7 Fast food logos with hidden messages

You will not believe the real story behind these famous golden arches!

Even if it's hard to believe eachThe logo has some kind of hidden message. Although some are more obvious than others, the logos are intended to give clients of a product or service, and customers will make their assumptions based on the mark of an article. If clients move away assuming that the same message the company wants them to think, this logo of society is considered a success. Especially if it comes from one of the logos, you see the time again at your favoriteFast food chain.

While the logos of all kinds of channels are used to commercialize specific messages to specific audiences, there are some fast food chains that use smart logos to attract customer's attention.These are the hidden messages of these logos that you may not see immediately, but provide you with a specific feeling or hypothesis about this brand.

So, the next time you enter food in one of these fast food chains, look more closely at these logos. And for more fun facts about your favorite restaurants, make sure youSign up for our newsletterr.



Mcdonald's logo

Even though these famous golden arches make up a beautiful "M" to symbolize the first letter of the famousMcDonalds Name, the actual reasoning of using this giant M is a little more attractive than you may not have thought of origin. These golden arches are supposed to symbolize maternal love, as in a pair of two breasts. Do not think that? SameBBC confirmed When a design consultant and a psychologist recommended keeping the brand very specific. Although it may seem strange (and somehow vulgar), golden arches are supposed to feel comforting from the outside world, where customers can enjoy a comforting meal.



wendys sign
Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

Wendy's Has always had a red-headed girl on the logo, even after making slight modifications in 2013. But did you notice the message hidden in the logo after the change? If you look closely, you will notice that the girl's necklace comes out "Mom" in the center. WhileWendy denied Any hidden intentions to have the word in the collar, it pays tribute to nostalgic food traditions and anchored that customers like this classic channel. And even if they deny it, they can not denythe reason they serve square cakes on their hamburgers!



Large Starbucks logo on a wall
Khadeeja Yasusser / Mondants

Ask yourself whyStarbucks uses an attractive siren on their logo? This is clearly marketing, especially when you look at the history of this chain of popular coffee. The name "Starbucks" was chosen when the founders were recommended by a specialist advertising that a company starting with the letters "ST" would be powerful. When they landed with "Stabo", a founder thought of the old town of Moby Dick. He then tilted into a company named "Starbucks" who had maritime notes in their marketing. While a siren is not part of the original history of Moby Dick, using a siren (a female mermaid) wasAn attractive way of customer lure. Needless to say, the siren is used to seduce you to buy delicious coffee and pastries. And it works ... is it not?


Taco Bell

Taco bell restaurant

Why in the world this famous Taco chain has a bell in its logo? Well, when you learn aboutTaco BellThe story, the name (and the logo) becomes quite obvious. Taco Bell was originally created by a man named Glen Bell who created Drive-In and Taco Tia in San Bernardino, California in 1954. The name went to "Taco Bell" in 1962 and the first bell appeared On the logo of the Taco 1985 Bell. Since then, the Taco Bell logo has made many transformations, but have a bell on the logo has always remained.




MetroThe logo may seem pretty simple, but give it a narrower look. Note how 'S' and the "Y" have small arrows on it? This is because they represent the entry and exit of a metro and reflects the fast service that the metro offers their customers.



Domino's pizza sign

Ask yourself whyDominoYou have chosen to have only three points on the domino in their logo? Although the domino in this famous pizza logo could have been technically a combination of numbers, the channel originally used three points to represent the locations of three original dominoes. The intention was to add again every time Domino added a new location, but as this famous chain quickly grew up, Domino decided to keep the three original. Just imagine what the logo would look like if it had points for all their locations now!


Burger King


WhileBurger KingThe logo is a little more obvious, if you are not careful, you will fail that the two words "burger king" are sandwiched between two Burger breads. Quite subtle, but literal for Burger King King's most valuable meal offer.

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