10 Best Smoothie Ingredients on Fire Fire

Back in the day, weight loss shakes have entered three predominant varieties: powdered, nasty and a combination of both. Not anymore.

Thanks to certain ingredients of scientifically proven fat combustion andWeight loss foodsSmoothies can be rich, creamy, flattening of the belly and muscle, ideal for your start of the AM, an afternoon energy lift or a post-gym recovery drink. Here are 10 basic best add-ins, a mix of starters, sweeteners and boosters, as well as some of our favorite recipes.


Coconut oil

coconut oil

It is a dietary miracle: a fat that makes you skinny. Food supplementation of coconut oil reduced abdominal obesity in a study published in the journalLipid. Participants, half received two tablespoons of coconut oil and the other half was given soybean oil, and although the two groups lived overall.weightlossOnly the petroleum group of coconut saw smaller gainents. And other researchers also highlighted the effects of the size of the size of tropical oil. In a separate study of 30 men, those who have eaten 2 tablespoons coconut oil a day narrowed on average 1.1 inch in one month. Thanks, the medium chain triglycerides of C.O., which are burned as energy instead of being stored in the form of grease and lauric acid, which has been demonstrated to classify belly fat and torch.




Small size soldiers are an easy way to sweeten your smoothies - and one of the most effective fruits to burn fat. They are loaded with polyphenols, natural chemicals that burn fat and can even prevent it from training! In a university study of Texas women, mice that consumed berries had 73% less belly fat than those who do not have it. We like thathealthy smoothy We nicknamed "the blue monster", which combines bays with a double pop of gourmessy polyphenols of frozen tea, as well as brain boost seed seeds, ridiculis rich in omega-3.


Greek yogurt

greek yogurt

In addition to lending a smoothie a delicious creamy, Greek yogurt edges with muscular building proteins - about 20 grams in a 7 ounce cup. He has the punch of vitamin D and calcium one by two, which turns off the cortisol, a stress hormone that causes the suspension of the body tobig belly. The researchers at the University of Tennessee have found that people who were eating 18 ounces of Greek yogurt per day lost 22% of more weight and 81% belly fat more than those that do not have it.




Kickstart your morning - and your metabolism - with this sweet spice. Japanese researchers found that mice that ate daily cranberdehyde (the ingredient giving cinnamon his flavor) lost belly fat, while those who jumped the spice did not do it. A smoothie with a cinnamon added will also help the 11-hour head: it contains powerful antioxidants that maintain stable blood glucose, preventing crash and hunger accidents.




In addition to soothing a stomach ache, ginger canburn fat From your belly, it really speeds up your metabolism. In a recent study published in theNutritional Biochemistry JournalJapanese researchers nurtured obese rats from ginger and found that they had more energy, built more muscle and burned more fat. A separate study revealed that overweight men who drank a hot ginger beverage within the SEM reported greater satiety and less hunger; The researchers also observed a peak in their metabolic rate.


Almond butter

almond butter

Burning smoothies Do not have to taste weak. For Spirit: Almond Butter Savory, a protein plant that builds a skinny muscle burning fat. The tear-shaped nuts which are made also contain a compound that limits the fat absorbed grease. In fact, a study of overweight adults determined that eating about a quarter of almonds for six months resulted in a reduction of 62% more weight reduction and body mass than not to eat nuts. A separate study published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationI showed that eating only 1.5 ounces of daily almonds leads to a reduction of the belly and fat fat! We like to combine almond butter with cocoa powder rich in antioxidants, frozen banana and unsweetened almond milk for a beverage inspired by peanut butter.



baby spinach

The leafy green is packed with energy nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron and folate. This can also reduce your appetite, thanks to natural compounds called thylakoids. Swedish researchers found that over three months, women who consumed a five-graphic thylakoid supplement recorded a 25% reduction in hunger and desires and significant weight loss more weight (11 pounds ) that the control group! Thisagitation of proteins is one of our favorite recipes for a lean body and toned.




Apples and Greens are the wonderful twins of the ingredients of the Smoothie; The apples add a softness with minimal calories, as well as a double shot of satisfaction fiber. In fact, they are one of the best sources of fiber fruits, which studies have shown are essential to reduce belly fat. A recent study in the Medical Center of Wake Forest Baptist revealed that, for all 10 grams of the fiber consumed per day, belly fat has been reduced by 3.7% over five years! Apples are also high in pectin, which limits the amount of fat absorbed grease.


Green tea

green tea and weight loss

It has been shown a secret smoothie weapon to stimulate metabolism, blocks the creation of new adipose cells and actually disables grease genes. Green tea is particularly high in antioxidants such as ECGC, the compound that burns fat and stop them from forming. In addition, its smooth taste makes all the smoothie descend easily. Give itGreen Tea Smoothie At the tip of Matcha a shot; The Matchta is green tea overloaded by 137% more ECGC as its brewed tea bag brother.


Vegetable protein

plant based protein powder

When you want to maximize the protein content of a smoothie for a post-gym recovery drink or a meal replacement, keep away from the whey protein, which can cause bloating and often high in artificial sweeteners. bad guys.Plant-based protein - which comes from sources such as rice, peas and hemp - offers advantages of muscle building without the pooch production lactose qualities. In fact, in a 2013 study published inNutrition log, Researchers at the University of Tampa have found that rice protein was just as effective as lactoseumMuscle and strength Among the men who worked frequently. We recommend mixed plants proteins, which are different plants combouts that create a complete protein; Vega Sport and Sunwarrior are two of our favorite brands.

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