McDonald's to say about his hamburger does not decompose after more than 20 years

The fast food giant establishes an unconvincing argument in response to a tiktok video that was viral last week.

Since January, two cases of people back up McDonald'sBurgers of the 1990s I went viral on the Internet because the 20-year-old food had not decomposed or decompose in any way. In response, McDonald's issued a statement to the most recent allegations that its foods resist the test of time alarmingly. And we must admit that the reasoning of the giant of the fast food is a littleinsufficient.

"In order to decompose, you need certain conditions - especially moisture. Without sufficient moisture, whether in the food itself or in the environment, bacteria and mold may not increase and So the decomposition is unlikely, "wrote McDonald'sIn a media statement Monday.

The answer comes after the user tiktok@ Ally.herb Posted a video of her grandmother by pulling on a24 year old hamburger From a shoe box she was holding up in her closet. In the video, it takes the hamburger out of its original packaging, showing some different angles of it - and you can see that there is no visible indication that the hamburger (or the fries it also has maintained) rotten or attracted all molds.

Restored, McDonald responded with this argument, which continues: "So, if the food is dry enough, it is unlikely that the consumption of mold or bacteria or decompose. Foods prepared at home left at home could see similar results. Look closely, the burgers you see are probably dried and dehydrated, and in no way "the same as the day they were purchased". (in touch:That's why you should never order Sundae de McDonald's)

Their declaration concerning the food made at home certainly follows, however, the truth remains that we are talking about a hamburger that was manufactured in 1996. If the meat and the bun were not pumped with Conservatives, that would not have -He finally eventually emitted a fault odor, or at the very least, has experienced noticeable discoloration?

We have a lot of questions and, unfortunately, we can never get the actual answer - especially after this last claim: "The reality is that our hamburgers are made only with 100% beef inspected USDA. There is no curator or charges in our cakes and the only thing ever added is a touch of salt and pepper on the grill, "wrote McDonald.

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