5 simple changes to lose 10 pounds

Some small adjustments will make it possible to complicate your weight loss course.

As you probably already know, there isHundreds of different strategies to lose weight. If you find a lot of overwhelming options, we will boil you for you. Here is our five-fingers approach: simple diet changes you can count on a hand that can help you lose 10 kilos of body weight without making your life miserable.

And if five submerged sounds at the beginning, start with one. According toRameck Hunt, MD, Founder and Medical Director of a Obesity Medicine Clinic in Penn Medicine Princeton and author ofThe ocean regime, Make a healthy change can finally lead to multiple healthy changes.

This is something he calls a simple coherent change (OCCC): "If you focus on changing a thing in a positive direction, it will also change the other things related to it in a positive direction," declares Dr. Hunt. "For example, if you are committed tostop drinking sodaIt alone will help you lose weight. But the gaseous drink is also connected to the eating potato chip, so you probably do not eat them either if you do not drink soda. "

So, let's be connected to health healthy by going first soda, then following our next four steps. And for more incentive in Nix the sweet water, readDangerous side effects of soda drinking every day.


Stop drinking sweet sweet drinks.

apple juice

American adults consume 145 calories ofSweet sweet sweet drinks According to the statistics of the disease control and prevention centers of the disease, at a given day. It's just an average. If you drink a sweet tea, a coca-coca box and a glass of apple juice in a day, which adds more than 350 calories. Substitute water and unsweetened drinks for daily sweets can save you the caloric equivalent of about 36 bodies of body weight in a year. Andstudies Show a direct connection between the reduction of sweet drinks and weight loss. "Everything is connected, so focus on one thing you want to edit (like drinking soda)," suggests Dr. Hunt. It's going to have a workout effect.

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Spend refined carbohydrates with integer and unprocessed carbohydrates.

whole grain sliced bread

You do not have toabandon carbohydrates to lose weight; You just need to adjust the types of carbohydrates that you eat, a simple change that requires a bit of consciousness. First, you must be able to recognize a refined carbohydrate when you see it. The refined carbohydrates are very transformed foods, such as most cereals, bread and other bakery products, fruit juices and most things that are packaged. The manufacturing process has stripped these carbohydrates of their fiber and many of their nutrients. The loss of fiber means that they are quickly absorbed by your blood, elevate your blood glucose and causing hunger pain. Thus, sweep the labels of nutritional ingredients by searching for products made from whole grains, which retain their fiber and nutrients. Choose High Fiber,healthy carbohydrates Like 100% whole grain bread, brown rice, oats and quinoa. A university study of tufts inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that topics that ate whole grain food for six months burned 100 additional calories a day because of their increased metabolic rate at rest.


Practice the control of the portions.

Plate with portions

Although there is a lot, you do not need a clinical study to prove that if you are served a large bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, you will probably eat everything. You probably have done it a hundred times. Or maybe you took a third slice of pizza, even if you're not hungry just because that's where it tastes so well. Check your meal portions is one of the most efficient methods of weight loss because it effectively cancels hundreds of additional calories that otherwise go to fat storage. There aremany ways to start practicing portion control. You just need, good, practical:

  • Use smaller dinner plates. Large plates encourage piling on more food.
  • Use visual marks: a pasta portion is about the size of a hockey washer; A chicken or beef part is the size of a playboard bridge. You get the picture.
  • Use cups to measure. Plastic containers for different types of foods are a large amount of weight loss programs such as the ultimate portion of Beachbody's Autumn Calabrese's portions, author ofLose weight like crazy. You simply fill the containers with the quantities of protein, carbohydrates, grease and other nutrients prescribed by the plan to make sure you do not eat too much. For a glimpse of how Calabrese Este, readA perfect day to eat, according to a celebrity coach.
  • Eat in courses. "Have your salad first, then soup, then the main meal", suggests Dr. Hunt. Who forces the share on the part on the part and to eat more slowly. If you eat slower in classes, you will find that you will eat less, "he says.

Go Halows at lunch and dinner.

Healthy quinoa lunch bowl with chicken as protein avocado as fat and vegetables broccoli and spinach and beans

One of the most common and effective nutritionists gives their weight loss customers is to fill at least half of the plate with lunch and dinner vegetables. Why does this simple habit work so well? Because it satisfies your hunger without filling yourself with many calories, how high energy density foods, such as pasta, bread, rice, meat and processed foods. Vegetables are dense and high nutrients of water and fiber content. Many studies have shown thatHigh fiber diets versus low fiber regimes andLow energy density vegetables and fruits result in weight loss and greater weight regulation. (In touch:The best low carbohydrate vegetables for weight loss)


Change of egg bagels for breakfast.

hot scrambled eggs pan

This tip of weight loss is not a new one, but it is so powerful, we need to include it in our top ways to lose 10 pounds. The still popular bagel, grilled bread or grain breakfast is not a great way to start the day if your goal is to lose books. This kind of consumption increases blood glucose and leads to a marked drop that triggers intense hunger a few hours (maybe even earlier) after eating. The protein is, however, sticks with you, keeping hunger at the bay, reducing the number of calories you could take at breakfast and provide the nutrients needed for muscle and construction. A study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Demonstrated that the 30% stimulus protein of total daily calories was effective in reducing the overall consumption of daily calories of 400 calories and body weight of more than 10 pounds. And adding protein to breakfast to your protein in the other two main meals is one of the simplest ways to hit this 30% quota.

"Breakfast is usually the highest carbohydrate meal of the day," says Dr. Hunt. "So, such as the muffin or high carbohydrate cereals for a hard egg, or egg whites and breakfast meat; remember that fish is a breakfast meat in many countries . " For more ideas of high protein breakfast, check19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully.

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