12 things to know about the Brazilian Guide for Weight Loss

This is not another diet plan designed to make you look like a secret model of Victoria.

What do you think of when you see the words "Brazilian" and "weight loss"? If you are like a lot, you think of the large bodies of the models born in Brazil like Gisele Bundchen and Adriana Lima. However, this is not a plan plan designed by a celebrity trainer to obtain a model body. Instead, the 143-page Brazilian Weight Loss Plan has been developed by the country's government so that people can eat real and traditional foods - and not transformed shit now available everywhere.

We think of America as the country where everyone is overweight, but England is ripe with its own problems and one in seven, the Brazilians are obese. In fact, in Brazil, the majority are at least overweight, thanks to the influx of candy and soda. This "official" plan for the public is simple and effective, so it may be exactly what you are looking for to reduce your size. The United States of A. certainly have its own recommendations that came directly from the White House, but hey, you may want to feel more cultural about it. Thus, without further ado, here is your essential cheating sheet to follow the Brazilian weight loss guide. And for more ideas, do not miss our list of32 simple ways of losing more weight!


Forget the food pyramid


The key to the Brazilian Food Guide is simplicity, which means that it is not necessary to worry about the conservation of your foods in confusing guidelines such as infamous food pyramid. There is no calorie or macronutrient measurement, instead, you focus on tradition and natural foods.

"Usually, traditional food means homemade foods, fresh cuisine", the host of Brazilian food Bela GilAtlantic. "There is no way that instant noodles are traditional. Growing up, we have always had real food at home: rice and beans and vegetables."

VIDEO:Eat this to feel full, not fat


Eat like your grandmother would like you to eat


As for the menu planning, retense with these good meals that your grandmother or mom prepared you for you. The Brazilian guide offers several samples of meal ideas that would make them proud, including a lunch of rice, beans and vegetables. For dinner? Go with the proven chicken with rice and beans. Dessert? Fruits, of course.


Use condiments and oil sparingly


The guide is intended to promote good nutrition, not completely restrict the schemes and get the taste and pleasure of eating. That said, oils, greases, salt and sugar can be used - but are recommended in small quantities. In other words, do not drown your food in any of that.


Completely avoid soda and other sweet snacks

The Brazilian Food Guide recommends eating"Ultra-transformed" foods Like packaged snacks, instant noodles and sodas because they are nutritionally unbalanced. "Due to their formulation and presentation, they tend to be consumed in excess and move natural or poorly transformed foods," says the guide. "Their means of production, distribution, marketing and consumption of culture, social life and the environment."


Eating at regular intervals and slow down


The Brazilian Weight Loss Guide also calls regular meals and no snack between the two. The reason: snacks are often transformed from cookies or other boxes in boxes and are not nutritionally balanced. Instead, the guide calls three balanced meals, lunch and dinner, which will give you all the livelihood you need. Start the day off on good food avoiding these20 best breakfast habits for your size!


Buy local whenever possible


The complete feeding approach of the entire guide includes the recovery when people have been purchased for fresh foods every day and have purchased local farmers and grocers. The guide recommends searching vegetables and fruits that are cultivated locally in season. "Whenever possible, buy organic and agro-ecological foods, preferably directly from producers."



Are you a series sofa eater? Or worse, do you eat in the car? Stop now. A healthy diet involves eating in the right place, "clean, quiet and comfortable places encourage attention to the act of strength and slowly feeding, allowing meals to be fully appreciated and reduce food consumption. " They are right now: a study published 2013 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that distracted consumption leads to overeating too much. here is17 reasons why you are looking for (and how to stop!)


Exercise a part of your life


Although good nutrition is accent, the development of a good exercise plan is also part of the guide. The Brazilian government does not give specific recommendations, but the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends obtaining 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity. New to exercise? Start slowly, with something like a quick walk and build from there.


Share skills with others

The Brazilian guide does not only concern individuals; He also asks people to spread knowledge with other people so that future generations can conduct healthy lifestyles. If you have cooking skills, develop them and share them, especially with boys and girls. If you do not have these skills - acquire them. "Skill sharing and equality of households? It looks like a good plan for us. While you gather your friends and family, why not drive the load with some of these35 fun ways to lose weight?


Ignore food advertising

Advertisements can appear food and appear in good health, but appearances are misleading. The guide recommends ignoring food marketing quite because "the purpose of advertising is to increase product sales and not to inform or educate people. Be critic and teaching children to criticize all forms of Food and marketing advertising. "




Do you eat more when you are with others or alone? Believe it or not, you eat less when surrounded by people, says the guide. "Eating together ... is part of the evolution and adaptation of humanity and the development of culture and civilization. As soon as possible, eating with a family, friends or colleagues: This increases the enjoyment of food and encourages regular consumption, carefully and in appropriate environments. "


Pass the fast food and always eat in fresh restaurants


On the spot and need to eat? Jump the calorie bombs in fast restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King and Arby's, advises the guide. Instead, choose to visit self-service restaurants and "canteens that serve as a buffet style" that charge by weight. We will absolutely be behind the tip to avoid fast food chains; But if you have no choice but do not miss thatSurvival Guide for Fast Restoration.

Categories: Weight Loss
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