7 ways to believe you thin

When the Japanese say "I know", they run their belly. The spirit and the intestine are intrinsically linked and the scientists today include the brain as the command center whose complete being receives its march orders.

In fact, although the brain represents only 2 percent of total body weight, it requires 20 percent of our metabolic rest (TMR) -The total amount of calories our body needs to survive. Although plan experts tell you to eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight (and they are right, they sometimes lack a key component of the equation:weightloss starts in your brain. Change your way of thinking and you can control your desires, metabolism, digestion and physics. So forget that the juice does not clean and do not fight to miss this exhausting workout; Lose your intestine with these 7 tips save science to believe you slim.


Fantasize on failure

Imagine your future: you have your diet for 20 years and you are bigger than ever. Your health is in ruins and you are hopeless to resist food temptation. This kind of "negative fantasy" that researchers are paradoxically saying a powerful motivation for weight loss. A study in the newspaperCognitive therapy and research Found obese women on a weight loss trip that had the most positive fantasies - showing their new hot bodies to friends a year later, losing 24 pounds of 24 pounds than those of the most negative thoughts. Researchers say that negative fantasies on weight loss mentally prepare diet for temptation and difficulty. Although it is ideal to visualize the future benefits of weight loss, think about realistic obstacles that are keen to ... and go crush them!


Scrapbook your food memories

You may want to forget the tacos of Doritos Locos late at night, you escape in the car, but you keep the memory can help you eat less at breakfast. And lunch and dinner. An analysis on a number of "attentive eating" studies printed in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Shows that if people remember their last meal as being filled and satisfying, they tend to eat less during their next meal. The researchers have found techniques like writing or drawing meals, and even keep food packaging and recipes to be particularly beneficial.


Make any more effective training

Can you talk to a better workout? A study in the newspaperMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise I found that cyclists who systematically verbally positively affirmed (silently or aloud) were able to pedal longer - and also stated that their counterparts that jumped the coherent painting. The researchers say that the data suggest that the autonomy of motivation can significantly improve the performance of endurance; And, a deeper level, a horrible workout can really be in your head!


Have a dream aperitif

It's good to dream of your favorite "cheats" during a diet. In fact, a recent study suggests fantasizing on the consumption of an entire package of your favorite candies before admitting that you eat fewer them. For the study, the researchers asked the participants to imagine eating 3 or 30 MS, then invite them to eat some candy as a taste test. Incredibly, those who imagined eating the most m & ms (30) really eaten the least. The researchers say that the conclusions show-contrary to popular belief - that the imagination of the whole process of consumption of a pleasure to eat really reduces your appetite for that.


Do you see as active

Folding laundry, making dishes, grocery shopping: you may not think about your daily housework such as an exhausting exercise, but change your perception about the physical demands of everyday life can help you reduce. In a study published inAssociation for Psychological ScienceHarvard researchers investigated hotels on their activity levels. When a group of overweight housekeepers has been informed, they have exceeded the guidelines of the general surgeon for physical form, they started to lose weight without change to their diet or level of activity. In fact, after one month, the average housekeeper had dropped 2 pounds, while his systolic blood pressure had dropped 10 points. Study authors attribute the results to the positive impact of self-awareness and self-commitment.



Forget what is inside the 100 calorie pack, new research suggests that it is the food label itself that can make you fat. A study in the newspaperPsychology of healthI looked at the metabolic effects of Milkshake marketing on the levels of Ghrelin-The "I'm hungry!" Hormone which, for purposes of survival, slows down the metabolism in case you will not find food. For the study, researchers created a lot of a Milkshake recipe and presented them two different ways: half of the lot went into bottles labeled like a 140-calorie-free bold drink called Senshake, and the other half has been marketed as indulgence - an incredibly rich, 620-calories treat. In truth, the shakes had 300 calories each. The participants before and after the study drank their milkshakes, the nurses measured their Ghèline levels. The results were shocking: on average, the levels of Ghréline fell three times more than people believed that they drank a highly low indulgence. The study authors say that the data suggest a slowdown in metabolism when we eat something we believe to be low in calories and acceleration when we believe that we deliver how the product is removed. It's spirit, or metabolism, on milkshake.


Fly your mental muscles

Just imagine an intense workout can significantly increase muscle strength, according to the search published in the newspaper.Neuropsychology. For the study, 10 volunteers finished a "mental training" of imaginary heavy biceps loops for 15 minutes, five times a week. The result? An average increase of 13.5%! And the gain of force lasted three months after stopping the brain training - a researchers attributed to a muscle connection to the reinforced spirit.

A similar study "conducted on the muscle" published in theNorth American Psychology Journal Found mental training to be extremely beneficial among male academic athletes, including football, basketball and rugby players. The athletes assigned to perform a mental training of their hip flexor muscles have increased the strength of 24%, barely some shy books of the 28% force gain experienced by physically trained athletes. And a 2011 study conducted by researchers at the Institute of Science Science in Germany concluded that high-intensity training sessions can be partially replaced by isometric contractions imagined without considerable reduction in force gains.

Do not stop dreaming of this six pack, children!

Categories: Weight Loss
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