15 new ways to sweat your thin road

Discover your ABS with a new mix of any new blend of the Brazilian dance and football dance of celebrity.

Brazil, known for its national football team, an optimistic culture and its perfect beaches, is a lively paradise that has produced some of the best athletes and the most beautiful women in the world, and it is not a coincidence.

Activities such as football and dance are essential aspects of our culture and contribute to shaping our daily lives and our body. But you do not have to migrate south of the equator towardslose belly fat and get the adjustment. I mixed sexy Brazilian dance movements with hardcore football calistherenics from my days who play professional football to create my signature training, cuerpaso, which means "incredible body" in Spanish and Portuguese. And yes, thatwill Give yourself the incredible body that you have always dreamed of having. (Need proof? Just watchScandal Star Kerry Washington - It's just one of the hot bodies I trained!)

Here, I share unique exercises of my method of signature, as well as my main fitness and lifestyle tips, many others you have never tried before. Read on the knowledge and start sculpting the best version of you!

And for even more neglected ways to reduce, consult the exclusive report of the ESTN:20 weight loss turns you have not tried!


Wake up excited


Sometimes awakening the most difficult part of the day, I totally get it. But if weight loss is your goal, I recommend you get out of bed (no snooze button allowed!) And I jump immediately in a workout inspired by the 3-minute athlete. Tang 30 seconds each squater, push-ups and Tripps TIICEP. Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the circuit. Although it's a short workout, it will set your metabolism on fire. At first, it may be a challenge to make this part of your routine, but after meeting the dynamism, it makes you feel all day, you will be excited to enter your daily sweat session.

For more ways to elevate your fat and your calorie burn, see these55 best ways to stimulate your metabolism.




When I played football abroad in Europe, I noticed that many people went for quiet walks after dinner. This simple daily habit is an efficient calorie burner and also facilitates digestion, to prevent stomach discomfort and swelling. Worried about doing exercise so close to bedtime? Do not be! Research shows that active people are over 67% more likely to have a good night's sleep - no matter how time of day.

And talk about getting rid of grease and belly fat, be sure to check these50 best detox waste for grease engraving and weight loss.


Get up

Nope, it's not another board to stay less and stand up, although it's always beneficial if the loss of yourlove handles is the goal. This is my right-fit advice to get flat abdominals. When most people think about working their core, images of matte exercises often come to mind. But these are not the best movements to get a flat stomach. What is? ABS exercises standing like high knees and kicking by standing bike. Not only are they more efficient than sit-ups and crunches, they do not put as much pressure on the neck and lower back.




Even if you do not aim to get cutting thighs or stronger quads, work these legs! These are the biggest muscles of your body, so you will burn the maximum number of calories and build the maximum amount of muscle, which can in turn help you burn fat faster. The jump squats, the slots, the deadlines and the sprint intervals will all push your legs at their limit, giving you the body results you want.

For more training tips, check these25 world's most robust men's weight loss tips!


Plan and prepare

Studies show that those who plan and prepare their meals in advance have better eating habits, such as eating fruits and vegetables, which can finally lead to weight loss. Try fresh fruits and vegetables in advance, grill meat like chicken and wild salmon and make a big quinoa pot to add to your meals throughout the week. If you stick to a constant diet from Monday to Friday, you have a little Wiggle the weekend room.


Try the pliometry inspired by football

When it comes to working, we all want to do the exercises that will burn most calories as soon as possible. Fortunately, there is no shortage of options - almost all Plelometric exercises correspond to the invoice. My movement of plio-to-to to to to toe tap. He raises the heart rate of the bat and when you do it, you feel like you dance. Here's how it is: stand behind a box or a football bullet with your arms and feet together. Fold the right knee quickly and lift the foot, tapping lightly on the box or ball. Jump the right foot immediately on the floor and tap the bullet or box with your left foot. Continue alternating the feet and swing your arms in the opposition to win the speed. Make three 30 seconds to go beyond fat!

For more ways to get your environment, check these40 ways of losing 4 inches of body fat!


Keep your gym equipment near


Keep a workout training bag in your car or office, so you are always ready to sneak in a gym session or to walk out every time the weather permits.



On the point of joining the fridge to catch a snack? You are required to opt for something healthy (like these50 snacks with 50 calories or less) When you have an image to remind you of your goals at the door. Is there a dress or a swimsuit that you die to integrate? Paste a picture of the square there. You will be surprised to see how reading a visual cue will keep you on the right track.


Vibe with the rhythm

People think that working at home is boring because it lacks energy and an atmosphere of a gym. But in truth, break a sweat in your living room can be extremely efficient and fun, too! Take a certain fast music and match the rate of your workout to the rhythm. Skip squats, skip nets, endpoint kicks and thrusts are among my favorite exercises at home. Make 15 series of each return exercise to raise your heart rate and challenge your muscles. Repeat the circuit three to four times for a total body grease blasting session.


Change your perspective


Work should not be considered something youhave do, like a chore; Instead, consult each training session as a privilege. If you approach your workout from a happy place, you will push you stronger and stay more consistent with your routine, which will help you see more quickly.


Netflix Ditch


While watching Netflix is ​​not intrinsically dangerous - unless you accidentally get out of the couch on a hard floor, it encourages the sailor's observation that is a bad news for your size. Studies show that the more time you spend time watching TV, plus the risk of weight gain and weight-related disease. Netflix also lacks advertisements - one main hour to sneak in explosive flab rolling exercises, such as jump squats and pumps. Return to regular television and keep your body through the advertisements. Each activity you can sneak throughout the day is a step towards your weight.




You have heard that a million times before, but I repeat it: drink more water! The reason: Stay hydrated makes you less inclined to eat too much and also helps to eliminate toxins and reduce the appearance of Bloat.

Sick of water? Although I do not recommend sipping on sodas, if youhaveHave a stick at a SIP that is on the healthier side. The exclusive report of ETNTThe 38 Top Diet Sodas are classified! Can help you choose the smartest choice!


To be busy

Sex will not replace your treadmill, but this can increase your heart rate and activate your muscles - while doing something nice. And more importantly, this can help you maintain a healthy overall health. Studies have shown that having sexual relations can help reduce blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Nowit's A winning victory!


Avoid Exercise Add


You may have heard that mixing your training routine is a good thing, but it is possible to jump from the activity to the activity.too much often. Chose a training plan and stick with it. The trick is to make sure it becomes more and more difficult. Good sustainable results will come with time, patience and coherent discipline.

And to see the best weight loss results, avoid these150 The worst food packed in America.


Move in all directions


The workouts of most people understand almost only the movements forward and backward. This translates into a number of neglected muscles and can increase your risk of injury. To challenge your body, stay safe and injured a ton of calories, incorporate CUERPASO multidirectional slots into your drive routine. To work through the set, make a slot forward, a side pit (be sure to keep your head and your chest), a rear slot and a side pit on the left. Keep going through this circuit until your legs feel like Jell-o. Then rest 30 seconds and repeat again.

Fitness Fitness Tadeo, which makes its debut on the new Spike TV Reality Fitness Series "Sweat Inc." (November 17, 22h) formed some of the most popular bodies in Hollywood, including the star of Kerry Washington of the star "scandal". As a candidate on "Sweat Inc." He shows the world why his cuerpaso signing training should be the next big thing.

Image credit:Denis Makarenko /Shutterstock.com

Categories: Weight Loss
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