Best ways to lose belly fat this year

It is at last time to say goodbye to this stubborn fat once and for all.

It's a perennial fight that many people face:How to lose this pesky belly fat? Flassic tummies do not look at you only when you try to integrate yourself with your favorite skinny jeans:Belly fat can actually be dangerous for our health.

"It is important to reduce belly fat, because this visceral fat is close to the vital organs of the body, including the kidneys, liver and digestive organs," explains Dr. Josh AX, D.N.M., C.N.S, founder ofAntique nutrition and author of the next bookAncient remedies. "This type of fat can more easily enter the bloodstream and cause health problems such as fouled arteries and hypertension."

But unfortunately, if you ask our experts, target belly fat is a bit of a Herculean task.

"Despite what late closers would believe you, one can not lose belly fat without reducing overall body fat, and belly is one of the leading repositories of body fat," says Robert Herbst, coach Staff and world champion 19 times PowerLifter.

Jeanine Duval, Certified Kaivalyya Yoga Instructor and Co-FounderEdelwyn, accept.

"The notion that targeted on-site exercises are effective are more based on the hope than real evidence," she says. "Although it would facilitate everyone's life if there was a specific exercise that would eliminate belly fat, in reality, it's not so simple."

And although it is impossible to identify the targeted fat loss, no matter who you are, for some, the reduction of belly fat becomes even more difficult because of simple genetics.

"Some people will wear extra weight on their belly, some on their thighs, their hips, their buttocks, etc.," said Michael Julom, Crossfit athlete, ACE certified personal trainer and founderTHISISWHYIMFIT.COM. "They will lose the latter. If you are predisposed to lose belly fat, you will quickly make it, at the beginning of your weight loss course. Otherwise, you will have to lose weight on all your body to reduce fat to reduce the fats around your median. "

But resist the desire to throw in the towel! There is hope of losing belly fat, and it is, not in targeting the belly, but losing fat in general.

"Global weight loss translates into a smaller size in addition to a smaller number on the scale," saysMynetdiary Internal registered dietien, Joanna Kriehn.

And moreover, according to our experts, there are some ways to helpgrease stubborn become a worry of the past. And while you're there, try one of these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Eat a balanced diet

healthy bowl

While a diet and exercise combo is often rented as the secret of weight loss, according to most experts, including Matt Becher ofSports grain, weight loss starts "in the kitchen, not in the gym."

"No matter how much exercise you do," he says, "You will never go beyond a bad diet."

The time of disassembly of food fat has passed:Research has shown that a low carbohydrate and fat diet (thinkKeto) Can reduce abdominal fat and increase insulin sensitivity. And while you are there, consider increasing your protein intake. Choose fish, lean meat and beans, than someresearch showed is associated with a lower risk of belly fat.

Although this is not good to talk about calories, for Elliott Upton, a certified NASM certified trainer atUltimate performanceIt is an essential piece of the puzzle.

"The overall loss of fat decreases to the energy balance - by ensuring that you accumulate more calories than you consume food and beverages," says Upton. "The" secret "behind any diet is that He creates the calorie deficit needed to lose fat. "


Your fiber


Food fiber does not only help you stay more complete longer, but it also contributes toImprovement of digestion, which can reduce the appearance of bloating. Choose cruciferous vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds to your fiber consumption and reduce belly fat.

"Great foods that promote the reduction of belly fat arefiber top And healthy fats, such as lawyers, eggs and peanut butter, "Duval says". Their secret is that they stimulate your metabolism while giving you a feeling of feeling longer, which helped you to avoid sugary snacks. "


Reduce salt consumption

pinch of salt

As with a fiber consumption,salt admission May have an effect on the appearance of your belly. While reducing on salt will not really reduce belly fat, it can reduce the appearance of Bloat, which can make your size size smaller. A clever trick that will help you feel better about your silhouette when you continue to reduce.


Consider an intermittent fast

intermittant fasting

What you eat is important, but sowhenyou eat. Some studies have shown that intermittent fasting can contribute to improved weight loss, not only because by shortening the window in which you eat, but you naturally reduced the calories consumed. Fast so causesinsulin levels drop, which can lead to accelerated weight loss.


Drink water

man drinking water

It may seem counter-intuitive at first, butDrinking water is the best way to keep retaining water. When dehydrated, the body tends to hold every drop of water that it gave a more inflated appearance. Drinking adequate water does not only diminish this swelling; This also reduces the desire for snack and prevents you from the confused thirst for hunger.

"Drinking water before eating can help quench your thirst and take the place in your stomach," says Kreihn. "When the stomach feels, it is full, it sends a signal to the brain to stop eating. The water in your stomach at the beginning of a meal will help you reach a state of fullness faster and so to eat less . " Studies have shown that increasing water consumption can contribute toImproved weight loss.


Drink green tea

Woman drinking iced green tea

When you had enough water, givegreen tea A whirlwind! For Ilene Caufield ofHoward healthy, a master's degree in science from professional health studies and eastern medicine specializing in health care, healthy living and well-being, green tea consumption is "the best thing that anyone might have the habit of Help flatten abdomen ".

"Green tea is a long-standing ayurvedic staple that has been proven to stimulate metabolism, thus contributing to weight loss and belly fat," she says. "It mitigates bloating and improves the health of the GUT that finally reduce the appearance of the belly."Studies have shown the anti-obesity effects of main antioxidant in green tea, EGCG, so drink! And in fact, test panels on7 days old flat belly tea Lost up to 10 pounds in a week.


Cut alcohol

refusing alcohol

Drinking water and green tea will certainly help reduce the navel, but the reduction of alcohol is even better. Not only most alcohols are empty calories (and therefore not easily useful for weight loss), butresearch showed that alcohol consumption can increase belly fat.



woman walking

Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to consume calories. For Caufield, "" your ticket to a nucleus that can bounce up neighborhoods is not crunches or sit-ups, it's cardio. "

Burn additional calories through exercises such as walking, jogging or swimming will help slide your total silhouette, revealing a plus flat slurry belly.

Other experts suggest high-intensity interval (HIIT) training, a type of exercise that involves alternating high-intensity periods of exercise (such as sprint, cycling or burpés) with periods of Rest (walk or light jogging). TheAdvantages of HIIT On weight loss contributed to contributing to the popularity of programs like CrossFit.


Become strong

weight lifting man

In addition to the cardio, Becher recommends training of force as "by far themost effective way to lose body fat. "

"Cardiovascular training is good for losing body fat but the formation of force is excellent," he says. "The energy required to repair and develop new muscle tissues when you sleep in addition to the energy spent during real workout will go out by far the number of calories burned during and after most cardio sessions."

Upton accepts.

"Resistance training is one of the most effective ways to change body composition and support fat loss," he said. "Trainer your muscles makes you more sensitive to insulin and helps to improve the partitioning of nutrients and have more lean muscle mass increases your basic metabolic rate."

Herbst recommends compound movements, such as squats, slots, a bench press and paiders, to help the metabolism of your body to improve, allowing you to burn calories and fat, even at rest.


Have enough sleep

man sleeping well

It is easy that you can confuse fatigue with hunger and you can increase grief.

"Do not have enough sleep is a weight gain risk factor," says Kreihn. "The theory being that when you sleep private, you do not have the energy needed for the exercise and the decrease in sleep has also been associated with increased appetite. Together an increased appetite and less movement are a recipe for weight gain. "

Becher notes that sleep is also essential for the reconstruction of the muscles after the formation of force.

"This is because the vast majority of muscle growth will occur when you sleep," he says. "If you do not sleep enough, your muscles will not have time to grow. If your muscles do not have time to grow, they will not have time to burn fat."

Upton accepts, noting that lack of sleep puts you at a higher risk of weight gain or weight regeneration after weight loss. It recommends defining a regular settlement routine and stick to it, control your sleep environment and avoid the exposure of blue light (we look at you, smartphones!) For a few hours before going to bed for Maximize the quality of sleep.



Woman doing morning yoga

Not only can stress make you snacky, but hormone stress like cortisol can lose physiologically harder weight, says ax. Try to take the time to relax with yoga or meditation to reduce the production of these hormones in your body and contribute to improved weight loss.


Do not forget the abs!

man excercise crunches

You can crack until cows come home. But if that's all you do, you will simply have very farm abdominals under a layer of fat. But if you combine AB work with the above techniques, when you finally lose fat, you will have a surprise that awaits you.

"It will give you the basic strength," explains Herbst, "and when you finally lose your belly fat, they will be revealed like jewelry when the sand blows."

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