The way you walk can predict your risk of this disease, said a study

The researchers pursue the conversation around walking models as indicators of cognitive disease.

Not only does it help you (quite literally) to get from point A to B, but it can also help you keep yourweight-Insens if you continue regularly to walk at a moderate rate (and with casualties!). However, new research also suggests that thehow you The walk can even help health experts evaluate whether or not Alzheimer's disease.

A recent study published inAlzheimer's & Dementis: The Journal of the Alzheimer Association Reasons for walking analyzed and a cerebral function of 500 seniors, who are currently enrolled in clinical trials. This is the first study of its kind to identify how different walking models can help professionals diagnose more precisely different types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

"We have long-standing evidence showing that cognitive problems, such as bad memory and dysfunction of senior management, can be predictors of dementia. Now we see that engine performance, especially the way in which the way You walk, can help diagnose different types of neurodegenerative conditions, "Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso, Scientist of the Lawson Health Research Institute and Professor at the University of Western Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, saidin a report.

For the study, researchers compared deficiencies in the participants' walk diagram (also called a step) on the cognitive spectrum. This included people with subjective cognitive impairment,Parkinson's diseaseLight cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, and Lewy's body disease.

Four independent approach models were identified in the study (rhythm, pace, variability and postural control).Interestingly, only high variability of the approach was associated with lower cognitive performance. He has also identified Alzheimer's disease with an accuracy of 70%.

Variability of the approach Refers to the fluctuations of the stride in the march, which partly allows researchers to quantify movement with aging and illness. Your doctor, or neurologist, can also determine whether or not you have a variability of the high approach after watching how you walk.

"These are the first solid evidence showing that the variability of the approach is an important marker for processes that occur in brain areas that are linked to both cognitive impairment and the fight against the engine", Dr. Frederico Perruccini-Faria, Research Assistant in Lawson and Postdoctoral Associated with the School of Medicine and Western's Schulich Dentistry, which is also the first author on the paper.

"We have shown that the high variability of the approach as a marker of this cognitive-cortical dysfunction can reliably identify Alzheimer's disease compared to other neurodegenerative disorders."

Once again, this is not the first study to discover this connection. In fact, a 2019 study ofAlzheimer's & DementiaClearly indicated: "The body disease of Alzheimer and Lewy has unique signatures of the deficiency of the approach."

It has also been shown that walking has also contributed to delaying the emergence of degenerative cerebral disease. A 2018 study published in theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatricsfound that cognitive function among seniors who had only aerobic exercises were only three times higher than those who made a combination of aerobics and muscle strengthening exercises.

Strive to walk at least30 minutes, five days a week to improve your aerobic form and potentially cognitive and chronic diseases.

For more, be sure to checkAnother side effect of walking every day, says a new study.

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