Eat at this time makes you more likely to gain weight

The search shows that it is time to ditch the end of the evening snacks if you try to lose weight.

It looks like the time you eat your food is just as important asWhat You swallow. According to a recent study conducted byThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The time you eat can actually make or undo your weight loss progress.

The study revealed that eating just before bedtime can gain weight. The researchers followed the eating habits of 110 age students and found that there is a link between the appearance of melatonin, which is the time that your body begins to produce melatonin, the main sleep hormone, and Your BMI. Their results have shown that people who have eaten closer to the time they went to bed of higher percentages and body fat relative to those who ate earlier.

"We found that the timing of food intake in relation to the appearance of melatonin, a person's biological night marker, is associated with higher body fat and the BMI, and not associated At the time of day, the quantity or composition of food intake, "lead author and researcher at the Division of Sleep and Circadie disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Andrew H. Mchill, PhD, said, according toMedical Xpress. "These results suggest that the moment you consume calories, compared to your own biological rhythm, perhaps more important for health than the real time of the day. »

To say it in simpler terms, is Mchill indicating that the clock of your biological sleep has more influence on your weight gain than the real time on your clock. Eating in normal time, you go to bed, whether it's 20 hours or at midnight, will make you gain weight, depending on the results of the study.

However, researchers noted that further studies need to be made to confirm their results. The study focused on a single small demographic of young students and does not represent the entire population in terms of power clock rhythm and body.

Eating late night is not the only cause of weight gain. Find20 strange reasons why you are gaining weight And launch these habits at the edge of the sidewalk to keep books for good.

Categories: Weight Loss
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