7 highly obese people habits

Why are some people just paying on effortless books? It's not always genetics and it's not always the grumbling and you can not always blame it on the lack of exercise. Indeed, the size is often the result of some simple and easy-to-correct habits, especially when it comes to dinner.

As we started looking for our book,Eat this, not that! Restaurant Survival GuideWe have discovered many flagrant examples of super-fattening foods in American supermarkets and our chain restaurants. And we learned that knowing what to order and what to avoid is one of the easiestWeight loss stuff the low. For example, on the border really need to create more than one day of calories of 2.550-in its DOS XX fish tacos? (Do you remember that the fish was in good health?) And should not he not warn the parents of Chile when a selection on the men's menu is delivered with 82 grams of fat, like his little pepper shots as the Chicken quills do?

But here is the hard truth: The problem of obesity is not just the food itself. The restaurant industry has spent decades studying human behavior and has understood all kinds of subliminal means to make us forget to order and eat more. And many of these psychological tricks have become rooted in our behavior. In a study in the newspaperObesityResearchers have examined the habits of people at dinner at an all-you-cano-ate buffet. Those who have the highest body mass index (BMI), the measurement of obesity appeared to demonstrate a series of "fat habits".


They use larger plates

When you have offered two plaque sizes, 98.6% of people with the highest BMI have taken the largest of the two buffet plates. A larger plate tries your eye in thought that you do not eat as much when you stuff more food on the surface - and in the mouth. Use a smaller plate, get a smaller belly.

Bonus Council: The same principle is true for drinks. The bigger the cup, the more your intestine. And one of the greatest sources of hundreds of extra calories in your diet? Booze.


They eat looking at the food

Among those with high BMIs, 41.7% took seats overlooking the buffet, instead of sitting in a cabin or facing a different direction. The food view tends to suggest that we have more work to do, eat wise. Keep your food stored in the refrigerator or overwhelmed in the pantry, not on the counters.


They eat with maximum efficiency

While Chinese buffets offer chopsticks, 91.3% of obese customers opt for Forks. This facilitates the task of shoveling in the food!


They clean their plates

Of these clients who were the heaviest, 94% cleaned their plates, there was nothing left. Ignore mom's advice - leave a little bedding. (Feel the need to finish all this? Try our7 ways to eat more and lose weight feel satisfied while you slip.)


They chew less

The researchers really followed the chewing habits of buffet tastes and discovered that the heaviest third of them chewed their food an average of 11.9 times before swallowing. The second-third has chewed an average of 14 times on average and the third lean thumb mache 14, 8 times.


They plunge into

The highest people in the study usually took a ride around the buffet first, to trace what they wanted to eat. But the more the overweight group is charged with law; This means that you can fill some less attractive items, then go back to the hanging that a nosh, you have to have missed the first time.


They jump breakfast

A simple habit, but it raises your risk of obesity by a 450% food! If you still miss the door in the morning, try these10 snapshots for weight loss Instead of skipping the vital meal completely.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity
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