Here's how to lose weight of your hips

Reduce your silhouette with these strategies supported by the expert!

In a perfect world, you would be able to choose and choose where you lose and gain weight. Unfortunately, when your body needs energy, it takes it from all over your body - not just your hips, because you are sick of your love handles and these dreaded fat areas. But if you specifically wondered to lose hip fat, there are changes that can be made to your diet and exercise plan (and your attitude towards life in general) that make the narrowing of Your hips a more feasible business.

"The way to reduce the grease of the love handle is the same process to reduce the grease of the arms, the grease of the leg, etc. You must reduce your overall body fat percentage [by] eating less and moving more" , saysSarah Bowmarcertified Certified Personal Certified and Certified Fitness Nutrition,Nutrition Bowmar.

So what can you do exactly to lose hip fat? We turned to some of the country's leading experts in the country's most effective strategies for losing hip fat, which quickly evacuate fast corrections - etc., encourageLong-term weight loss results.

How to lose weight in your hips at the gym.

First, it is the exercises you can add to your gym routine to tighten and tone your hip region and the decline of the AB.


The resistance forms these Gauletes.

woman doing resistance band workout at home

"You will be able to target these handles somewhat - just keep in mind that the results will be seen on your body when you have a target of decreasing body fat," says the expert in shape fitnessAdriana GenileWhat a fitness and nutrition program helps its customers achieve balance through the facilitation of healthy digestion, to increase natural energy, balancing hormones, deep cellular cleaning, decrease in body fat and increase muscle mass .

His biggest suggestion for this "small in the middle" look that will also bePerk up your booty Target your glutes.

"Abundant Resistance Formation in the Three Gluet Muscles - Yes, there are three," says nice. "Your Maximus Gluteus is the biggest muscle that constitutes your booty. It is important to hit when the main concern is to lose weight in your hips, because we have to shape your behind so that the muscle becomes tight and pulling a little more Far, which gives the illusion of less fat on the hips. Exercises that target your glause are large elevators like glumbing bridges, donkey kicks and buffers. "

"Think of any gluet movement that takes care of the hips", continues to kind. "Tashes often missed are the actual muscles you want to target to create tight and lean hips and it's the minimum and medium gluge. These two are on the sides of your bum, more on the upper region. Great exercises to target These areas are clams, hip removals standing and sitting, side by side, etc. Basically, all that moves the leg in a lateral position away from your body / median. "


Forget the punctual training.

Woman looking at herself in mirror

"Most personal coaches no longer approve on-site training because scientific evidence supports that it does not successfully eliminate fat in the targeted area," says the Yoga and Group Fitness Instructor. Amanda Murdock. She continues to explain that body fat, unfortunately, works as the OL 'method' first in the last exit. "

"The first place you gain weight will be the last place where you lose weight, and it's usually belly and hips." The exercises focused on your abdomen, however, help you tone this area; But the fastest way to lose excess fat in your stomach and that hips consists of doing exercises that cause you to lose excessive fatglobally (like these intense exercises mentioned above).


Replace the cardio with HIIT.

Runners athletes running training legs on road in residential neighborhood

"Slow and stable cardio-reflect long joggs-joggs - will you go anywhere ... slowly," says Noah Neiman, co-founder of Rumble-Boxing in New York. "This is one of the most overused and least efficient ways of losing weight."

Neiman suggests negotiating in your long joggs for more difficult and aggressively rhythmic intervals, also known as high intensity interval formation (HITT), a type of training that gets and maintains your heart rate up to to combustion more fat for less time. The way it works is that you push your body to its maximum for 20 to30 seconds of exercise (as sprinting), then rest or make a less intense version of this exercise for one to twice this amount, then continue to repeat this pattern for 20 minutes. See Ya, Squishy Sides!


Train several groups of exercises.

Women doing crunches on exercise balls

"It's best to make movements that incorporate multiple muscle groups since you can not really spot a specific problem area," says Physical 57 Co-founder Tanya Becker. "Bar exercises are very effective because your body becomes machinery and your muscles have to work together to support your equilibrium to the bar." Becker also notes that it is important to combine sprints that integrate cardio, as well as the formation of force. "This combination gives quick results when you try to cut and tone all your muscles."


Concentrate on the basic exercises.

We have already covered the unfortunate truth that we can not choose where we lose and make weight, which means that punctual training is considerably classified. "Doing basic reinforcement exercises, however, are important because having a strong core will give you more strength in your workouts," says the personal yoga instructor and the Amanda Murdock fitness group. "And we already know more muscle means less than high muffin."


Also do your lower body work.

woman doing squats outside

"If you want your hips, think about your lower body," says Rachel Piskin Creator Fitness Chair. "Focus on exercises that build long and meat muscles. This will lengthen your hamstrings and quads, which will create a lower and more tonic body." Exercises you should consider including leg lifts and opposite arms and yoga-inspired movements like a twisted chair and a dog down.


Balance exercises of practice.

older woman balancing workout in living room

Equilibrium exercises are a great way to cut the hips andFundamental love handles. Piskin suggests, for example, enter a pit and pushing up to a paw balance. This will work the core, glues, indoor and exterior thighs to help cut the body.


Try Pilates.

woman doing pilates

"One of the best exercises is to place a bullet between the inner thighs and enter a bridge position with the hips," says Peskin. "Press the baking interior the ball 30 times, then lift your heels and repeat. Remove the ball and enter the bridge position again, pressing your knees and pulsing your hips up to 30 times. This series can be repeated three to five times..


Consider metabolic packaging.

Woman meditating

According to Neiman, the metabolic conditioned MetaBolololololololol Conditioning) is the ultimate way to train both hard and intelligent. "Metcon is a way of training that builds a lean body and keeps this metabolism roaring throughout the day; even when you stop working."

What does this mean to you? This means that even when you watch TV and you are entering your sandwich filled with post-training protein, you will burn calories. An example of a Metrcon training circuit would be to make burp, jump squats, skip slots and lines for 30 seconds at a high intensity - followed by a 30-second pause; You repeat the circuit five times.


Try this routine.

woman plank

We asked Justin Norris and Taylor Gainor, co-founders of the on-lit method, in order to set up a special hip drive circuit that can be done anywhere, at any time. Ready? Let's do it!

Start with a side board for 30 seconds on each side (drop your hips to the carpet and lift them towards the ceiling, keep your heart muscles engaged).

Then, make 30 seconds from Kick are (start in the position of the high board, take one leg and head for your elbow, your alternative sides).

Then, do you squats with oblique twists for 30 seconds (start with your feet on the shoulder on the shoulder, crasz your hands behind your head; after your crouching and start up, take your knee opposite to the opposite elbow. alternate sides).

Then make 30 seconds of bicycles (lie on the back, his hands rocked behind your neck, tighten your core while other elbows with opposite knees, with a slow and controlled tempo).

Finish with mountain climbers with elbow elbow elbow elbow (in the plank position Drive explosively your knee with the opposite elbow to the preparation of your other leg to move when your leg returns to the starting position) then walkers Planks (in forearm boards, slowly drive your knee to the outer part of your elbow, alternating sides).

How to lose weight in your hips with lifestyle changes.

In addition to breaking a sweat, there are other lifestyle changes that you can do that will help you drop these pounds and also reduce the size of the hip.


Make a little mathematics.

Woman writing in food journal with egg toast carrots coffee on table

Listen to us here - You will want to believe some numbers to make sure you are on the right track.

"Determine your TDEE (total daily energy expenses), it is the totality of the calories you burn by day by the exercise and the calories needed to keep you alive (sleep, digestion, walking, etc.)", Explains Bowmar. "[Next] Determine your BMR (basal metabolic rate), it is the total calorie needed to keep you alive. Let's say your BMR is 1,500 and your TDEE is 2,500. You must reduce your calories or increase the 'activity to create a deficit of 250 -500 calories a day! "


Eat more thermogenic foods.

Turmeric powder on wooden spoon

"Different foods generate different thermogenic responses. Every time you eat something, it takes energy (calories) to transform this food into something that you can metabolize. There are some foods that take a lot more energy To metabolize, make your body stronger for energy it takes and help reduce your general calorie gain, "explains nice." Some popular thermogenic ingredients are turmeric, garlic, coconut oil, from the coconut oil. Green tea, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, pepper peppers (cayenne pepper) and salmon. Combining training with resistance with more thermogenic foods, we are more likely to put us in a position to change our body composition less fat to more muscle! "

And just for you to know,Here's how you can learn to exploit the power of tea to lose weight.


Be aware of the powders.

protein powder scoop

Pay attention to powdered foods - including protein powder, peanut butter powder and crystalline light - that Murdock often finds the culprit for gas and bloating with its customers. "In many cases, these can not onlymake you feel bloated But can also cause a visible bomb in your hips. "


But to make power with proteins.


While you should have to think twice on yourprotein powdersproteinis Well. "Studies have shown that diets rich in meat protein have the best body composition," says Neiman. "They keep you longer and release hormones that help keep your body with a favorable weight. So, proudly eat these organic eggs." Chicken, turkey, fish, seafood and nuts are also good options for protein, especially if you try to lose weight in the hips.


Avoid diet-based foods.

Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

Stay away from labeled items without sugar or sugar. Becker warns that most of these diet-based foods are highly transformed or use substitutes very little nutritional value. Instead, it recommends scaling on foods rich in nutrients and rich fibers such as raw almonds, carrots and hummus, or apple slices hardened in raw honey, which all help to provide energy and protect yourself between meals. It also recommends steam or boil your vegetables whenever you canGet the most nutrients of them.


Watch for your fiber consumption.

high fiber diet

Pay attention to the amount of fiber you consume; It's amazing satiety and importance for intestinal health and optimal digestion. Murdock issues a caution note: "If you eat a high fiber diet without drinking a lot of water, you will become Gassy and you will notice bloating, which looks a lot like fat, but not. I speak. I'm talking about The fiber experience. It does not stop me from eating it, but that prevents me from panicking when I blood. "


Eat more fat.

avocado toast

Studies show higher regimes inhealthy fats are better for your size. "So, do not feel so bad to crush this almond butter pot at midnight last night .... Maybe not the whole pot," says Neiman. Nuts, dark chocolate, oily fish, chia seeds, avocado and extra virgin olive oil are also good sources of healthy fat.


Eat fish too.

Grilled sockeye salmon

Murdock tells his guests to charge their plates with fish. Salmon Alaska Sauvage caught to be precise. "The fatty acid composition is ideal for your hair, your nails and your size."


SIP on a caffeine.


Although there are advantages and disadvantages to caffeine, it has been shown that the time and time at which coffee can improve sports performance.Drink your brief A few minutes before your workout and it will give you a boost of energy to help you cope with these hot calorie and burning fatworks and burn hip fat.


Eat meat meats.

beef steak

"Unless it's for [specific] reasons, eat," says Murdock. "The biological and grass-powered cups are an amino acid power. The amino acids are protein building blocks, proteins are muscle building blocks and muscles prevent you from leaning."


Drink more water.

water glasses

"Do you feel hungry? Chances are chances that you are dehydrated and playing with your metabolism," says Neiman. Watching your water consumption is particularly important if you consume a lot of sodium, which is dehydration (this tends to be the case if your power is high in processed foods). Remember that food can be an excellent source for water melon and cucumbers. Several of food on our list ofthe most fulfilling healthy snacks Have a high water density!


Try lymphatic drainage to reduce cellulite.

leg massage

"Manual lymphatic drainage is a soft shape of massage that accelerates the circulation of lymphocytes that support your immune system - throughout the body," says kind. "Cellulite is the accumulation of toxins inside your fat cells. Your lymphatic system eliminates toxins and moves fat; therefore lymphatic drainage will help reduce cellulite. You have the possibility to go for professional assistance. Or that you could do it at home with a lymphatic drainage body / paddle. These are easy to find online! "


Improve your sleep quality.

woman sleeps in bed

Yes, make sure you have enough sleep and good type of sleep can considerably affect your weight loss goals.

"The relationship between sleep and weight loss has long been documented by science. Studies show that shorter sleepers tend to have higher body mass indices, higher body fat percentages and higher quantities of Visceral Body Grease, "says Aaron Brown, a certified and research associate personnel for the global companyUltimate performance.

"Lack of sleep puts you at higher risks of weight gain - and this weight won, it is likely to result from body fat. Sleep deprivation also reduces our ability to control hunger and satiety and satiety and Increases the likelihood that we reached more caloric foods that make our weight more difficult. "

Brown suggests that you want to browse 7 to 9 hours of good quality sleep per night and has also shared simple ways to improve your sleep quality to facilitate more efficient weight loss:

  • Limit the day's nap, which can cause sleep problems when it comes to bedtime.
  • Getting a good amount of sun exposure early in the day when search shows are directly related to a better ability to sleep at night.
  • Define a regular settlement routine and stick to it - our bodies need rhythm and routine.
  • Check your sleep environment best that you can darken the room in the hours preceding the bed, invest in blackout blinds and turn off all light sources in the room (even the light of mobile phone chargers can affect sleep).
  • Avoid the exposure of blue light within a few hours before the bed is also important, especially if you use screens, tablets or mobile phones.

Remember that coherence is the key.

Marking date on calendar

One thing you want to keep in mind when you are concentrated with slimming laser: you want to be consistent when it comes to pursuing your goals, even if it means trying to lose hip fat.

"Just like all the rest of life, coherence is the key. If you do not exert your glutes, you will lose them. If you do not eat healthy food, it will catch you. If you do not keep your lymphatic massage , cellulite has a greater chance to come back, "says nice.

A bad weight takes time to put on - and it takes time to deposit, too. So, you will want to be patient and push you. But it's much easier than not to think about making healthy changes that you will get the desired results.

"I strongly recommend finding an exercise program that you like to do. It will prevent you from keeping back," says Bowmar, "Finally, I recommend finding meals that you really like to eat and eat those for a week, [ As]. The number of meals you need to find is to stick to a diet much easier. "

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