself.


McDonald's customers by bringing back some ingredients.

mcdonalds big mac
Yu Chrun Christopher Wong / S3Studio / Getty Images

"You will live up to some ingredients,"Former McDonald employee share.

For example, they stated that when a client commands the "Big Mac of the poor man" (a McDouble with the mac sauce and the shredded lettuce), they will be charged 30 cents for the MAC sauce and between 20 and 30 cents for lettuce.

"However, if your hamburger has something about it, you do not want, you can delete it and add something other similar free", noted the employee. "Normally, you should pay 30 [hundred] for the Ranch vinaigrette as you would with the mac sauce, but as [a] a hamburger comes with dressing on it, I do not really want, I can save money. "

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You should always check the cakes if you order a double shift.

mcdonalds double quarter pounder

An employee Shared a "life of life" from McDonald. If you order a double shift, always make sure to check that there are actually two cakes.

"About one out of three times, you will be short-circuiting a galette," said the employee. But wait, there is more! When they take you, you are entitled to a free apple pie.

"Apparently, the money they save on cakes for those who do not check are worth the money they lose on apple pies for those who do it," has speculated by the employee.

However, you may want to stay away from the apple pie (more about it in a moment).


You may want to be wary of apple pie.

mcdonald apple pie

When asked what we should ever command at McDonald's,a cashier and cooking Named apple pie as the worst delinquent.

"[W] HEN They expire that we simply suggest a new expiration date," he explained.

Big Yikes!


You can return your food and get a refund.

mcdonalds value meal

AMcDonald employee Have answered a question from a reddit user on whether the chain accepts or not feedback on food.

It turns out that the answer is yes, as long as you have a receipt.


No, the machine with milkshake is not always cleaned.

mcdonalds milkshake

Many customers had questions about the Milkshake machine, noting that when they order milkshakes, they are often told that the machine is being clean. So, what is the real story?

ACook of McDonald's CookClarify that the Milkshake-based machine is cleaned once a week and the process takes about two to three hours. They said it was much more likely that you can not get your milkshake because the machine frequently passes into "Freezer Lock".

"The ice cream machine can be a giant pain. If someone does not keep an eye on the ice cream level and gets too low, it goes into freezer lock," he explained . As a rule, only a few managers know how to remove the machine from this freezer lock and, even if they are there, it takes hours to retrieve the machine back.

"Say it's" cleaned "could be a good excuse if it happens," the cook said.


Do not order breakfast food at night.

mcdonalds breakfast
Joe Ramedle / Getty Images

Breakfast for dinner is attractive, but aCook of McDonald's CookThe savvy customers stay away from breakfast items at night and night.

"[A] Lot of this kind of thing has been in a hottest day unless we had to do fresh things to have any," he explained.


Do not order McDonald food unless it's busy.


Nobody wants to spend a ton of time waiting for the line but aformer employee Recommended customers "never eat at a McDonald's who is not busy."

They then explained that during lunch or dinner in a hurry, you most probably get fresh food.

"If you have to wait for the nuggets (etc.) are cooked, it's a good thing," he said. "It means they did not have enough pose in the tray to serve you and have to cook more."


There is a way to get the coolest hamburger.

mcdonalds burger

When asked how to get the coolest hamburger, aCook of McDonald's Cook says that the trick is to ask for a hamburger without salt or pepper.

"[T] HEN, they will have to do a new one," he explained.


The cooks do not wear gloves in the kitchen.

mcdonalds workers

It certainly seems unsanitary, but aMcDonald employee Who worked as cashier, cooking and responsible, explained the reasoning.

Rather than using gloves, the employee explained that there is a hand wash system instead.

"Every hour, we take the time to send each employee to the sink station to wash your hands until each employee has it," he said. "The use of gloves would not be much more sanitary because bacteria that would build hands denominate also accumulate on the gloves if they were not replaced every hour (or more) too."

The explanation seems to have meaning, but we shudder to think about what is happening in McDonald's restaurants where managers are not vigilant on the washing routine by hand. . .

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