13 ways that your phone ruins your health

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Mobile phones can be the most important combo technology of the blessing / curse of the blessing has been produced. Providing unlimited information at your fingertips, they prevent us from getting lost, hours of waiting for a friend who runs late or choosing a terrible restaurant for dinner (well, some of the time). They allow us to stay in touch with friends and distant family and discover an incredible culture that we do not discover.

But researchers have found that our daily daily dependence on omnipresent devices can have serious negative consequences for our physical and mental health.Eat this, not that! Health Asked the experts to tell us how your phone may ruin your health and how you can reverse this without going rotatably.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


They are full of germs, including possibly coronavirus

toilet paper and a smart phone to work from the toilet

Your phone contacts your face, your ears, your fingers and countless public surfaces all day, the average American touches their phone 47 times a day. So, maybe it's not a shock that the studies have found that the average mobile phone is 10 times dirty than a toilet seat. "A dirty phone can certainly affect your health and spread germs," ​​says Alain Michon, MD, medical directorOttawa Skin ClinicIn Ottawa, Canada. "Like any other object, a phone has an astronomical amount of bacteria above and putting it directly on our face is not the healthiest thing to do."The bugs A medium phone portal: E. coli, staphon, strap and cold virus and routine flu and coronavirus.

RX: "I recommend cleaning your phone as often as possible because different types of germs and bacteria rise continually throughout the day," says Michon. "I suggest using a daily UV light phone disinfectant device or disinfecting phone wipes between two and three times a day." Wash your hands thoroughly and often. If your hands are always clean, they transmit fewer germs to your phone and your face.


They give you acne

woman looking at red acne spots on chin in mirror, upset young female dissatisfied by unhealthy skin

"Sales phones can cause skin rashes, because you put germs directly on your face, near your mouth, nose, cheeks and ears," says Michon.

RX: "A great way to limit it would be to use headphones or loudspeaker option instead of pressing the phone directly against your face," says Michon. "If you do not have a headphones and you do not have to use your mobile phone the old way, clean your face as soon as you come home or once you have finished with your call . "


They wound your view

aring eyeglasses with eyesight problems trying to read phone text at home

"The visible light of high energy comes from your computers, your LEDs, your mobile phone and television," saysWendy Kar Yee NG, MD, FRCSC, a certified plastic surgeon of the Council in Orange County, California. Also known as hev, or "blue", this wavelength is responsible up to 50% of macular degeneration, "says Ng. "This type of light is probably why more kids are more and more children earlier, play too many video games or excessive amounts of cell phone screen time. Hev light also causes aging premature skin. "

RX: "If you have an iPhone, you have to put it to night night mode to protect your eyes from these rays," says NG. "Some brands of sunglasses protect the eyes of Hev light, and medical grade solar screens, such as the zo line, contain split melanin, which protects from this wavelength". Above all, minimize your screen time to protect your eyes and skins.


They cause depression

woman near window reading phone message

"The use of mobile phone can have a negative impact on our mental health," saysStephanie J. Wong, Ph.D., an approved clinical psychologist in San Mateo, California. "The use of social media leads people to engage in a social comparison. People post images or descriptions of their successes, holidays, weddings and their families, which can bring others to interrogate: "Do I get enough in my life? Why am I not married or have a child? Should I? Social comparison can have a negative impact on self-esteem and self-efficacy. "

RX: Limit your use of social media at 30 minutes a day or less. Be count as you use it - does anyone on facebook or Instagram give you negative feelings more often than no? It might be time to delete them.


They injured relationships

Depressed Man Crying while talking at the Phone

"Cell phones interfere with our ability to connect each other," saysRebecca Cowan, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, a professional advisor at Virginia Beach, Virginia. "In the end, this lack of connection can increase the feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression."

These ubiquitous devices can distract us from what is important around us: "Cell phones can lead us to be less present with our loved ones", explains Wong. "People can be absorbed by reading news, do social media and respond to work e-mails they may miss what's happening in front of them. For couples who use their phones when they are together, it can limit Positive interactions between partners and can exacerbate communication problems. "

RX: "Putting boundaries in place, such as not allowing phones at the dinner tableOr download applications that help track screen time could be helpful, "Cowan says. Take technological breaks from 48 to 72 hours is also a good way to detox and reset. "


They ruin your sleep

Man using his mobile phone in the bed

"Excessive use of the mobile phone before bedtime can have a negative impact on sleep," says Wong. "Since your attention has been focused on the screen, it will be more difficult to fall asleep."

RX: Avoid watching your mobile phone for two to three hours before going to bed.


They spin your voice

Woman Talking on Phone with Loudspeaker

"Either when using the speaker function or when you use our phones in noisy environments, we are often talking more about or by force that we would otherwise do it," saysMichael Lerner, MD, a laryngologist and director of Yale's voice center. "This strong or strong conversation can be traumatic vocal cords and cause swelling and hoarse."

RX: If you are shouting to be heard, go to a calmer area or postpone your conversation until you can. Using a helmet with a mouthpiece can help, especially if you take a lot of calls with your phone connected to a speaker in your car, it will prevent you from screaming in the void.


They cause muscle pain

Woman with arm pain

"Sometimes we hold unusual postures when using our phones," says Lerner. "For example, when we use our shoulders to hold the phone until our ear. This can cause muscle tension, spasm and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)." TMJ is marked by pain in the muscles and jaw joints.

RX: Do not crook your phone between your ear and your shoulder. Take calls with a pair of wired helmets or with your phone on the speaker.

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They hurt at your audience

woman relaxing and listening to music using headphones, she is lying in bed

"People often use their mobile phones like personal entertainment devices to watch the media and listen to music. Many increase the volume at very high levels, which, over time, can lead to hearing loss induced by the Noise, "said Lerner. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2050, 900 million people around the world will have a hearing loss, partly because of the misuse of the helmet.

RX: Limit your headphone time and turn the volume over. If you are on the market of a new set, noise cancellation earphones can mitigate damage by reducing the amount of external noise that reaches your ears.


They make you stressed

woman in glasses working with multiple electronic internet devices

"Have you ever lost your phone and panicked?" saidCali Estes, Ph.D., MCAP, Mac, CISADC, addiction advisor in Miami, Florida. "We were constantly waiting to be able to check our work email, even on work hours and work weekends, and we are completely fascinated by social media. As we are already deprived of sleep and overworked, We are now on social media looking at other photos, check-ins and happy appearances. This leads to anxiety and depression. "

RX: Define professional and personal boundaries: Limit your availability for work emails or texts as much as you can after office hours. Replace it in personal or family, not social media.


They give you the "text neck"

Shot of tired young woman with neck pain holding her mobile phone at home

"There has been a surge over five times in the number of people looking for help for back pain since the smartphones launched in 2007," says Julian Neninger, an osteopath and a research and development manager.Percko. "The research revealed that this is due to the" neck of the texture ", where the actual weight of the human head increases while we incline it to look at our phones. The strain is equivalent to increasing the weight of our head of 12 lb Standing at 60 lbs a 60 degree angle equivalent to four bowling balls. "

RX: Hold your phone at the eye level and often move your body when you read a long article or watch movies or TVs. "Frequent modification of your position and varying the inclination of your head, can reduce the impact on your neck and your back," says Neninger. "It is advisable not to stay in the same position for more than 15 minutes, then set reminders to move if you are likely to lose you in what you do - your Siri or Bixby can make it fast and easy."


They can affect the development of the child

children using smartphone together at home

"The technological advances of the 20th and 21st centuries make our brains challenge," says Joanne Fruth, MD, FAAFP, family medicine doctor and medical director forAdvancein Raleigh, North Carolina. "The screen replaces the physical reading time and the human interaction that characterized a generation there is a generation. Fear is that exposure to excessive quantities of screen time can have harmful and negative effects on the brain development. "

RX: If you have younger children or grandchildren, encourage them to limit their screen time - and set an excellent example by bothering your phone or your tablet when you surround them. "I support the recommendations of the US Academy of Pediatrics (PAA) to limit screen-based media because we do not know the long-term effects of stimuli and long-term inputs," says Fruth. "Our brain of a million years may need more time to catch up."


They remove your only time

sad frustrated man with stubble in jeans, shirt holding fingers between close eyes using smart phone

"An impact of the recently recognized phone is the elimination of the loneliness of our lives," says Dr. Michael McLaughlin, Ph.D., RTC, Director of theHealthy Internet Usage CenterIn Vancouver, Canada. "Solitude is alone with your thoughts. We are never alone with a phone. Every opportunity for loneliness has reached us. Clinical research has shown many benefits of loneliness, including self-awareness, An increase in empathy, improved cognition and stress decrease. "

RX: "At least one hour alone with your thoughts a day is recommended," says McLaughlin. "An additional advantage is the restoration of the parts of the brain that become tired by the handling of the screen and in the short term, the attention of Staccato powered by distractions. Couple a certain loneliness with a natural environment and double the many advantages of a given period. "As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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