50 things that only people who lived in the 1970s will remember
This retro flashback at the most sunny decade will fill you with nostalgia for the 70s.

Feel nostalgic for a simpler time lately? You're not alone. Here is one thing that everyone who was alive during the 1970s can agree on: the whole decade still feels like it did not occur only yesterday. Seriously, how canthe 70's to befive decades in the past? It is simply not possible for the era to govern byLow bell jeans and 8-track cassettes was half a century ago. For those of us who lived - and survived this groovy and perilous weather, he will always make some of our soul. Here are 50 things you still remember the decade that will fill you with our 1970s Nostalgia. And for a film flashback, revisit these30 quotes of fifty every year 70 know by heart.
1 Parts to the disco roll

All the pleasure of a discotheque with the extra-surprising clumsiness of having wheels on your feet. We could all remember these parts, but it's a miracle that we did not break bones trying to dance with a gees bee song while skating the scary speeds. And for more pieces that you may need recycling, see these25 huge bands from the 70s that you totally forgotten existed.
2 Covet an Atari video game console

No, you may not have to own an Atari console during the 70s, but at the very least you knew someone who did it and you assured you to do everything in your power to win their friendship. The very idea of playing video games in the comfort of our own homes without ever worrying if we had enough quarters seemed unsundably futuristic.
3 Waiting for the phone

Everyone in the 70s had only one phone at home. It was a rotary phone that remained in a central location, with a cord that could only be stretched until now. If someone was on this phone, simply sit down and wait for them to end up. Hogging family members The phone was the cause of many brother battles during that time.
4 Pretend to be "bionic"

If you are really a kid of the 70s, we do not need to explain what is involved in the pretender you are bionic. But for those who are not, you just start running in slow motion, then you make a sound with your tongue that sounds vaguely robotic. Decades afterThe six million dollars andThe Bionic Woman Have been canceled, trying to imitate Steve Austin or Jaime Sulmers always makes us powerful. And for more series that will make you nostalgic, these areThe best "70 represents in quarantine again.
5 Play in Simon

So simple, and yet so addictive. When this electronic game came out in 1978, each child had to have one. The gameplay was not too involved - just call the right series of four color buttons to repeat a sound pattern, but we played it with the intensity and focus that children playFortif today. And for more habits that have defined the decade, see if you remember20 funny things people in the 1970s were totally guilty of doing.
6 Gas station lines

The1973 Petroleum Crisis (and theSecond oil crisis A few years later), a national panic resulting from service station lines around blocks that never appeared to move. Some stations even started displaying color-coded flags: Green indicated that they still had gas, while red customers alerted their customers. Each car trip you have taken with your family in the 70s, you felt as if it were your last.
7 Boring (or be bored by) your brother brother on the travel of the road

But that did not stop you from traveling from the road! When a family stacked in the Wagon station for a long hike across the country in the 1970s, children did not have the distractions they appreciate today. There was no iPad or smartphones to take care of it. The only way to spend the time was to see how much we could torture our brother or our sister sitting in the back with us. It was either bored or bored, the latter necessitating constantly demand the righteousness of your unconscious parents trying to ignore you both on the front seat.
8 Waiting until Saturday cartoons

If you wanted to watch Bugs Bunny or Fred Flintone or any of your favorite cartoon characters, you had only one chance to catch them on Saturday morning. If you missed that, you missed, and these priesites a few hours of animated happiness have disappeared forever (or at least until next Saturday). He taught us important lessons on delayed gratification. It was simply not possible to see each cartoon ever made with the press of a button.
9 Water hearings

Even if you did not give Hoot on politics, everyone was at least vaguely aware that something bad was going to Washington. It was the subject of every talk to the party and the news evening reported each new detail that the Watergate scandal could very well be the fall of democracy. See disgraceRichard Nixon Leave the White House forever and enter a helicopter was one of the most unforgettable highlights of television on everyone from the country in the 70s.
10 Live in a world without Dark Vader

The 70s were the last decade when a person could wake up a day did not know any idea of who Dark Vader was - and by dinner that night, their heads would turn with thoughts of dark helmets and black helmets and Sabers in Sabreas. The world was suddenly divided between "beforeStars wars" and afterStars wars, "And nothing would be the same for us again. And for more than 70 years Movie Magic, rock on these17 SOUNDTRACKS movie every child of the 70s loved.
11 To be unconscious of "foreign hazard"

The world was no less dangerous for children in the 1970s that this is today - our parents were just not as panicked. Many of us were not warned that each unknown face could hurt us. So we made friends with pretty much everyone, even random adults we have not recognized.
12 Memorize the lyrics on "Rubber Duckie"

There was a limited amount of quality television for children in the 70s. Thus, when something happened that resonate with us, he burned in our subconscious.Rue de sesame Provided many of these pivotal memories. Even today, for a long time after age when we regularly take baths with toys, we can remind you Ernie'sOde to his rubber duck in its entirety.
13 Short shorts and tube socks

Rarely in fashion history has a style of clothes has been universally accepted by men and women. But that was the case in the 70s withShort shorts and tube socksAlthough no one seemed especially good in the GetTup. In the hindsight, tube socks that stretched on his knees and your shorts that weremanner Too tight was not the most flattering combo. But at the time, we all thought we looked cool.
14 Self-stop

No car? No problem! Just respect your thumb and wait for a strange sort of stopping and propose a walk. It seems unthinkable today, but for a free spirit of the 70s who did not have the bread to buy his own car (or was too young for a license), the self-stop seemed to be the best option when your two Feet could not get you there.
15 Have an angel of Charlie preferred

Some children were still rooting forJaclyn Smithand some had only eyes forKate Jackson. The vast majority of us, however, were struck byFarrah Fawcett, not just because she had theMost emblematic poster of the 70s (and, probably, of all time). Whatever your preference, they were the trio against the coolest crime on television and proof that the ladies could hit as many criminal buttocks as boys.
16 Go outside without sunscreen

These days, most health care people will not even leave home a winter day without depositing their skin exposed to sun protection. But in the 70s, you could walk on a cloudless naked during a hot summer day and no one would think to ask if you have applied a sunscreen. Wait, sorry, we meansuntan lotion. There was limited solar protection in the 70s, just a lotion to help you get some color. And when you did not have a tan, you have a sunburn, that no one took all that seriously. We did not know much the long-term consequences.
17 The metric system

Thanks to1975 Metric Conversion Act 1975We were all ready to measure things in meters, liters and grams rather than feet, books and liters. It is difficult to overestimate the size of the size it was in the late 70s, especially if you were a child. At school, we were flooded with pro-metric systems movies, which tried to win us with the adventures of metric marvels. You could not find a child today stressed on the metric conversion, but in the 70s, we all lived with the fear we had to be prepared to be metric at a time of notice.
18 Brutal playground equipment

The playgrounds in the 70's were almost as friendly as the endurance races of modern adult obstacles. Of course, there was not as much barbed wire, but the equipment was as ruthless and brutal. The monkey bars were cold steel that can break ruthless bones. Everything, slides to the bases, the swings at the Go-Round Channel - have been built to withstand military strikes, and no 70-year-old child would not use at least the occasional bloody injury.
19 To be terrified to go in the water

WhenSteven Spielberg JawsFirst struck the theaters in 1975, it is difficult to quantify exactly how important it had an impact on our collective psyche. We were not just afraid to enter the ocean, even lakes and ponds and paddling blocks seemed to conceal shark fins. We searched for sharks practically everywhere, some that their ferocious fangs were just waiting to bite hard on our toes and shoot us under the water.
20 Smallpox vaccine scars

Before most doctors have steadily giving vaccines to smallpox in the early 1970s, every child had the same familiar scar on their arm, caused by the two-part needle that perforated our skin with all the delicacy of A staple gun. Yes, it was scary butSmallpox was eradicated. And the fact that we all had the same scars felt almost like a badge of honor.
21 Be deceived by learning byRock of school!

On Saturday morning is supposed to be eating sweet cereals and protecting themselves in front of television, looking at animated shows without educational content. But theRock of school!Shorts have deceived us, teach us from multiplication, history and differences between conjunctions and interjections without our very achievement. Thanks to their catchy songs, we knew everything about the various branches of the government and what are the carbon footprints without ever cracking a book.
22 Have the Oscar Mayer Commercial stuck in your head

ThisOscar Mayer Commercial With the pretty kids fishing by eating bologna played so often - and was so catchy - we could hear the familiar melody Reverse around our brains again and again. The only thing worse was when it was replaced by it "I would like to teach the world to sing" Coca-Cola Commercial! (We are sorry.)
23 School assignments printed on Ditto machines

Any spreadsheet or homework transmitted to students in the 70's class has probably been created using an idem or mimeograph machine. Who could forget how they left purple ink on your fingers, or this undeniable smell?
24 Use stupid putty to preserve newspaper comics

We felt like geniuses for discovering that the silly mastic could be deployed on the section of the comic strip in a newspaper and replicate our favorite.Garfeld undress. Today, most newspapers use non-transferable ink so that any child wishingTry this experience are not lucky.
25 Case pencils with rules of tied slides and sharpeners

It was an essential academic supply in the 1970s, the incarnation of the high-tech pencil gadget. By pulling on one of these backpacks, you have been serious to learn - or at least looking for a cool student in your class. The pencil cases have become extinct that ... Well, pencils. But the plastic case in 1975 was the iPhone of its time.
26 Bowl cut

If you are not familiar with the bowl cut, that's exactly what it looks like. Mom would put a bowl on the head and used scissors to cut around the edges. The resultantHair Cup of the 70s fact that it seems that you wore a bowl of salad like a hat - maybe not the most flattering look, but hey, if it was good enough forPink pete Olympic skaterDorothy HamillIt was pretty good for anyone.
27 Walt Disney World becoming a child Mecca

When he opened to the public in 1971,Walt Disney World In Orlando, Florida, instantly became the white whale for every child in America. There was an almost mythological stature as an ultimate destination and had not yet a reputation for a tourist trap filled with too expensive foods and clean lines. These children have had the chance to convince their parents to take them talking about the spatial mountain with a reverenced reverence and the rest of us ways to tremble our parents to travel to the south.
28 Never consume pop and soda rocks at the same time

Every child from the 70s had heard this terrible rumor about Mikey, the difficult eatery of the life of cereals of life. Apparently, despite the warnings of his friends, he had consumed the fatal combo ofCoca-Cola and Pop RocksAnd carbon dioxide had brought its stomach to swell to a mortal degree. What happened next? Well, his stomach exploded, of course, and poor Mikey died on the spot! The rumors were of course completely false. But that did not stop us from the Croyer. In a world without snopes, we had no choice but to trust what the smartest kid on the play yard told us.
29 Move the television antenna for better reception

The reception of television in the 70s was not reliable at best. If the photo was distorted with lines of zig-zag, worse, the "snow" fearful where everything was blurred - the only way to solve the problem was to adjust the antenna, otherwise called "rabbit ears". It implied twist and turn until slowly,so slowlyYou captured a better signal and the picture started to get into the focus. But even then, just remove your hands could make the picture disappear again. It was a long and arduous process of getting the type of visual consistency that television advertisements take today.
30 Writing machines

Decades before email or text messages existed, if you write to a friend or family member, you did it by hand - a long and curricitating process, especially if you had a lot to say - or If you used a typewriter. The indistinct metal clang of paper type-to-paper keys is something that little of us who lived through the 70s, they will never forget.
31 Take selfies with photo canvases

Sometimes, in the 1970s, you were released with friends and you wanted to take a quick picture, but nobody in your group was carrying around a camera. The only way to capture the moment was if a booth photo was nearby. You all fear in a narrow small space and wait until the camera flashes three or four times. If you did not like the photos, good, difficult beans. You could pay the machine for four more chances, but even then you might not be satisfied. Taking dozens otherwise hundreds of photos to get the perfect selfie was incredible.
32 Second-range strain Every well

Smoking was not only acceptable in the 1970s - it was omnipresent. In offices, restaurants, planes, houses and most public buildings, everyone blew on their cigarettes without taking care of the world. Fortunately, we all know better today.
33 PanicDown

If an animation film with that a lot of gore and bloodshed has been made today, it would be sure of course. That's how traumatization of the original version of the 1978 movie version ofDown It was for a generation of children who looked at the horror while rabbits were gazed, trapped in a barbed wire and brutally killed by other rabbits. If you have asked for a kid from the 70s to name the most terrifying movie nasty of his childhood, he would not choose Dark Vader or the shark ofJaws. He would likely arouse the general wound, the crazy king inDown.
34 Debate what "American tart" was all about

What was happening inDon Mclean's 1971 struck? Nobody certainly knew, but many children had a lot of theories about who was the Jester and why he was flying the king's spinous crown and if "Jack" was supposed to beMick Jagger WhereBob Dylan Or someone else completely. Was all the whole song onBuddy Holly To die in an aircraft accident and McLean feeling sad about it? In these pre-internet days, your Devina was as good as someone else.
35 Shaking "instantaneous" polaroides photos to help them develop faster

While the Outkast recalled in the world with its 2003 hit "Hey Ya!," The 70s taught us to "shake it like a polaroid image". Or at least that's what we all believed. As a new image slipped from a Polaroid instant camera, we pinched it between two fingers and shook it vigorously, as if the air drying was the only way to get the clearest image. It was not until 2004 when we finally learned that it was wrong. AsPolaroid explained usefully, "Shaking or agitating has no effect."
36 Non-required bike helmets

If you carry a helmet while rolling a bike during the 70s, it meant that you remember a serious cranial injury or that you were terrified even the most minor of the accidents. We were just not aware of the security at the time and sadly, some of us suffered the consequences.
37 Laff-a-lympics

They were only the real Olympic games that matter. No matter who you rooted - Yogi Yahooeys or Scooby doobies (otherwise known as "good guys") or truly long and immoral reluctants. We knew that all this was scripted (and, Duh, animated) and that there was never a question about who would be victorious, but we have always looked at each episode as the real Olympic gold was on the line.
38 Sandals

So simple and yet so entertaining. Composed of two heavy acrylic balls attached to a chain, you basically hit both bullets together as fast as possible ... and that was it. In one way or another, she kept us entertained for hours or at least until some children start to exceed it with the clay enthusiasm and broken balls and caused injuries related to The bursting. The Classers were considered as weapons of mass destruction and officiallyDrawn shops.
39 Captivated by Patty Hearst

All about thestrange casePatty Hearst, granddaughter of the titan publicationWilliam Randolph Hearst, was like something a Hollywood movie. First, his removal of 1974 by the symmerous liberation army, then, even more shocking, his new identity of "Tania", joins his efforts with her once pests and helping them to steal banks in San Francisco. As he played on television, we all had to ask me, "Is it really that?"
40 Aluminum can tabs

Opening a soda in the 70s required by pulling a ring that torn a small corner shape on the top of an aluminum bobbin. Then the ring would be thrown, usually on the ground where someone would be invariably under and injured. The wounds of these metal tabs have become a national epidemic. A 1976New York Times Report noticed that a large percentage of beach lesions "was due toCups inflicted by Pop tabs thrown, "Slate noted. Get a tetanus shot was the only way to survive in a world littered with SODA CAN tabs.
41 Fix errors with WITE-OUT

The "Delete" button of the 70s has come into a small pot filled with white fluid, which could be painted in a letter or a school mission that we wanted to make disappear. It was not as magical as the magic that it sounds, since you had to wait what felt like always to dry, and sometimes you had to blow on the paper, which just felt ridiculous. As he was ready to put back into the typewriter, you would have completely lost your thought train.
42 Sea monkeys

These ads at the back of the comics were too irresistible for most children. Why are we goingnotYou want to have our own anthropomorphic marine creatures, live in a tank and look in our rooms as we were gods? But when the marine monkeys arrived, we learned the hard lesson that you should not always believe advertising. Creatures did not look like small humans at all because they were actually a type of brine shrimp, the most boring aquarium, a child could never ask.
43 Station wagons with wood trim

Why so many people have been attracted by cars that seemed to be manufactured at least partly in wood, is that anyone is the assumption. Maybe they responded to a residual hippie influence and could not withstand a car that was constructed from biodegradable materials harvested in gardens without pesticides. Of course, it was a berth, the texture of the wood, most often, was only vinyl coating, but especially in the 70s, the appearance was more important than reality.
44 Drinking tons of tang

Tang manufacturers led to the house the idea that their instant drink, which tastes vaguely oranges, was the nutrition of choice for astronauts everywhere. And it was enough for us to believe that just drinking Tang at breakfast put you in the same intellectual company as the brave astronauts of NASA. AlthoughBuzz aldrin, the second man on the moon, has already said it wasnot a fan of tangIt was not popular opinion in the 70s.
45 Company rocks

Think of children today wasting their time by sharing unnecessary memes? Well, in the 1970s, we all collected rock rocks with googly eyes we bought with money. For $ 4, a pop, we have "adopted" a rock of ours and taken care of as it was a real pet. It was not a fringe movement or a handful of children trying to be funny.Everybody Had a pet, and we did not feel at all insane on this subject.
46 Relating to one of theBouquet of Brady kids

If it was ambitious ladykiller greg or clumsy interior Jan or young dreamer bobby, there was someone amongBRADY BOUQUETThis has been summoned with about 70s. The oversized family that was too perfect for existing real world is still successful to reflect our originates and our idiosyncrasies.
47 Metal lunch boxes

A plastic lunch box? It would have liked inconceivable to a 70-year-old child who proudly bore a solid enough lunch box to protect the Bologna sandwiches from an air strike. The characters presented on the front of these lunch boxes, whetherEvel Knievel Or Strawberry Shortcake, says a lot about our personalities.
48 Hapsocks

These round Ottoman seats have become bizarously popular during the 70s and always in the most scandalous colors - like Orange's Green Lawyer or Neon. They were conceived as foot stools but the children knew they were perfect to expand, or bump for cat naps, even spreading on the stomach - first and pretend that we were flying like Superman. Oh, it was the good old days.
49 Save radio songs

The hacking of the music of his day! When you had a new favorite song, but there was not enough in your piggy bank to buy the album or 45 RPM single, you sit down on the radio with your portable cassette recorder and wait ... and Wait ... and wait ... and wait ...ultimately This song you liked so much started playing, and you immediately pressed the recording button, capturing these beautiful sounds for free.
50 Television test templates

The television was not available 24 hours a day during the 70s. At a time of the night (or really, very early in the morning), the resort will take shape and a kind of test model would appear. Sometimes it would be an American flag; Sometimes a portrait of an Amerindian. It was the only observation option for the restless insomniac in the hope of a pre-Dawn distraction. You did not have a chance until at least 6 hours.

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