This simple weight loss trick can add years to your life, let's say experts

When you feel it by eating, you will know that it is officially time to stop eating.

In the world "blue zones"Scientists have captivated sinceNational Geographic First introduced the term in 2005. For the record, they are defined as small aberrant areas across the world's population, where more inhabitants live much longer than usual life expectancy. And while a lot of attention piled up on the blue zones has focused on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Italy, where its centenary inhabitants preach the merits of eating fat fish and drinking red wine new report highlighted at least a largeHealthy habit of eating On another blue zone, Okinawa, Japan.

According to a recent article by Dan Buettner, member of the National Geographic, a researcher of longevity, and author ofBlue areas: lessons to live longer people who have lived the longestOkinawaians specialize in an extremely effective weight loss trick that is so simple and easy that everyone can try it:When you feel as if your belly is full of 80 percent, stop eating.

The brilliance of this weight loss trick is that you are not actually exiting 20 percent empty belly and walking away from the hungry table. , Put yourself instead of the fork toexactly The good moment. As the Buettner note,research From Harvard University shows that "it takes about 15 minutes for your brain to record" that it's actually full. "In other words, if you stop eating when you think you are 80 percent full, you are probably 100 percent full (you do not know yet)," he writes.

Okinawaians refer to this practice as "Hara Hachi Bu", a sentence they will say aloud before a meal like a reminder to stop eating at the moment when they feel 80 percent full. It translates almost about "everything with moderation. »

The practice could be particularly useful for Americans because studies have regularly shown that we, as a population, just eat too much. After all, according to arecent analysis By HealthDay, typical daily food for Americans has increased by 304 calories over the last 25 years. So, if you find that you simply consume too many calories and you would like to better understand your own body, consider giving a shot. In addition, read the following some tips for eating more aware that you can use in your quest to lose weight. And for more great advice to help you achieve your goals, make sure you are completely at speed on these200 Greatest Ever Weight Loss Tips!



eating vegetables

Standing can burn more calories than sit down, but you are better to do it while eating. Available data indicate that you sit as you chew means that you are likely to eat your food more deliberately and if you eat more slowly, your chances of eating too much. "Eating slowly contributes to a lower risk of obesity, probably because it could help control the appetite," writing researchers in apublished study in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.For more practical tips that you can use, see theseSneaky weight loss tips that total work!


Turn off your phone

turn off phone

If you are distracted while eating, you are all, but guaranteed to consume more, and a recent study of theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology found that people who bring their phone to use the table about 11 percent of the meal. Keep your phone in your pocket while you eat will ensure that you are more present with your meal.


Make sure you use appropriate plates

healthy plate

fascinatingto study Published in the newspaperAppetite found that when study topics were eating food in a ceramic plate instead of a paper plate, they were much more likely to perceive this meal likemeal rather than a snack. So, treat your meals with respect and put them on an appropriate plate, that you are much more likely to overflow if you nardover it.


Eat with the other hand

eating breakfast

Moving your fork to your non-dominant hand is the mother of all lifestyle hacks to make sure you eat more slowly and healthy. Is it easy or comfortable? No! (But, after all, that's the point!)


Ask yourself if you are still hungry even

woman eating a bowl of oatmeal

"Every time you want to eat, a break to ask," Am I hungry? and choose how you answer ", saysMichelle May, MD, Founder ofAm I hungry? Having in mind the programs eat. "Then eat with MindFullyintention andWarning: Eat with the intention of feeling better when you're finished eating you've done when you started, and eat with your attention on food and your body for the bestness and optimal satisfaction "and consider stopping when You are 80 percent full. . And for more amazing weight loss tips, do not miss these20 Secrets at Permanent Weight Loss .

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