Stop eating these 10 foods immediately to lose weight fast

You know you have to cut calories to lose weight, but all food do not need to get the focus on these 10 for the biggest impact.

If you wantlose weight fast But have no idea where or how to start, you're lucky, because we have the answer. Although it is always preferable that any diet or change in your diet is coupled with an increase in physical activity, there are certain common foods that you can cut your diet that will start your weight loss almost weight. at once.

We found 10 foods that in case of omission of your diet quite, put you on an express path to successful weight loss. These foods have been eitherdirectly linked to the weight gain Or are calorie-rich foods that can be easily substituted for less caloric alternatives. Continue reading to discover one of the easiest ways to speed up your fat loss, then accelerate your results by combining these tips with25 simple ways of losing 5 pounds, according to experts.



Black woman drinking red wine

Sorry, but if you want to lose weight fast, you must say goodbye to alcohol. Alcoholic beverages like a glass of wine or beer are essentially empty calories, and sweet cocktails (which are often stuffed with double or triple calories or more) will make more ravages on your turn. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption actually slows weight loss in a myriad of ways. For example, in January 2017,researchers The realization of a study on animals revealed that the mice that received ethanol over a three-day period showed a significant increase in food intake. The results suggest that alcohol can effectively trigger hunger signals in the brain, leading to increased desire to eat more food.

What else? Additionalresearch suggests that alcohol can lead to an increase in periods during sleep standby cycles. In turn, the deprivation of sleep, whether it is a lack of sleep or a disturbed sleep, can lead to an imbalance in hormones related to hunger, satiety and energy storage. To learn more about the negative effects of alcohol consumption, in addition that too heavy weight deficitHere is what happens to your body if you drink alcohol every day.


White bread

white bread

Simple carbohydrates (such as those found in white bread) are known so you do not fill in. It is not surprising that you could Chow down on several slices and still have a lot of room for a full meal afterwards. Over time, doing too much on any type of bread can cause weight gain, especially when we consider that every time you eat one of the free Gressins or Bay Cheddar Red Lobster Olive Garden cookies, you add a 150 additional calories to your meal.

Need White bread More The proof is not exactly an alloy weight loss? A2014 study 9,267 people found thatEating two slices of white bread a day was linked to a risk of more than 40% weight gain and obesity. Omit white bread and replace it with somethingfiber top, Like the ezekiel bread, is an infallible way to lose weight quickly down.

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Hypercalorecae caffeinated drinks

high sugar blended coffee drink

A cup of black plain coffee has two (yes, two) calories, but if you add cream tree flavored to your morning cup of Joe exponentially increase caloric damage. A spoon of salted caramel chocolate mate coffee is 35 calories and has no nutritional value. If you drop two tablespoons in your café a day, which is a 490 additional calories a week, and which is that it melted with high coffee Calorie Coffee add-ons. Whipped cream and flavored syrups, like those commonly found at Starbucks or Dunkin 'Add even more empty calories to your day and can easily harm your weight loss goals.



Unhealthy orange juice bottle held in front of fridge

Most of the fruit juices you will find at the supermarket have very little in common with whole fruits. In fact, they are often highly transformed and loaded with sugar, which is a main contributor to weight gain. A2013 studySaved that there is sufficient scientific evidence to support that the decrease in the consumption of sweet beverages will reduce the prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases. Similarly, a 2012 study published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health found that the consumption of excessive juice is associated with an increased risk of obesity in children. Stand with water and unsweetened tea instead. Or, try one ofThe top 7 "healthy" juices brands.



unwrapped candy bar

It is not a secret that candy bars are unhealthy - they pack a lot of added sugar, added oils and refined flour in a small package and usually have little or no nutritional value. A2015 studyFrom 107,243 post-menopausal women have found that the advent of larger chocolate-candies was associated with greater potential weight gain. This means that the cup of these sweet treats in your diet is kept to lead to weight loss.


A soda

Brown soda in a clear glass against a white background

Sweet drinks, likea soda, should also be cut off from your diet as soon as possible if you are looking to lose weight fast. According to one 2004Jama to studyAn increase in the consumption of sweet soft drinks was considerably associated with greater weight gain and greater risk of obesity over time in adults. Similarly, a study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinks containingFructose-rich corn syrup (which is in many sodas) are bound to obesity. Fructose is absorbed in the body differently from other sugars, the study evaluates, which affects insulin levels and metabolism, and can lead to weight gain.

And stay away from the governing soda. TheArtificial sweeteners Used in beverages without calories cause belly fat and bring you to search for extra calories, without forgetting that they earn ravages about your teeth, heart and health. Delete all the sodas of your diet is an easy way to get married without even breaking the sweat.



leftover french fries with a little tiny bit of ketchup

The next time you are asked if you prefer fries or salad with your meal, go for the latter. There is no denying that fries have good taste, but it is because they are pieces of fried potatoes bathed in the fouling oil of the artery. What else? They have virtually no nutritional value and, if they are a regular part of your diet, will certainly lose very difficult weight - especially if you take them up with ketchup and other sweet condiments. By study 2017 inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Eating French fries over twice a week was associated with a risk of death more than doubled. It is partly because they could increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes or future obesity, which are known to risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. Cut the salt side of your diet translated by less sodium and saturated grease for you, which means that weight loss will follow easily. If you need help to reduce salt in your favorite fast food restaurants.19 Best Fast Sodium Fast Food Controls, Depending on Dietitians.


Potato chips

Bowl potato chips

We have already stressed why the fries are not good for your size, especially if you try to lose weight, so it is not surprising that potato chips, which are also packed with sodium fat and saturated, are not neither. In fact, a 2011 Harvard study published inNew England Journal of Medicine I found that the participants won an average of 3.35 pounds over a four-year period and, on the basis of an increase in the daily servings of individual food components, the weight fluctuation was very strongly associated with the consumption of Potato chips. Believe it or not, the study revealed that salty snack contributes to more weight gain by portion than other slumbs such as sweet drinks.


Processed meats

Processed deli meat cold cuts

This Harvard 2011 study that found that potato chips contribute significantly to weight gain also revealed that processed meats - we are talking aboutdeli, ham, bacon and hot dogs - can contribute to the growth of your size. Specifically, research has shown that the consumption of processed meat is associated with almost a weight gain reduction over a period of 4 years. And if you need another reason to put the meat of charcuterie, consider this: in 2015, theWorld Health Organization Transformed meat ranked as a carcinogen after the researchers found that the consumption of 50 grams of the substance each day increased the risk of 18% colorectal cancer.


Ice cream

ice cream

The ice cream is difficult to resist, especially as temperatures become higher, but the cup of your diet is a good gesture if you are looking to lose weight fast, and it is especially useful if you tend to top Your ice cream with syrups, sauces, and other sugary fittings before digging. "A pint of ice could have up to about 1,000 calories, and for some people, it's more than half of their daily consumption," said Edwina Clark, Rd, ODA, ODA,Said to eat that, not that! in April. This means that if you continue this habit, it could lead to a heavy weight gain. The next time you get a desire for something sweet, enjoy a fruit or dark chocolate rich in antioxidant.

For more weight loss tips, check thisList of foods you should eat every day to drop a few books!

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