How to reduce your level of cortisol naturally

Make these lifestyle and diet changes to reduce stress and support your immune system.

At the moment, probably more than ever, people around the world are stressed. With so much uncertainty surrounding the effects ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Pandemic on the world's population, it's hard not to feel anxious and blue.

This means that your cortisol level are probably higher than usual, which also means that it is of paramount importance that you figure howinferior Cortisol. To help you, we have put their hands with several experts and research to collect sustained scientific advice on how to naturally reduce cortisol levels, so your immune system can remain strong during this unprecedented period.

But first ...

What is cortisol?

Cortisol is the main bodystress hormone. The pump adrenal glands outside each time you are tired or alarmed. That's why we better know Cortisol help the fuel instinct "fight or leak" of your body. Never feel uncomfortable after a call by while driving on the highway or surprised by your alarm in the morning? It's cortisol at work.

Although we most often associate this hormone with negative things, cortisol plays a vital role in our lives. A certain amount of cortisol is healthy for the body, likehas anti-inflammatory properties And it is necessary for our body to operate optimally.

RELATED: Your guide to theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

What are the negative side effects of high cortisol?

Having a good balance of cortisol levels is essential for human health. So, it is not necessary to surprise that too much cortisol (and the stress that precipitates it) can lead to negative side effects. (Weight gain, specifically.)

"When placed in a stressful situation, our body's response by releasing hormones, including cortisol. As is released more cortisol, it increases the blood sugar level, which can lead to a weight gain, mainly around the abdomen and face, "says Bonnie Balk, RD a dietitian and experts in Health and well-being forMAPLE HOLISTICS.

And there is even more than that. "Although there are many studies, thelink between stress level and weight gain, The connection can come from another cause, "Balk adds. As people live stressful situations, they tend to turn to their "therapist", which is often cakes, cookies or other sugars / salt / food comforting fat, which leads to weight gain. Asabdominal fat seems to increase the levels of cortisol, it contributes to this unhealthy cycle ".

How to naturally reduce the levels of cortisol.

The good news is that there are 10 natural, means, including evidence of food changes and lifestyle changes can help you reduce your cortisol rate.

1. Cut caffeine, or consume less.

A study conducted in 2005 in the journalPsychosomatic medicine found that caffeine increases the secretion of cortisol, even in resting people. Because caffeine can stimulate the production of cortisol and blood pressure increases, Krista King, MS, RDN, ofcompound nutrition, Offers a solution to lower cortisol. "Try to make a break in caffeine graduallydecrease the amount of caffeine You every day exchanging for an alternative without caffeine or lower caffeine ".

2. Reduce your sugar intake.

You should avoid foods that have been highly transformed and packed with chemicals and added sugars if you are looking for how to reduce your cortisol rate. "One way to combat high levels of cortisol, stress and weight gain is to reduce (or cut) simple sugars," says Balk. The main foods that fall under thisHigh Sugar Category understand:

  • White bread
  • Cakes
  • pastries
  • candies
  • soda

Although these sweet goodies can give you a temporary energy jerk (and the inevitable, cortisol boost) suggests Balk focus on other sources of energy. "As your body still needs to receive fuel sugar itself, focus on havingcomplex carbohydrates rather than simple sugars. Jim White Rd, ACSM, and the owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios add thatFoods rich in fiber, Fats of protein, and healthy will also help maintain your cortisol level in the normal range.

Foods to combat stress and lower cortisol include:

  • Whole grains (like a bowl of oat flakes with banana and almond butter)
  • Starchs (potatoes, corn, peas)
  • fruit
  • dairy products
  • Foods rich in protein (such as scrambled eggs at spinach)

3. Avoid or limit alcohol consumption when you are stressed.

Because alcohol often puts people at ease and makes them feel relaxed, you might think it has the ability to reduce the levels of cortisol. In fact, the opposite is true. A study published inThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolismhave found that men coming from a drink a week saw three percent increase their cortisol levels, and these levels can be even higher if you are under a huge amount of pressure.

"We see people who use alcohol to help relax,. However, alcohol is a depressant so yes, in the moment you can feel "better, alcohol causes several problems that appear later," says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, R & D, who sits on the advisory committee forSmart healthy lifestyle.

"In addition, alcohol can also press your mood. A coupledepressive mood With stress (or existing depression) and you can find yourself in a terrible rut, "she adds. Alcohol can also disrupt deep sleep, if not only you will be hangover after a drink of drinking, but you can also feel sick and lack a good night's sleep! "

4. Stay hydrated.

"Drink enough water that your body needs a day Can help your body better regulate cortisol levels, "says White. "When our body dehydrates, it can be considered a stress factor in the body, which could affect the levels of cortisol."

On a2018 study Young football players, even a slight dehydration can lead to an increase in one of the levels of cortisol. In other words, if you are looking to maintain your cortisol rate away, do not be afraid of a little H2O.

5. Keep at a regular calendar to eat.

Although it can be difficult sometimes, stick to a calendar to eat is a great way to keep stress (this trigger of Cortisol Darn) under control. This is partly because it takes the task when your next meal will be, which in itself can be a source of anxiety. In turn, sticking to a program can also help prevent food stress, another habit that can contribute to a slight rise in cortisol levels, especially since we tend to reach candies stimulate cortisol and foods. Comfort when we are overwhelmed.

"Recognize whether and when you commit yourself in a stress power: try keeping a regular schedule to eat where you will ever avoid getting too hungry and ever avoid stuffing on board", advises Miller. "Before grasping a snack, take a minute to ask if you are really hungry. You may find that you are really just stressed and looking for something to nibble or you are bored. Try to structure a routine to eat where you eat a meal / snack every 3-4 hours in standby ".

6. Pinpoint your food triggers.

Try to write what you eat in an effort to get a better idea when youStress Eating. "Hold a food newspaper For a week can help you identify the times when you deliver in comfort foods or when you make wise choices, healthier choices "said-Balk. If dinner before a big test or meeting tends to fry "comforting foods", it is worth stopping the cycle and replace this emotion with a healthier choice or to receive consolation in another way ".

7. Get a good night.

Each dietician, we talked with mentioned the positive impact of sleep an adequate night can have on one levels of cortisol. Cortisol goes up and down according to our sleep cycles: it is the highest right after we wake up and lowest to the right before reaching hay. Thus, it is not surprising that sleep levels and cortisol are so strongly connected to each other.

"Due to cortisol levels being linked to circadian rhythm, making sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night will help maintain normal cortisol levels," says White. "It can also help keep fat. " According toWake Forest Researchers, People who sleep five hours or less put on two and a half times more belly fat, while those who are packing sleep more than eight hours on a little less than that.

8. Laughter.

Believe it or not, a good little laugh can go a long way when it comes to lowering your cortisol rate. "One way to reduce the cortisol who enjoys the support of research is by deep laughter, sincere," said Steven Mr. Sultanoff, PhD. "Studies have shown that 10-20 minutes of laughter of the deep heart reduces serum cortisol. »

White subscribed, taking note even a good mood can help do the job: "You have something you wait with impatience every day that can improve your mood," he says. "This can help lower cortisol levels and reduce stress levels. »

9. Break a sweat.

"The high intensity exercise for about 15-20 minutes can stimulate the production of cortisol," said the king. To decrease, you need another form of exercise. "To help lower cortisol levels are attempting from high intensity high intensity such as bodybuilding, yoga, pilates and walking," she says.

By a studyThe Journal of endocrinological investigation, Low-intensity exercise effectively leads to a reduction in circulating cortisol rates.

10. But do not hit the gym too often.

On the other hand, this same study ofThe endocrinological survey log showed that moderate high-intensity exercise causes increases in cortisol levels outstanding. In other words, when it comes to exercising, the more may not be better. A separate2012 study Confirmed that the long-term exposure of cortisol was significantly higher in endurance athletes.

As a clinical psychologist Candice Séti, psyd-a.k.a.Weight Loss Therapist-Port it, "skip the second gym trip and easy taking can also be good to reduce the levels of cortisol. [We have evidence] that overexulser can actually lead to an increase in hormone. This, to his turn, can lead toslower weight loss. "

11. Drink more tea.

There is a reason why people drink tea to relax.Studies show This tea lowers cortisol levels. In addition, there is evidence that drinks about half a cup of green tea every day can reduce the risk of developing depression and dementia. Regular tea consumption has also been associated with better cardiac health. Just this year, theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology published a newStudy on tea and heart disease. The study revealed that those who drank tea three times a week have spread away from the coronary heart disease of 1.5 years older than those who did not drank it regularly or at all.

12. Stroll to the outside.

Imagine if a doctor prescribed you anatural pillOr you asked you to take a walk outside to help you treat your stress levels. How would you react? A 2019 study published in the newspaper,Borders in public healthFound that take a walk of 20 minutes long (at least) in nature considerably diminishing cortisol levels.

"Health practitioners can use our results as a basic evidence-based rule on what to do in an order of the pill-pill," said Dr. Marycarol Hunter, Associate Professor at the University of the University of Michigan and the main author of this research in the study declaredin a report. "It provides the first estimate of how nature has an impact on stress levels in the context of normal daily life. It breaks a new plot by addressing some of the complexities to measure a dose of an effective nature."

13. Meditate.

Maybe one of the easiest andthe fastestMeans that you can reduce stress is simply to meditate. For example, in 2013, CPU researchers Davis published a study in the journalPsychology of health on levels of meditation and cortisol. What did they find? Intentional attention to the mind about what is happening in the present, rather than let it derive to past and future experiences, was associated with lower levels of cortisol.

"The more a person reported the direction of their cognitive resources to an immediate sensory experience and the task to be accomplished, the more their cortisol at rest," said Tonya Jacobs, postdoctoral researcher at the center of the UC Davis and author of the studyin a report.

14. Is yoga, often.

Yoga and meditation in many ways go from hand, with respect to positive health outcomes. A 2017 study published in the journalBorders in human neurosciencefound that daily meditation and yoga practices were attributable to lower stress levels. For three months, participants practiced mediation and yoga daily. After retirement, participants have demonstrated changes to "inflammatory way signaling" that indicated that their resilience to fluctuations in stress levels has improved. Another impressive result? Several participants also showed improvements in depression and anxiety.

15. Eat more feeding foods from cortisol.

Believe it or not, there are some foods that can help keep stable cortisol levels.

  • dark chocolate
  • bananas and pears
  • Probiotics with yoghurt

For example, a 2019 study published in the journalAntioxidants I examined the impact of black chocolate consumption on participants' cortisol levels. The results of the small-scale study suggest that consume only 25 grams ofdark chocolate (Think 2 squares of the intense darkness of Ghiradelli, 86% cocoa) every day can reduce global cortisol levels.

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