11 hacks of weight loss that work

According to science and dietitians, there are the simple changes you can do right now that will give you lasting results.

If you are looking forput back a little weightyou will need the good set of tools, which includesPractical diet tipsThe workouts that make your heart pump and build muscles and a positive attitude to get the results you are looking for. We know, it looks like it can be a lot to take, that's why you want to start easilyHacks of weight loss.

Fortunately, there are two simple and efficient ways of losing weight that dietitians recommend a safe and healthy weight loss path that can provide long-term sustainable changes. No trick "Diet Diet" here, where you could lose these pounds quickly, but also recover them (or even extra books too, due to a change in metabolic burning or eating habits!).

Discover these super easy weight loss hacks so that you can implement them in your daily lifestyle right now and start your trip. And while you make changes, here's hereThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now You should add to your diet.


Eat enough calories earlier in the day.

Healthy breakfast foods blueberries bananas bowl of yogurt oatmeal and coffee

Do not go into famine mode once nocturnal hits, think you save your calories and eat less together. It's just not like that it works!

"Do not eat enough during the day, we often eat people in excess calories at night, often transformed into calories and sugar," saidMaggie Michalczyk, MS, RD. In addition, choose not to eat can slow down your metabolism during the day. And it is obviously harder to burn calories while you sleep that when you are able to move when you are awake.


Get these zzz's.


Simply put - you will want to hierarchize enough sleep in orderhave more success losing weight.

"Sleep is a weapon not so secret in weight loss," says Michalczyk.Research showed that lack of sleep can also contribute to obesity.

"Less Zzz's can cause [you] to feel foods rich in fuel and fishing, because the body wants quick energy," she adds.


Cook more at home.

couple cooking

"Restoration portions are often much larger than we use at home, containing more calories, sodium and sugar," Michalcyzk said.

A study I noticed that people who eat more meals at home consume about 200 calories during meals than those who eat regularly. Commit yourself to cooking most nights of the week when possible!

And for a meal inspiration, here is here150 recipe ideas that bring you skinny for life.


Keep safe snacks accessible.

Fruit bowl

"PlaceHealthy snacks Where you can see them and less healthy snacks away from looks, while our environment plays an important role in the choices we do, "says Michalczyk.A study In fact compared the consumption of apples and popcorn based on proximity and found that topics have really eaten the food that was closer to them. If clearly, it's a better idea of ​​keeping healthy tricks in an easily accessible location.


Follow progress with photos.

Woman taking mirror selfie at a gym showing off her weight loss

It's time to say cheese! This is a solid idea to follow your weight loss advances with images to see the changes, as opposed to the success of the balance.

"A study I found that people taking routine photos of themselves as they were trying to lose weight were more likely to finish the weight loss plan against the group that did not take pictures, " declared Michalczyk.


Use smaller plates.

small salad plate

Using smaller waist plates can result in greater weight loss considering those who eat on smaller dishes havereported a greater satietyand as a result, a lower calorie consumption.

"We tend to eat everything on our plate, so use a smaller plate for smaller portions," saysIlyse Schapiro MS, Rd, CDN.


Drink more water.

Black woman drinking bottled water

"Priority to your water consumption is an easy and efficient way to stay hydrated and accelerate weight loss," says Schapiro.

StudiesShow people who have increased their daily water consumption and replace caloric drinks with water, as well as drinking water before meals, have shown greater successful weight loss than those who do not have not adapted to such alcohol habits.


SIP on green tea.

Green tea

When you are in mood to something other than water, go and sip on somegreen tea.

"Green tea is packed with antioxidant compounds, such as catechins, polyphenols and caffeine andstudies Have shown that consumption of two cups barely, or about 100 milligrams of green tea a day, have been linked to greater reduction in body fat and body weight, "says Schapiro.

Keep that unclearTo harvest all the best advantages.


Stay active, even for only 10 minutes.

at home workout

Only 10 minutes of exercise every dayhas been bound Improve weight loss and successful weight maintenance.

"Whether you are for a walk, practice your yoga or take a spin class, any form of daily motion allows your body to" burn "the calories you eat, resulting in weight loss," says Schapiro. Take the Time to move your body can put you in a healthy food mentality and keep the stress weak, too. So the time to move!


Keep a food log.

Woman writing in food journal with egg toast carrots coffee on table

Keep a magazinecan keep you responsible and allow better monitoring of progress.

"It can also make you aware of habits, where people who take their food, are more likely to succeed with weight loss," says Schapiro.

While writing in a food log could seem overwhelming, we must not be. All you have to do is write day and context periods for what you eat, how you exercise and how you feel. Right to the point!


Eat enough protein.

salmon kale dinner

Protein is filling and satisfying, and he can reopen your metabolism. So you will want to make sure that you eat enough if you try to lose a good way.

"Consume at least 25% of your total daily protein caloriecan reduce obsessive thoughts on the food, more cut onSnacking at the end of the evening, Schapiro said. Go for meat meats,Greek yogurt,cottage cheese,lawyerand nuts and seeds, as well as fatty fish, likeSalmon.

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