Shake it with the challenge of 7-day belly zero smoothies

The secret to lose weight fast? Shhhh. It's "Ledf".

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This is not a new pill or a new frightening bariatric procedure requiring tubes outside your body. It is an acronym for an idea that has existed for some time: food with low energy density.

The energy density is the number of calories in a food per unit unit. This may seem like a secondary chemistry class, but it should not sweat your palms. It's very simple and it works wonders for weight loss.

Energy = calories. Low energy-density foods are low calorie foods. Water is weak low as regards low energy density consumables - with zero calories. But the water is as heavy. He fills his belly. Try this experience: the next time your stomach grunted, drink a glass of 10 ounces and wait a few minutes. To feel better?

Now you can not live alone on the water, but what are low energy calorie density foods (calories) that you can chew? The slices of red peppers are low energy-density foods because they contain a lot of water in their cells. A great green salad, easy on the vinaigrette, is a great low energy density meal.

The concept of recording the power of the LEDF for weight loss is not ours. In the early 2000s, the researcher of Penn State Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., explored the idea of ​​experiences with his students. The researchers nurtured chicken and rice to people in the same quantities, but in different forms, one of them being soup. It turned out that the soup breaths consumed 26% fewer calories at their next meal as groups who have eaten chicken dishes and dry rice.

The water does two things to help weight loss, rollers found: it fills the belly, which signals the brain that the amount of suitable food has been eaten and that water in food leaves its belly more slowly, lengthening time before the return of hunger.

Thus, one of the secrets of weight loss faster and easier for you to build meals around low energy density foods. It's not difficult to find them. Think of fresh vegetables, fruits, broth soups and smoothies. Fabricated right with vegetable protein powder, a little fruit for sweetness and perhaps a Greek yogurt, smoothies can be a low-energy density food ideal that you can use as a meal replacement.

For more than 100 delicious Smoothie recipes, check out the best sellingZero Belly Smoothies by David Zinczenko, andSign up for the Challenge of 7 Day Stompendence Zero Smoothies here. You will drop quick books, turn your diet and could win a Kick-Ass blemer to help you put the power of low energy density foods to make you work.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothies
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