Never forget to do this before boarding a flight, experts warn

It's a way to make sure you find yourself at your destination on time.

Some things will always be part of the pre-flight control controls, as ensuringpack and coordination of plans to go to the airport on time. But even if you are an organized travel planner, some tasks may not be as apparent as others until it's too late - and can even end up affecting your travel plans. Before the embarkation process begins on your next flight, experts warn that there is an essential step that you need to take to make sure you take off without hitch. Read it to see what you should always do before getting into an airplane.

RELATED:Never forget to do this after boarding, the edge agent warns.

Always select your seat assignment before your flight starts boarding.

A part of traveling like a pro is to be in the best position to avoid any hiccup on the way - especially at the same time whenCancellations and changes in planning Can plan a real challenge. And while buying a plane ticket could feel the last step towards the Jetting, you are in a much better position to return it to your destination if you canChoose your seat assignment Before your flight starts boarding.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

For some airlines, the purchase of a core saving ticket means that you will not be able to select where you are sitting up to 24 to 48 hours before your plane leaves. And even if you will probably be assigned a seat when you register and you catch your ticket, you wait until you arrive at the airport can be a mistake in case there may not be enough seats Once you have arrived there.

"People with unassigned seats tend to be the first removed from aircraft when flights are overflowing"Terry Suero, Travel Specialist and Board Member of the Travel Planning AgencySafe travel wayssaidReader's Digest.

Consider budgeting to get a ticket with a selection of seats or talk with a door agent as soon as you arrive.

A man handing a boarding pass or plane ticket to a gate agent at the airport

Of course, it is not possible to always reserve a flight with a guaranteed assignment. Carriers like Southwest airlines celebrate their aircraft by zone and offer open seats, while airlines in budget, such as the spirit, JetBlue and Frontier charges a premium to find out where you are going to buckle For your trip.

But if you absolutely know that you will absolutely not manage a long flight stuck in a dreaded average seat, the experts recommend budgeting in your aircraft expenses to guarantee you that you would have placed exactly where you want you to want before the general assignments. This can be especially true if you fly or exit a busy or popular destination or traveling duringpeak hours or public holidaysLifehacker reports. And although most airlines do not have a policy of allowing the basic economy of passengers to choose their seats by phone in advance, it never hurts to go to your door and to Talking with a person in person to change your seat before boarding does not start.

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Download the application of your airline before returning to recording as soon as possible and choose your seat.

Happy traveller: a woman packing her clothes into a suitcase, getting ready for a trip.

One of the easiest ways to stay abreast of the picking of your seat is in the form of a quick and easy thrust notification sent directly to your phone. By downloading the dedicated smartphone application from your airline as soon as you buy your tickets, an alert will allow you to know when it's time to record and get the first dibs on all seat selections that can be opened. You can also use it to download your ticket and avoid long lines at the airport, confirm the status of your flight and keep an eye on all the openings of the valuable window or real-time alley seats.

Do not take the first offer of the airline if you are on a flying flight.

Group of people at departure gate

If you doFind yourself on a flying flight Without headquarters to call yours, you can always be in an excellent position to get out of the situation with greatly fenced travel vouchers in your pocket. Just make sure to avoid being lying by negotiating with the airline in the right way. "Being impatient and getting up early, it's a good thing, but taking the first offer they give you is a bad thing,"Willis Orlando, Specialist in Senior Product Operations on Intel Intel PlatformCheap flights from Scott, already saidBetter life.

Instead of accepting the first offer of the airline, you can try to approach the podium early and say, "Hey, I will be struck, but I want to have the same compensation as the last person who makes volunteers," suggests Orlando. "Airlines tend to increase compensation because the pressure becomes higher and tries to get these last people flying."

Note that by the U.s. Ministry of Transport , "There is no limit to the amount of money or vouchers that the airline can offer and passengers are free to negotiate with the airline."

RELATED: If you have offered this on a plane, simply say no, the edge agents warn .

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