6 useful breakfasts that are tasty for oatmeal

It is a pleasant and good morning is a guarantee of a successful and productive day. This is the period when in a very limited time you need to make a thousand and one trifle, but nothing to forget. And so that your morning was truly good, it's very important in this ring to find a few minutes for yourself. And the breakfast can give you this time. Converting it into a daily, compulsory and delicious ritual, you will definitely become a happier man.

It is a pleasant and good morning is a guarantee of a successful and productive day. This is the period when in a very limited time you need to make a thousand and one trifle, but nothing to forget. And so that your morning was truly good, it's very important in this ring to find a few minutes for yourself. And the breakfast can give you this time. Converting it into a daily, compulsory and delicious ritual, you will definitely become a happier man. You can enable your favorite radio, view a series of old-good "friends", or just enjoy a panorama from your window. But we will not forget that the main thing in this ritual is food. It should be easy and nutritious to provide you with energy for an active day. It is worth noting that some people are ignoring breakfasts. However, this is a very false habit. After all, the lack of food in the morning slows down the metabolism. It is also worth understanding that the body will still require their own, and all you have not eaten in the morning, reach the evening. It will overload the digestive system that will have to work at night instead of rest. So there is an overweight and unwanted centimeters on the waist. Therefore, in no case, you should not sacrifice breakfast. It is better to make them delicious and diverse to wait for this morning ritual with pleasure. Here are some simple recipes:

1. Avocado with an egg

Lightweight and beautiful breakfast. You need 1 avocado and 2 eggs. When choosing an avocado weigh that it was ripe. Since it is difficult to remove an ankle with an outstanding avocado. So, as you guessed, cut the fruit in half, remove the ankle and a little bit of pulp. In each of the halves break the egg, sink and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers. You can also add grated solid cheese, if desired. The oven is warmed up to 200 degrees Celsius, bake avocado 15 minutes.

2. Shakhaca

According to this interesting name there is a traditional morning dish of Israeli cuisine. It takes 2 tomatoes, half of Bulgarian pepper, half a small zucchini, 3 eggs, spices "Zira" (are in supermarkets and in store-stores with eastern spices). Slip tomatoes with large cubes, all the rest are smaller. Vegetables mix, solo, add a small "zira" and a spoon of olive oil. Bugs also squeeze garlic tooth there. The mixture is fried to softness 5-7 minutes. Then in a mixture in a frying pan we shape 3 turns and break there for 1 egg. They are console and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers. Everything is covered with a lid and stew 5 minutes, or depending on which egg willingness you love. Traditionally, after adding eggs, a mixture of vegetables is also watered with a classic yogurt and so thicken - it gives the dairy sourness. However, this culinary reception will not be all to taste.

3. Baked Pears

Now it's a season for this delicious, sweet and beneficial breakfast. You need: two large and ripe pears, ground cinnamon, honey, ¼ glasses of crushed Greek nuts. Pears cut in half and remove the middle, put on parchment for baking. Press the entire surface of the pears of cinnamon, in the field of bulk nuts, burning from the top honey. The oven is warmed up to 180 degrees Celsius, bake pears about 30 minutes. and let cool.

4. Yaze with tomatoes

A very simple dish, which you can add a bit of creativity. Requires: 1 large tomato, slice of Bulgarian pepper, 2 eggs. Tomato cut in half, put the peel on a warmed frying pan with oil, compiled, pepper, to roast on a small fire. While tomatoes are fried, kill two eggs, add greens. Turn the tomatoes of the pulp downwards, fill the frying pan with eggs, in the bottom lay a slice of Bulgarian pepper, forming a smiley (halves of tomatoes instead of the eyes). Cover the lid, fry on a small fire until ready.

5. CV with fruit

Useful, elementary, nutritiously and quickly! You need: кворг, honey, seasonal fruits. Differ to the telephone with honey, and add peeled and cut fruits. Now the season is the most delicious to melon and pear. In winter - with banana and kiwi. There is also a "salty" version of this dish: Covide is drawn with olive oil and a mixture of Provence herbs, salt, add crushed tomatoes.

6. Enchilade with ham and cheese

A traditional Mexican dish that is perfectly suited to the morning menu. Required: 4 pcs. Tortiles (you can buy freely in supermarkets), 100 gr. Hams, 1 large Bulgarian pepper, 3 eggs, 60 gr. Cheese "Mozzarella". Shink and pepper cut as smaller cubes as possible, sinks on a large grass, eggs kill and salven. Pancakes of tortilla sprinkle part of cheese, floor laying out of ham and pepper, wrap rollers. Put them in a baking shape greased by oil, fill eggs, squeeze cheese that stood and a mixture of peppers. The oven is warmed up to 180 degrees Celsius, bake 10-12 minutes. Tasty Breakfast and Cheerful Marks!

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