How many weight could you really win over Thanksgiving?

How much will your day's indulgence marathon be your day marathon?

Our pilgrim ancestors may have been purital, but theTraditions of Thanksgiving they are left for us are anything but pure. Thanksgiving is essentially a debauchery celebration, drowned with the sauce and covered with marshmallows. Delicious, yes. But not necessarily the healthiest ...

In fact, between your standard morning breakfast and liberal ladles of bacon for dessert, your feast could cost you4000 calories or more, says Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder ofNY NUTRITION Group. And if you are the guy who looks at nutrition as a mathematical equation, you already know that it takes only 3,500 calories to add an entire grease to your body. (If you are looking for healthier adoption habits as soon as possible, try one of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!)

So are you going to win an entire book in Turkey? Could you earn even more? Before pressing the panic button, however, let's look at science. See, no matter how many calories you eat, you burn these calories simultaneously.

"To win a grease book in a day, you should eat 3,500 calories more than you burned," explains Moskovitz. The average person fries about 1,600 calories a day, it is enough to keep their heart beating, the breathing of the lungs and their eyes to the 400th interpretation of the jokes of the turkey of your uncle. This brings us to the burning question ...

How much do you need to eat on Thanksgiving to gain weight?

In order to win a book on Thanksgiving, you should eat a total of 5,100 calories of Turkey and pie. This means that you should eat:

  • 2 turkey legs (with the skin)
  • 6 ounces. Chest of Turkey (with the skin)
  • 2 cups of mashed potatoes (made with butter and whole milk) plus 1 cup of turkey sauce
  • 1/2 cup maize corn stuffing
  • 2 slices of canned cranberry sauce
  • 1 cup of candied sweet potatoes with marshmallow
  • 1 cup of Brussels sprouts with walnuts
  • 1 cup of green bean casserole
  • 2 rollers of crescent
  • 1 piece pumpkin pie with 1 cup ice cream with vanilla
  • 2 pieces Pecan Pie each with 2 tbsp. Whipped cream
  • 1 slice of apple apple

It's 5,130 calories!

But let's be realistic here-chances, you will not really have approached this total. Nevertheless, when you walk on the scale before going to bed, you might think that you have packed on a serious sculptor in one day.

"On average, people could expect to see two additional four pounds who looked at them after their Thanksgiving feast," says Moskovitz. But these numbers are actually a combination of the weight of the food and the drink sitting in your belly, plus a little extra weight of the water.

Your auntfamous stuffing And your grandmotherLegendary potato pasta are to thank for that. These dishes (among the other turkey's turkey favorites) are generally charged with sodium, which prevents the body from maintaining an additional fluid and can increase blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Cerebral accident.

Good news, however? These extra books do not stay.

For a quick sincerity, take a sweat that goes to the gym the next day to help eliminate excess water and relieve some of the swelling, suggests Moskovitz. Aim to drink at least six glasses of eight ounce water and nibble on packed potassium products like soft potatoes (or one of these8 high potassium foods) and foods rich in calcium like yoghurt. These nutrients will help rinse excess sodium so you can slide into your lean jeans in a few days!

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