9 strange regime rules supported by science

Eat less + move more = weight loss. Anyone who has already tried to lose a few pounds probably already heard this secular equation. We are not going to hit the strategy because, well, it works, but there are ways mainly of science to lose weight that you may not have heard about (and who are a little more interesting , too).

Yes, some of them may seem a little silly, but you have nothing to lose by giving them a weight except! The best part? None of the tips will make you feel private or hunger you. We only gathered tips that are easy to stick in the long run. Read through the tips to enter and start losing these extra books.


Buy your food with money

Do you want to lose weight? Head to the ATM, STAT! Paying with money instead of credit and debit cards can make you more inclined to choose healthier foods, according to a study at Cornell University. To achieve this conclusion, researchers reviewed lunch purchases of 2,314 public school students during Grade 12 to 12. They found that during cash, 42% of students chose Healthy articles, like fresh fruits and vegetables, and bought fewer candy, too. In debit schools, only 31% of children have opted for nutritious foods. These results are not only sad in younger populations, either. There have also been similar conclusions in adults. The Takeaway: restaurants, amenities and grocery stores with money to save calories.


Eat hershey kisses

If your love for chocolate prevents weight loss, we have news that can help - and that does not imply to empty your hiding place! According to a Swedish study, store your cabinets with Hershey kisses, such as Hershey kisses and fun size candies, instead of loose chocolate, you can help you eat less. During this study, the researcher presented topics with packaged and unpacking chocolates. He found that the participants eaten nearly 30% less when the candies were enveloped individually. Why? Although he can not be totally sure, he thinks it may be because when something is perceived as hard to eat, people are less likely to consume it.


Have a snack before eating

This may seem counter-intuitive, but eat something before going out to eat can actually feed weight loss efforts. Yes, eat more can help you weigh less! A series of studies on the State University of Pennsylvania revealed that Noshing on an apple or a broth soup before sitting in a restaurant restaurant can reduce the consumption of total calories during the meal until the meal 'to 20%. Although it does not seem too significant, when you consider that the average restaurant meal has 1,128 calories, a 20% saving once a day is enough to help you lose more than 23 pounds in one year!


Cold pasta to melt fat

Transform the pasta from a starch diet, inducing no-no bluoring into a frying fry champion simply by placing it in the refrigerator. Although it can look like an opening line at a cheese film, it actually works. Here's why: When you cool pasta, the temperature drop changes its chemical structure in something called "resistant starch", which can promote the oxidation of fats according to a study of the newspaperNutrition and Metabolism. If you want to see results, do not warm noodles. Once warm hot, the resistant starch is destroyed.


It does not matter the diet you follow

Time and time repeatedly, low fat and low carbohydrate regimes go to the head of the weight loss championship. A winner has not been crowned - and with good reason: there are health benefits of both. But a recent statistical criticism intervenes a light on the issue, at least when it comes to choosing the regime path to follow. In its consideration of 25 different studies, the review revealed that research participants lost about the same amount of weight on low carbohydrate and low fat schemes. The final result: Any diet, you really adhere to the one you should choose.


To chew

In search of an effortless way, without sacrifice to lose weight? Who is not? According to the search published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chewing your food more deeply could help you lose weight. The researchers found that the participants in the study reduced their food consumption, the more they chewed. Although they are not certain, what is the correlation, a theory is that singing more brings people to eat more slowly. What makes sense, when you slow down your pace, it allows the brain to record fullness, reduce the chances you go back for seconds or third contributions. Over time, eating less at every meal can be added to a serious weight loss!


Sniff your fruit basket

If you generally sacrifice all the fruits of your kitchen with Smoothie gods, you may want to consider keeping some pieces away from the blade and your reach. We have nothing against smoothies, we simply can not ignore that studies have found that sensitizing fresh green apples, bananas and pears can brake the appetite and make less attractive sweet desserts. The scientists speculate this can be because fruit fragrances make you think unconsciously to make better healthier choices.


Eat most of your carbohydrates at night

While "low-carb" can be a big fashionable word in the world of weight loss, you do not have to Nix The Starch to become slim, you just have to know a small simple trick: eat only Carbohydrates at night. According to two research research from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as a result of this trick, you can simply be your ticket for a cutting size. To come to these conclusions, scientists have studied a group of 100 obese people (those with BMIS above 30 years). For six months, they had each group adhering to nutritious diets. However, a group consumed starches throughout the day, while other people were eating only their carbohydrates during dinner. Six months later, those who only eaten carbohydrates at night reported having felt feeling more cultivated during the day, lost more weight and thumbs around their middle and fried 36% more body fat. It sounds like a winning strategy for us!


Pay particular attention to when you eat

Sorry to be bad news carrier, but if you want to reduce, you should probably hit yourScandal Habit of snack. Although for many years, researchers thought that eating late in the night could actually accelerate metabolism and help frying fat, a recent animal study revealed that the opposite is probably true. To arrive at their conclusions, researchers have fed 400 mouse regimes that were raised in bold, fat and sucrose or rich in fructose. All mice have consumed the same amount of calories. Some of the mice were allowed to eat whenever they are delighted, while the other group was only given access to food for 9 to 12 hours a day. The mice of this last group have won less weight and had more lean muscle mass than their freely brilliant counterparts. Although additional research should be conducted to confirm the conclusion, the restricted diet can be an effective way to lose weight, no matter what you eat. If you typically take your breakfast at 9 o'clock, try cutting yourself between 18 and 21h. You can simply see the tip of the ladder in your favor.

Categories: Weight Loss
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