The surprising reason of McDonald's ditch this menu item

Here's why you will not see more greens on the menu.

In case you have not heardthe news, McDonald's recently announced that they would stop offering salads on their menu. NEWS OF THE FAST-FOOD GIANT FOREVER DITCHING The Greens was first reported by theThe Wall Street newspaper,and has been met with mixed reactions. (The chain also nixed all day breakfast, but alsorestored Three desserts, two-quarter options, the McDouble bacon and hot tea. But it's next to the point here ...)

Of course, the vast majority of customers go to McDonald's for their burgers and signed fries, but for MCD to get rid of their healthiest menu option seems wrong. That said, the reason they did the move can surprise you.

The Washington Post recently The way the coronavirus pandemic - and the resulting kinks in the food supply chain - affect national restoration chains. Many beloved outlets streamline their menus as a way to reduce costs to compensate for the additional resources needed to reopen under strictCDC guidelines. Additional funds needed for masks and gloves for staff, the signaling of the social session and routine disinfection procedures - which can not be covered by already ultra-thin restaurant margins to rationalize the menu to reduce the costs.

In terms of McDonald salads, like chicken salad or chicken salad in the southwest, require the fast food chain to buy massive amounts of a different type of lettuce from the one they use to garnish their Hamburgers and their sandwiches. Attending the menu salads means that the company saves money. (In touch:8 new things you will see at McDonald's when he reopens.)

AsThe Washington Post Explains: "The restaurants come from their menus in the name of efficiency. Instead of needing to buy two types of lettuce, one for salads and one for sandwiches, now from McDonald needs one.

In the reversal, such a menu movement makes sense. However, when you consider that some of the MCD salads were theThe healthiest option offered In McDonald's-Aka, the largest rapid catering chain of the world - it is also a disappointing change. Hoping that the company can rebound enough COVID-19 to restore more nutritious food options for their customers. And, to make sure your order is increasingly healthy from here, make sure youAvoid these two worst menu items at McDonald's.

Updated: McDonald's provided the following statement on the future of McSalads to eat it, not that:

"More than ever, customers rely on McDonald's to serve delicious food quickly, conveniently and safely, that's why we have a limited menu in April. This decision has simplified the operations of our team From restaurant while improving the experience of our customers., We reintroduce some of our emblematic offers while retaining our streamlined menu - focusing on the preparation of experts, excellent service and as always, quality ingredients. with customers. At the center of everything we do, we will continue to listen to them and evolve our menu to meet their needs. "

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